Sunday, May 22, 2011

danny villa oprah winfrey network

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  • wmk461
    Jan 30, 05:14 PM
    The biggest difference I see between gold and stocks is that one is based on negative gloom/doom thinking, and the other is based on positive/growth thinking. I have little to no interest in investing in gloom/doom, and history is the reason why. Periods of negative thinking tend to be short-lived.

    You are right about this, but we have also never lived in a generation of such drastic debt and our markets are not sustainable at this level of debt and the interest which is owed on it... So I do not see it as doom and gloom but prefer to see the realism behind it. We are really in uncharted territories in modern time but in comparison to the Roman Empire we are over extended just like they were. Our military occupies over 200 countries, we are fighting in two wars with the possibility of a third and it all will cost us trillions. The reality of it is that other countries are not putting themselves at economic risk for the safety of the world like we are. In then end it is the American people who are being effected by this.

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  • AvSRoCkCO1067
    Jul 24, 04:26 PM
    Engadget has a pic of it on their website:

    Looks exactly the same as the present one - with no wire, of course.

    I wonder if anything else has changed (i.e. if they improved the right-click recognition or the scroll ball problems)...:confused:

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  • ucfgrad93
    Mar 7, 04:38 PM
    This should have happened. They made the right decision. Sheen needs serious help, not coddling.

    You'll get no argument from me.

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  • NickZac
    Jan 2, 07:24 AM
    One thing I'm surprised we haven't gone into is the fact that there are starving kids in Africa, and this gluttonous woman is unnecessary gorging food that could really be going to someone else who needs it more. It isn't as if she needs 30k calories to survive.

    Whether she eats 300 or 300,000 calories will have no affect on that. Current food production is more than enough to meet world needs, but for numerous reasons, produced food is often used for applications other than human consumption.


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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 12, 11:11 AM

    That doesn't say anything remotely similar to "envisioned by apple." either. In fact, from your own article, try this link :

    Let's not give a bigger role to Apple than the one they played.

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  • network23
    Jul 11, 02:25 PM
    This is scary. While I have no doubts Apple's ability to "get it" will make Microsoft's offering pale by comparison, Microsoft might be able to more than make up for it through marketing and their dominant position in the computer and home gaming market. Then, as in the past, their monopolistic practices will slowly edge out Apple.

    And I guarantee you that Microsoft will be much more willing to "play ball" with the movie studios to get the best/preferred deals in offering downloadable movies.


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  • R.Perez
    Apr 27, 06:54 PM
    I, on the other hand, do have a daughter. And if I saw someone who was obviously transgendered (as opposed to 'obviously pedophile cross-dresser',) I would have no problem with them entering the ladies room at the same time as my daughter.

    We don't have the complete story behind the video, just as we didn't have the complete story behind the Rodney King beating video up front; but on the face of it, this is a group of young women beating a transgendered person until she has a seizure. All the while, being egged on by the employees of the store.

    Now, if the 'transgendered person' was really just a creepy crossdresser, someone who does not regularly self-identify as female, and exposed himself to the young women, then I would not have a problem with the young women defending themselves. But once it was out in the open part of the restaurant, with the 'offender' on the ground, that person is no longer a threat. And once they leave, any return to fight is purely wrong.

    At best, the attackers had a legitimate complaint, and took it waaaaay too far. At worst, they committed felony assault as a hate crime.

    Why are you equating "cross-dresser" and "pedophile"?

    Also you do realize that gender roles and gender distinctions are purely socially constructed concepts that hold no real barring on reality.

    Calling someone "creeeeepy" because they do not fit into your preconceived notion of gender is kind of ****ed up no?

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  • jctevere
    Apr 28, 08:44 PM
    I just returned my black iPhone 4 32GB and exhanged it for a white 32GB. (thank god for the 30 day return policy). I also upgraded another 3GS to a 16GB iPhone 4.

    Both the 16GB and 32GB are the same dimensions. But what I don't recall on the black iPhone 4 I had for 25 days that I immediately noticed on both of my white iPhone 4's is a small raised "lip" or ridge that goes completely around the front face of the iPhone. I don't have a black iPhone 4 anymore on hand to scrutinize this with, but I will comment on it tomorrow when I do.

    But I think that this definitely accounts for this minimal difference. This ridge or lip raises the iPhone's glass off of a surface if it is placed face side down - presumably to prevent scratches. This lip is small enough to barely decipher any difference from a black iPhone 4, but enough that I noticed it within 5 minutes of using the phone.

    Either way, my white iPhone 4 still fits in the credit card case I bought for my black iPhone 4, but it is a bit more "snug" and appears to not have as much protection or clearance as I had with the black iPhone 4... But the difference really is minimal, not something to make a big "stink" over.


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  • StopSign24
    Jan 26, 06:02 PM
    Books for school, I have 2 more on the way.

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  • SciFrog
    Nov 27, 06:29 AM
    We need these bigadv, ClubLexus has raised their production to match ours...

    For GPU, it is faster on nvidia...


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  • realitymonkey
    Apr 15, 03:29 PM
    And dropbox now works without the plist hack

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  • br0adband
    Nov 4, 10:43 PM
    Hmmm, and I thought it was down to me running it on a MacBook ( 2Ghz,2GB ). For the money I paid for it, it's a useful ( but not great ) product. However, I've found the support to be abysmal, and that's as important to me, as how it runs.

    I've only had a quick scan of this thread, but does anyone with a C2D based machine have it running? Any problems? ( thinking of Parallels C2D debacle, here ).

    I have a 20" iMac Core 2 Duo with 2GB and the stock 250GB hard drive. I'm running Parallels 24/7 with XP on a second 20" LCD monitor - OSX on the left on the iMac itself, XP on the right with the second LCD dedicated to running XP fullscreen.

