Thursday, June 2, 2011

love quotes on valentine

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  • Without Love – days are SadDay

  • Jako7286
    May 2, 04:04 PM
    thicker thinner, is it really worth front page news? let us have news of obama bin ladens death!

    Um... This is MacRumors. So... front page news = new news and... yes?

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  • valentine love quotes

  • Transporteur
    Apr 18, 12:29 PM
    I disagree. Europe has public transportation that is centuries ahead of the USA. Gas is $3.79 here in mid Missouri.

    "Ahead" in what terms? Sure, public transport is used considerably more in Europe than in the US. Reason? Gas prices (oh yes, and the fact that you can't get a parking space in the big cities just makes it more convenient).
    But is the actual infrastructure worse? From a european point of view, that is hard to believe.

    Check out this link for a comparison of transportation prices EU vs. US:

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  • Sad Love Quotes In Tamil.

  • jammyjc
    Jul 8, 04:54 AM
    No ours is actually right outside the front doors of the centre, so they can open independently.

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  • johnnyturbouk
    Apr 7, 10:44 PM
    i really thinking of selling my ipad.. i mean for 90% of the time my 17" MBP gets the job done.. and for quick e-mail checks or when im out the house, my iphone is invaluable, the ipad is a nice idea but i would not use it in the house, and pointless carrying that and my ip4 around


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  • talmy
    Mar 14, 10:53 AM
    Ah, right. In the developer site there is an implication that the server version would be separate. But I'm still expecting some sort of gimmick. With the Mac Store one could end up paying for each little feature as an option.

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  • love quotes for valentines day

  • Glideslope
    Apr 21, 07:39 PM
    4S. I like the name, and it makes sense to keep continuity with the previous naming scheme (3GS). I guess we'll see a true iPhone 5 next summer.

    I'm going to agree with you on this.

    3G --> 3Gs --> 4

    4--> 4s --> 5

    Same update path, but the timing altered by the CDMA production.

    4s in Sept iPhone 5 in June 2012 with LTE. :apple:


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  • Quotes For Valentine#39;s Day

  • redeye be
    Oct 3, 03:28 PM
    Hello all,

    It's been a while. Life has been quite busy here for me. A few weeks ago everything started falling back in to place again.
    After a few weeks of doing absolutely nothing but trying to decide (summer break @ edu job) i pointed the gun towards the church tower (it's a dutch saying : The bullet is through the church - decision has been made).
    Today i started my first day of school. Finally doing something I really like :). And after some tryouts with jobs i could do while studying i landed on a sweet spot at a retail shop (guess what i'm selling :D;)).

    Anyhow, school really will take up most of my time, so i will have to choose between a masters degree or a cool widget.
    I could stop reading MR... :rolleyes:

    The widget now works again.
    Download here ( or use the link in the first post.

    If you, or anybody you know would like to continue or redesign a folding widget, feel free to contact me. It's a great way of getting started with webdesign and javascript. I mentioned the possibility of making a Konfabulator version of the widget to EOC, they seemed to like it and, just maybe, if you play your cards right, there could be something in it for you.
    I'm throwing in the towel but am more than happy to donate all my work and conversations with EOC to somebody who is really interested in making this a very cool widget.

    Thx for your support while making this widget. You guys rock, all (well ok, not all but most ;))

    love quotes on valentine. LOVE QUOTES VALENTINES

  • flopticalcube
    May 3, 10:34 AM
    It wasn't too difficult to predict either a Tory majority or minority win as most people vote with the economy. The Bloc/Liberal thrashing was unexpected, especially the Bloc. Perhaps a little more stability on the Quebec question is a good thing. Liberals had a poor platform with a few really good candidates so next time round they need to put some meat on the bones and I'm hoping that this will flush out the old guard Liberals.

    For now, it's brown shirts and red arm bands for the next few years. :D (Harper Youth?)


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  • Valentine#39;s day love quotes

  • Defender2010
    Apr 19, 11:06 AM
    From the video there looks like there is a lot of space between the front and back plates and the metal part....perhaps this is a converted iPhone 4 as this is not present on black ones,,,,a bad conversion at that.......:(

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  • Labels: love-quotes

  • scott523
    Sep 25, 10:00 AM (

    There have been rumors of Aperture updates and possibly MacBook updates at this event.

