Friday, June 10, 2011

drum tattoo

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  • Edinburgh tattoo 2009 Top.

  • trueguy
    08-04 06:12 PM
    Nopes. No refund.

    After a month or so when they pick your EAD/AP applications, they will send you a denial notice for EAD/AP bcoz you don't have a pending I-485 at that time.

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  • India_USA
    01-31 09:18 AM
    By jumping ahead with high-skilled immigrants of course! =D

    Great press release IV, great to see IV getting out there. Now it's time to knock on some doors in our local districts.

    Couldn't agree more!

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  • Tattoo You

  • rajeshbillabong
    09-24 11:55 AM
    All they said was that you do not have enough ties in India and you will work there.
    It sounds very lame to me.

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  • tattoo at half the price

  • Widget
    06-05 11:33 AM
    Take my word, your case will be approved soon. I had the same wording when my I-140 application was transferred fro CSC to TSC and I received the approval notice in one month. Relax.

    My I-140 case status (NSE) used to say 150-180 days, now no more time line words in the status. Just they say they will notify you when decision is made, I thought that was because I 140 premium is coming soon, they changed the wording.


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  • sreeanne
    02-08 05:56 PM
    calboy78, thanks for your reply. i will go for PIO card and update his information in nearest police station after 180 days.

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  • cbpds
    08-20 02:04 PM
    dont go and get caught in swine flu

    I'm planning to travel to India next month. My passport expires in December 09 and my H1b stamp on the passport expires in July of 2010. Will there be any problem at the POE because of the short valid months left in the passport and H1B visa.



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  • getrdone
    02-23 06:23 PM
    Right. I am not going to resign in haste. But I am confident I can find my current salary in 2-3 months. Question is , should I go for it or accept the paycut and stick it out as long as I can?

    I used AC21, been Ok !!

    2010 Tattoo You drum tattoo. And now through drumming I
  • And now through drumming I

  • tnite
    07-19 09:53 AM
    If we submit tax returns with 485 AOS application then do CIS check those to see what exsumptions we have taken etc??? One of my friend by mistake took hope credits coupld yrs ago and is terrified that CIS may catch this if he sends the tax returns so he has been fighting with his attorney about not sending it!! both he and his wife are earning and no dependents. Any thoughts on the situation??

    I told him checking the tax returns is not CIS's function!! That is IRS.......he should relax. By the way, what happens if he approaches IRS saying it was an honest mistake and pays off the exsumption he took.

    If your friend filed as a resident then it doesnt matter . IRS lets tax payers who file as residents take deductions like hope credit, life time learning credit .


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  • ArkBird
    06-08 01:53 AM
    u got it all wrong there, there is goin to be an h1b increase, the business community wants it, they'll get it wether anyone likes it or not and with that will come all those durbin/ron hira amendments and all this will happen b4 the next h1b date so its a matter of time b4 it all happens again

    Could not agree more with you on that... Devil is gone. Now the Deep Sea!!!

    Love my(our) life.....

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  • rameshvaid
    04-08 03:41 PM
    PD: August 02 - India


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  • smangc
    06-10 12:58 PM
    SSbaruah, Yes the employer needs to give you return tickets to your home town.

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  • Cali2006
    07-07 09:59 PM
    My ad says MS + 1 yr of experience.

    Question 1: My 1 yr will be prior to my MS so can i use this experience ?

    If your position requires a MS + 1 year of experience, you must have had the MS + 1 year of experience when you started the job. If you obtained your MS after you started the job this criteria would not be valid.


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  • Top Secret drum corps.

  • bharmohan
    08-15 10:20 PM
    On Aug 13th got an automated email from USCIS that they received information from DOS on Aug 9th and the present status is "Post Decision Actvity". I think my case is moving. Anybody knows how long it took from now?. I appreciate your valuable answers.

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  • OSKAR from tattoo heaven did

  • swashbuckler
    06-17 08:23 PM
    Thanks to every one for considering my message and answering to the questions.

