Sunday, May 22, 2011

selena gomez hair short and straight

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  • kirk26
    Apr 14, 02:30 PM
    Lies, someone always says this with every update. The animations are still often laggy.

    Wow, just wow man. Not everyone has the same issues.

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  • Apple OC
    May 1, 10:54 PM
    I suggest reading up on what Al-Qaeda has become since the war on terror started. I'm trying to track down my terrorist textbook to source for you in the mean time.

    you do that :rolleyes: ... your textbook on terrorism now needs to be updated with Osama dead

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  • cloud 9
    Dec 3, 10:12 AM
    This is the summary from that page...

    I looked over his code analysis and I agree with his conclusion about it not being possible to corrupt memory (hence not possible to inject code). So it is at worst a denial of service type attack.

    merci beaucoup for you explanation and gnasher you too :)

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  • roland.g
    Sep 30, 12:07 AM
    I took my 3G in to an Apple Store after extensive phone-based troubleshooting with Applecare techs and AT&T techs complaining of dropped calls. They ran a diagnostic that showed I had a 44% dropped call rate and gave me a replacement phone. Unfortunately AT&T also spent the summer robusting their network, so I continued to have problems though to a lesser degree. Over the last few weeks since they completed their network upgrades, I have seen my dropped call rate decrease significantly. Not necessarily happy with AT&T, their network, and the problems/service to date, but if the upgraded network proves over time that it is less prone to signal and dropped call issues, then I will be happier at least.

    BTW, Denver, CO.


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  • dsnort
    Aug 2, 07:28 AM
    No it is not and I dare you to prove me wrong!

    :confused: :confused: :confused: How old are you?

    The majority of the creative class uses pcs period. Software titles like Autocad, 3d Studio Max, Rhino etc. don’t even exist for the mac.

    Not sure about 3d Studio or Rhino, but pretty sure Autocad is for engineers, not traditionally considered creative because engineering is bound by rules and laws of materials and physics, ( although some can be very original).

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  • renewed
    Mar 3, 02:19 PM
    He is living his life. I agree with a lot of his "quotes". AA is crap, people are trolling him and he may just be a rockstar from Mars (Lil Wayne is an alien after all). He seems to love his kids and his women do too. What's worse? Someone with an alternative lifestyle that takes care of their kids or someone with a "great lifestyle" that beats them on the side. They look healthy to me.

    People are pissed because he stood up and talked out about Chuck and many people (union members, yuck) are out of jobs for now. If they were still getting paid they wouldn't be whining. Also it shows how powerful he is if a whole production is shut down without him. Should he go on for others? I don't think so. He doesn't agree with it and won't do it.

    I say go epic on the world Mr. Sheen.


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  • Old Muley
    Mar 31, 01:43 PM
    I don't really care what it looks like; just come up with a clean way of syncing iCal (home) with Outlook (work) without having to go through Google. It's a huge pain having to maintain two separate calendars!

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  • thecharlesmoore
    Apr 27, 08:05 AM
    Oh well. I'm not gonna be Apple's annual bitch again.


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  • SolRayz
    Apr 22, 12:23 PM
    Woohoo!!! There will be nothing better than the iPhone 4G LTE on a data capped plan. Boy I can't wait!!!

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  • skunk
    Jan 30, 05:53 PM
    I use iWeb:


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  • nick004
    Oct 24, 07:42 AM
    anyone got benchmarks??? :)

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  • ezekielrage_99
    Jul 30, 07:55 AM
    MS Natural Keyboard is also good.

    Apple mouse is beautiful and using one is not very stressful for your hand. Scroll ball in the Mighty Mouse is the best I've used and there's no comparison.

    The only bad Apple mice were the hockey pucks.

    Yeah the MS Natural Keyboard is good, but sorry the Mighty Mouse just plain is a mighty sucky product. The ergonomics sucks, the scroller thingy gets dirty and hardly work and ithe Mighty Mouse is by far too expensive compared with other better products on the market.


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  • Digitalclips
    Apr 29, 02:59 PM

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  • shawnce
    Jul 21, 12:25 PM
    schiller also said � i think the day before boot camp was announced � that apple wouldn't prevent users from putting windows on the intel macs, but they wouldn't facilitate it either.

    Why do folks keep misquoting Schiller?

    He said basically that Apple will not sell or support Windows but that they will not prevent users from installing and running Windows on MacIntels. Nothing in what Schiller stated had anything to do with Apple facilitating (or not) the use of Windows.


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  • princealfie
    Oct 23, 03:01 PM
    It's not about that, it's about having a "legit" installation. Especially for commercial environments, this means that Vista will only run in legit terms if you buy the Premium versions...

    Yes, but need we be to bite into the secret M$ conspiracy then?

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  • savar
    Oct 23, 08:58 AM
    Why would they make such a stupid move? I can tell you this much, they have just lost my support as a vendor! How do they expect me to to sell a $300 copy of windows to a home user just so he can use Microsoft's O/S on his Mac? Oh well I'm sure they know what they are doing or do they?!?!?


    So this is true?? I suppose this isn't any different than Apple saying that you can't run Mac OS X on non-Apple hardware, is it?


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  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 13, 07:10 PM
    Why won't this rumor die?! Seriously. It makes MUCH more sense to make a set top box that is compatible with any tv, and thus have wider appeal and adoption than to make a TV that has to compete with every other TV manufacturer out there. This is not Apple's game. Their game it to look at a market that is not currently being exploited to its full extent, figure out what people may want, then come in and redefine that niche. Worked with the iPod, iPhone, and iPad. There were predecessor in each of these markets but Apple came in and completely dominated it because they redefined it and tied it into a (relatively) easy to use ecosystem. Ok, it a really easy to use ecosystem, just slow and bloated. :D

    The rumor won't die, because Apple has a history to arrive late at a party, but leaving with the best looking girl (Read that someplace:-)

    If that happens here with TV's that have to be a more mature Lady. LOL!

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  • cult hero
    Apr 24, 02:49 AM
    What product will the T-Mobile chic bash now??? :rolleyes:

    The same one: AT&T's network. The phones never really mock the phone so much as they mock the slow network.

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  • arn
    Aug 15, 04:12 PM
    I agree - I'm not a huge fan of the pie that's used in iWeb. Definitely prefer the blue filling up the URL bar...:(

    Apparently, the blue pie thing is an option. the blue url bar is still default.


    Apr 20, 10:57 AM
    Lol ok buddy. Hope your not waiting for there to be a backlit keyboard in the air because I doubt there will be. Apple took it out of the MBA for a reason not for the heck of it

    lol, hope not so. Here are some other reasons: a 2 kg mbp 13 is a little bit too heavy for me as i need to travel around with a notebook to process my photos. 2 years ago i sold my t61 and replaced it with a x61 because t61 is too heavy and the cdrom is really useless to me. so when i got that the 2011 new mbp is equipped with a superdrive, i was really disappointed.

    Apr 12, 02:54 AM (

    Today's shot is a castle made out of stuff a friend of mine found on the beach.

    May 2, 12:58 AM
    From a moral standpoint, I can't be happy that he is dead. No one deserves to die. He should have spend the rest of his life in a prison cell, waking up every day to the realization that he failed.

    However, I'll grant you that if someone was a ****** member of society, it's that douche.

    EDIT: Also, HAH! The Democrats got him!

    Chase R
    Nov 8, 07:31 PM
    Hello broken bones and doctor bills:D

    Life's no fun if you're not taking risks!... (words from an adrenaline junky :D)

    Apr 28, 09:45 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Not often that the 'best' also means the best-selling.

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