Monday, May 30, 2011

japanese tattoo

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  • kcmac
    Mar 28, 05:49 PM
    What happens if you never open the Mac App Store?

    Let me guess�uh sorry. Too difficult.

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  • snakelda
    Apr 4, 01:13 PM
    oh, and if the internet provider is giving you the run-around.

    go here, type in the IP address and it'll tell you exactly where the server is that they are connected to. It gives you the IP latitude and IP longitutde.

    tell them that it is being connected at this server location and they'll be able to location exactly which hub it's being connected at and .. yea. trace the burgulars home down..

    its says I'm from Phoenix but I"m not from there.....or is that where my ISP is from?

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  • DakotaGuy
    Jan 15, 05:59 PM
    The Apple TV received a nice update and I am excited to see how movie rental will work out for them. It is also nice to see they are offering HD movies. I am not going to debate 720p versus 1080p because enough people are debating that, but considering bandwidth limitations it is nice to see HD being offered and 720p looks pretty darn good.

    I suppose the Time Capsule will be good for some people. It is not something I need, but it is a good idea for those who need it. I think the Airport Express is long overdue for an update, but I guess it still does what it is suppose to do.

    The rest was not very exciting. I am going to disagree with a few people on these message boards, but I don't think the MacBook Air is going to be a good seller. I think once people get past the, "wow it's thin" factor they will continue to purchase MacBooks which are a much better value.

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  • Stridder44
    Apr 29, 01:33 PM
    Can't wait. Hopefully we'll officially get to see more stuff than what's been previewed so far.


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  • someguy
    Jul 24, 09:51 AM
    And there actually are people who don't know who made the iPod! :confused:
    My mother, a month ago:

    Her: A guy I was talking to has an iPod for sale, he only wants 100 bucks for it.
    Me: What is it? A regular iPod or a nano, and what size?
    Her: It's an Apple one, so it's got to be the better kind, whichever that is.
    Me: That's iPod, but there are different iPods available.
    Her: Well, whichever one Apple makes is the one he's selling.

    Eventually, I was able to show her that iPod is made by Apple. There are no Sony iPods, Creative iPods, etc. iPod does not simply mean MP3 player. I guess that's one of the downfalls of Apple's success with the iPod is that the term eventually becomes synonymous with MP3 players in general.

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  • budugu
    Oct 3, 04:00 PM
    I am just interested in a black Macbook pro with the new Core 2 Duo w/800 FSB ... in either 15" or 17" ... if they can come up with a better video ipod may be.


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  • Bubba Satori
    Mar 28, 03:50 PM
    What exactly is a 'hater'? Someone that disagrees with the company line? Someone with a dissenting opinion?

    Yes, it's the new iToy double think paradigm.
    Think Different has been replaced by Don't Think At All, Hater. :rolleyes:
    Sad, what long term koolaid abuse does to the gray cells.
    What's hilarious is the preemptive timing of the hating predictions.
    Poor, feeble minded bois must be constantly trembling in fear.
    Not even Pavlov's dog drooled before the bell rung.
    Scary iZombies are scary.

    "Don't think haters. Agree with glorious leader."

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  • darkplanets
    Apr 24, 03:08 PM
    If it does have APPX and a previewer like OSX, I'm interested.

    There's always been a few features missing from Windows that dissuade me from using it-- their FS and program structure is one, as well as the non-native support of disk images.

    To everyone preaching about copying and stealing ideas... who cares? The only thing that these rumored changes would do is bring Windows right next to OSX in terms of likability (IMO, of course ;))

    W8 will probably be BIOS/EFI -- I don't see MS dropping BIOS in one OS revision.

    cmd is not something a majority of people need but any higher level IT/programing it is a very good tool that should not go away.
    I'm not an IT guy, but terminal is one of the selling points of OSX. I love being able to pop in there and SSH or change whatever I need for my purposes.


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  • aafuss1
    Nov 16, 07:35 PM
    Yes Dad. :D

    Ladies and Gentlemen of Macrumours, this is from Digitimes, they still owe me a G5 iBook from 2005.

    Digitimes = wrong, always wrong.

    I agree DigiTimes is very inaccurate with Apple rumors, but probably not the same for other companies-eg. Sony or Samsung.

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  • m-dogg
    Nov 24, 09:01 AM
    I buy my annual .mac subscription today when it's on sale. Doesn't actually renew until January...