    I've rebooted twice in 3 weeks just because some software on the OSX side required a reboot.

    To be honest, I've had more application crashes and restarts on OSX than I have under XP/Windows in the past 3 years. So much for "crash resistant" - and yes, I've had 4 kernel panics since I got this iMac home; that's more than the number of BSODs I've had under XP in 4 years.

    So, in the next day or so I'll be doing the following test batch and making a thread here for the results:

    - I'll be installing Parallels build 1970 clean
    - I'll be installing the current beta build of VMWare Fusion clean
    - I'll be installing XP SP2 *only* in default VMs under each of those two applications
    - I will not be updating the SP2 at all, in fact neither VM will have Internet access to keep that aspect out of the testing
    - I will install Windows Media Player 10 and Windows Media Encoder 9 as supplied by Microsoft for testing (see the next step)
    - I will be installing PCMark05 from Futuremark into each VM for comprehensive testing under both applications (WMP10 and WME9 are required components of PCMark05, hence me installing them in the prior step)

    I will then run the default benchmark in PCMark05 with the following stipulations:


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  • rw3
    May 2, 12:15 PM
    Apple Store employees know ZERO about future product releases except for what they read on MacRumors and the like on the internet. They are given no prior knowledge to a new product release.

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  • hob
    Oct 23, 08:17 AM
    oh great. so those mac users who are possibly interested in actually getting a legitimate version now have to pay a lot...

    ...kinda puts one of getting a legitimate version...


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  • maflynn
    Sep 17, 06:45 AM
    Here's my latest acquisition to the flynn family. I got it from a member here at MR in the Marketplace.

    I needed a portable computer to supplement my desktop, for when I travel (which is infrequent). This is why I opted for a netbook, I needed the ability to connect to my companies network and access programs/computers/servers (something an iPad cannot do) and also hold my photos when I do travel.

    The used mini fit that bill, its a hackintosh, so I still get to use OSX, its cheap, small and functional.

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  • steadysignal
    Apr 14, 08:32 AM
    It's the mythical xMac! :p

    can i has one?



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  • appleguy123
    Apr 22, 06:44 PM
    Who thumbed down every post on this page?
    Except one from aggie...

    The posts start at 0, not one.
    Did you thumb them back up, or were you under a misconception?

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  • inkswamp
    Jul 21, 12:06 PM
    Don't mean to be a wet blanket, but I didn't care about Apple's market share when it was slipping in the 90s and I don't care about it now that it's climbing. I didn't buy my Mac to be popular and I don't particularly care that lots of people are (or are not) using them. It's just an irrelevant metric to me.

    Apple produces very high quality machines and that's always going to ding them (ironically) in terms of market share as people will buy new machines less often and because loads of people aren't picking up bargain Macs at Wal-Mart. I know lots of Windows users and they buy new PCs on average every two years. I buy a new Mac on average every 5 years and most Mac users I know do the same. Market share is just meaningless, even when it's positive news.

    Besides, Apple deals in the kind of quality that will keep it around for many, many years, regardless of which way its market share is going and that's all that I care about.

    I can say that I predicted Apple would release software to dual boot an Intel Mac but without proof who would believe me?

    Only if you were John C. Dvorak. :D ;)

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  • opinioncircle
    Nov 1, 11:17 AM
    I am a huge fan of my uMBP but decided that the Apple TV just doesn't do it for me, and is too limited to fit my wishes.

    Here is my wish list:

    And to change from my dying 3GS iPhone, this guy:

    I have had my iPhone for the past 10 months and still can't get used to the touchscreen.

    Apr 22, 10:49 PM
    Germany is a painful place to defend a patent suit.

    They may have better luck there.

    The U.S. is still pro MS and pro PC. I heard the people in Europe love Macs.

    Ever see the movie "The Lady with the Dragon Tattoo"?

    I hope the judges are Mac users!

    Apr 23, 11:18 PM

    Does this also mean that T-Mobile users are stuck with only the white one? :eek:

    I say get one with the lower pricing before the AT&T deal goes through - so AT&T has to honor your 2 year T-Mobile contract.

    I have a nicely priced old voice plan and would like to add the $10/month 250MB data plan... ;)

    BTW - is this just an unlocked iPhone 4 that someone put on T-Mobile and is passing around this rumor? :D

    If you are referring to the 200mb for $10/month for T-mobile. It only works for recent voice places, not grandfathered. I already tried several times. It's retarded :/

    Sep 30, 12:18 AM
    The dropped calls are the dealbreaker. I love my iPhone but it just doesn't perform at anything approaching an acceptable level.

    Missed calls. Dropped calls. Missing voicemails. 3 day late voicemails. There are consequences these days of having a communication device that behaves randomly. You trust it when you shouldn't and it costs you business and makes you look unreliable.

    Most of this is ATT's fault, but frankly the phone has attributes that are Apple's fault, like the volume level. In any case it has to be a good phone first and it is not. The network is the phone, and the network sucks.

    Hope I get enough on Ebay to buy an iPod touch.

    Nov 7, 01:28 PM
    Parallels sucks but until now its been the only REAL game in town. Boo hoo I'm not paying for an app that IMHO is half baked to begin with. :rolleyes: At least I'm not outright going in search of a seral number and pirating the thing. Again its a tide me over until VM gets their butt in gear and releases this thing.

    Ahh ok - so if I dont like something then I dont have to pay for it? $80 for an app that, by your own admission, you are using all day every day doesnt sound a lot whether you like the app or not.

    Apr 26, 12:07 PM
    Amazon charges its cloud service too. Why should Apple give anything away for free? :rolleyes:

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