    Today I have received a mail from our Immigration team saying that they are going to file my GC petition next month (July-2010) for Employment-3rd category (EB-3). But I have 17 years of education (in India, 10+2+3+2) plus 11 years of progressive experience. Am I not qualified for EB-2 category? When I asked the same to our Immigration team, they said, "You do not qualify for EB2 because you do not meet the minimum salary and educational requirements. USCIS does not accept a 3-year Bachelor + 2-year Master education combination to qualify for EB2". What does it mean? Please some one let me know what are the requirements to qualify for EB-2 category? Thank you again in advance.



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  • greenerpastures
    07-20 03:09 PM
    I have a few questions and much thanks for those who answer.

    1. I have had a H1-B in 2002, but I did not get a stamping. I quit my job and went back to school. I'm out of school now, do not have an OPT (second masters) and worried about the cap.
    I heard that people who have held H1-B's in the past do not come under the cap. Is this true?

    2. A company is interested in hiring me but only in the muiddle of August (they want to conduct a few more interviews). The cap would most likely be reached by then. Do I have any other options?

    Much worried.
    You are exempt from the H1B cap if you have/had H1B visa in 2002 for some time and have been staying in US legally till now. If you have been out of US for more than a year, then you are counted against the H1B cap. But, I assume you were on F1 during the past few years and never stayed out of US for more than a year. So, you should be eligible for 6 years H1B minus the time you were on H1 during 2002 (even though adv degree cap gets filled). I would suggest you to talk to an immigration attorney or the attorneys/HR of the company that you might be joining in August.
    Good luck

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  • atlfp
    04-11 03:52 PM
    I think I should apologize for being not careful about the tone. It was just an thought poping out of my head anyway. Also I want to clarify that I do understand and realize how much work IV has done. It's a tremendous amount of sacrifice that not everybody can or willing to afford. I believe most other visitors/members think the same way.


    Wonderful to hear from a contributing member and thanks for the warm words.

    IV has no interest in curbing free speech. All we ask is that new members go through forum posts and resource docs to see what IV has said on a given subject, and also realize that we have done our homework. How about asking us if we have considered an issue rather than telling us what to do (without much research) -- which is the tone that some new member posts take.

    As for not responding to theories -- well they just take on a life of their own if we don't respond. :) IV has no intention of letting its forums become a chaotic space with misinformation and assorted half-baked theories. :)



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  • freefly
    May 1st, 2005, 12:58 PM
    I think you already know the answer to this...don�t change a thing. They look very professional to me...PIN sharp, well composed and the speed is just right. By freezing the action, I think it gives the impression of an explosion of speed rather than enhancing the movement. Nice one!

    P.s. Perfect use of aperture to lose the background too!
    P.p.s.That has to be an "L" Lens?
    Nick ( (

    girlfriend OSKAR from tattoo heaven did drum tattoo. View topic - Bad Tattoos
  • View topic - Bad Tattoos

  • Jerrome
    05-21 01:48 PM
    Dude you are asking for advise on your own RFE but advising others on their RFEs. I dont get it.

    I know answer for his RFE and i don't know answer for my RFE? Is that a problem?

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  • amsgc
    05-29 08:13 PM
    The highlighted statement doesn't seem to be correct. You can have more than one employer file an H-1B petiton for you.
    Until the time you left your university employer, you were in status with the original H-1B (cap exempt).
    Now, you need to either get the job back at the university, or ask the consultant outfit (A) to employ you.

    Could you state the reason given my USCIS for denying the H-1B petition filed by consultant (B)?

    Also, I would refrain from using the word "transfer", as there is no such thing. It is always a new petition, with request to not count it in the yearly cap.

    Get a good attorney to solve this issue as practically speaking, you were out of status from period of 2006-2008 as your Company A's Approval overrided your university H1.

    USCIS is expecting that you submitted Company A's Approval for transfer instead of University's H1B Approval

    This is not a legal advise. Please get in touch with a immigration attorney.

    h1-b forever
    09-27 08:58 AM
    Did this campaign start?

    02-09 02:07 PM
    Are there any members from Huntsville, Alabama ?
    It would nice for a few us to meet here and discuss various immigration issues.

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