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  • Rogue.
    Apr 25, 12:32 PM
    Obviously a fake, the keyboard keys are square on mac keyboards. This photo has been stretched.

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  • bruinsrme
    Oct 6, 12:07 PM
    The iPhone to Verizon won't happen, especially with the announcement today that Verizon is teaming up with Google and their Android phone. I at first thought the commercial was just a leverage ploy on Verizons part, working on Apple and their negotiations. Now I think it's just the first shot over the bow.

    Time to look at unlocking and bailing to T-Mo again and get out of this crap-shoot called AT$T.

    i have been waiting for that announcement.
    The iphone is great but the jailbreaking thing and the efforts made by apple to prevent jailbreaking is wearing.

    It will be interesting to see if the jailbreaking community starts to move over to a more open platform (if its more open of course)


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  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 12:30 AM
    The TV Shows section started out with 5 shows (zero here) and now look at it, there are hundreds of TV Shows for download on iTunes (zero here).

    It just takes a few to get it going and once some momentum is established it just keeps picking up speed.

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  • jelloshotsrule
    Sep 7, 11:51 PM
    i get the feeling a lot of people are going to jump on the bash kanye west bandwagon since he trashed george bush.

    the racism that is apparent in this thread is frightening though


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  • kdarling
    Mar 16, 12:33 PM
    Licensing out your OS to anyone that can slam together a box and unloading product via the likes of ZTE and cheap Asian outfits (i.e., the "other" category) is hardly impressive.

    Note that Google only counts activations of devices with Google services. They're not counting all the "cheap Asian" Android devices from companies that haven't licensed those pieces from Google.

    As for ZTE, they have some of the most popular phones in Europe right now, because they're both usable and affordable.

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  • maxdet
    Aug 12, 04:06 PM
    The official reason for the price drop was to meet dell prices or get close to them. To what extent could Apple have dropped their display prices to come back a little later with a new model with new features (built-in iSight, better specs or any new crazy thing like an integrated coffee machine) that would justify more expencive models.

    I know it sounds crazy but it came to my mind and seemed quite possible after all.

    your opinion?


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  • Surely
    Apr 5, 05:36 PM
    Wait....does the app have ads?

    Someone let me know if there's a paid ad-free version........

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  • maflynn
    Apr 19, 06:58 AM
    Heh, I've seen that video it's classic. However, if you were to say fair-is-fair, MS publicly announced their road map for what became Vista before XP even came out. Apple KNEW what MS was working on. No body knew what Apple was working on.

    The problem was that all that MS publicly announced for "Longhorn" never really made it into "vista" So while everyone knew what MS was working on, MS was unable to deliver.

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  • xAnthony
    Mar 19, 03:34 AM
    So again, it's a freaking phone... It's not a status symbol.

    True.. But studies have shown that iPhone owners have more intercourse (decided to use the proper term) than Android phone owners. So I could see it resembling a status symbol.

    May 3, 10:14 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    Anyone know what's the app being used in the "to a CEO" part?

    Looks like Roambi??
    Second guess is MicroStrategy

    Apple definitely knows how to show off the coolest part of an app.

    May 3, 02:57 PM
    Absolute BS.

    Amazon Market may be the answer as I doubt they'd feel the need to buckle to carriers. Good thing that no one is taking my portable hotspot feature from my Nexus. :D

    Edit: To clarify, the "BS" from my opinion comes from carriers ability to restrict applications on a third party Market (Android Market).

    May 1, 06:22 PM
    Interesting...there are 3 files called "MobileTestIPhone.html", "MobileTestIPhoneRetina.html", and MobileTestIPad.html with accompanying Javascript and CSS files in Safari's Resources folder:

    Typing an address into the address field doesn't do anything but perhaps something is forthcoming.

    The "missing plug-in" is "application/x-mobile-test"

    In when Steve introduced the iPhone, he told us how "web applications" were going to be the future for the device. This is probably just a way to test those web applications you can write for iOS devices (the capability is still there, just not used very much in favor of native applications).

    Mar 28, 02:51 PM
    What did you think they would do, rummage through all the non-app store apps on the Mac platform? Lol, some people are ridiculous.

    Are you new to the design awards? They have existed for years without the App Store. It used to to be that you would submit your app to Apple prior to WWDC. Why would an App Store be required?

    Oct 25, 05:07 PM
    Obviously, you can understand the confusion.

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