    It says "MacBook" updates at this event. I hope that wasn't a typo! :eek: :D


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  • love quotes on valentine

  • firestarter
    May 3, 05:30 AM
    The effect of terrorists to the West is enormously magnified by our reaction to them. How many Western deaths have been caused through terrorism in the last 15 years. 5000? Probably less than 200 in the last 5 years.

    How many soldiers have been killed in subsequent wars? Over 7000 (
    How many civilians have been killed in these wars? 100s of thousands.
    And how much are we spending on this? What is the 'opportunity cost' of that lost cash - which could have been spent on health care/research/education?

    I think we need to learn to ignore the 'short game' of small terrorist outrages and instead concentrate on the 'long game', which the West is undoubtably winning.

    Terrorists represent a tiny proportion of radicals, that bubble to the surface of large populations of unhappy, poor and repressed people. Those underlying populations are changing though... all across North Africa and the Arab world people are mobilising to gain democracy, spurred on by the slow liberalising Western influence of open communication technologies and culture. This 'long game' political change is MUCH more significant than OBL's death.

    Take away the unhappy cultures that breed terrorists won't completely remove risk - but it will make terrorism more the action of criminals, and less of a 'clash of cultures'. Smart Western political leadership would sell terrorist outrages as 'random acts of criminal radicals' not 'we must go to war with the axis of evil'.

    All Obama has to do is decide whether he can afford to stop propping up the US military industrial complex.

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  • valentine love quotes

  • Aldaris
    Apr 30, 12:45 PM
    So, how long does GameStop take to send the beta code? I just preordered... wish I could start the download while I'm waiting for the code...

    Supposedly, according to Gamestop, within 1 business day, although some other posts I have come across seem less optimistic (maybe they're just trolls...)

    Either way, I put in a pre-order, if I don't get my beta key before too long I might cancel, I might not... I'm more of a digital download fella anyway...


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  • jsw
    Sep 13, 08:53 AM
    My wife's an RN and has both been in a number of anesthetized surgeries and has had some herself.

    Most patients do just fine - as described above. Redheads are a bit more sensitive to anesthesia (not sure why, but apparently it's true), but that isn't an issue unless your anesthesiologist is color-blind. ;)

    Some people - including my wife - are prone to a bit of nausea afterwards, but it's usually short-lived and it isn't an issue with most people. One thing that helps is to pay strict attention to the fasting/drinking instructions they'll give you beforehand. That cookie might seem like nothing when you're hungry before you go in, but you'll regret it upon waking up.

    Also, depending on the anesthesia and your particular reaction to it, you'll almost undoubtedly have some period - a few seconds to an hour or so - of time where you are lucid but don't have functional short-term memory... meaning you might say naughty things to your neurosurgeon but then will have no idea why he's looking at you like that later on.... ;)

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  • love quotes on valentine

  • lepshi
    May 3, 08:54 AM
    I can't download it, the "Download Mac Client" is just gray. Is it becaus i live in Europe?

    I have the same problem.. it might be. may it be that mac version is not available if submitted computer stats are of a pc?


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  • Spanky Deluxe
    Oct 26, 12:22 PM
    They've just got the leopard disk cover on the front. I would post photos but I lack teh bluetooth on the iBook. :)

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  • robeddie
    Apr 21, 10:15 AM
    Also it was stated that it is a key feature on the Pro and they need a reason for it to seem "Pro". Who would choose a thicker/heavier computer if you could get the thinner lighter computer with the same features? Minus the optical drive of course.

    I'll repeat my analogy from another thread: If Ford all the sudden decided to remove air-conditioning on all but their high end cars, saying it is a 'luxary' feature that 'differentiates' the model line ... we'd ALL call BULL ...!!!

    It is the same with the backlit keyboard on the MBA, which was for years a standard feature. To take it away now in order to 'differentiate' it from the pro models, is total bull....!!

    If you want to differentiate the pro's you add even more features. You DON'T remove once-standard features on other models and all the sudden call it a 'luxary' item.


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  • Valentine#39;s Day Quotes

  • bunger
    Apr 5, 10:51 AM
    I will look into those... any other options?

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  • Love Quotes. Valentines Day

  • Gasu E.
    Nov 14, 08:43 AM
    "Mummy, why is that man watching those naked people doing things to each other." :p

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  • ALTools Valentine#39;s Day Love

  • baryon
    Apr 5, 08:47 AM
    If I would leak something, I would make sure the device is clean, the camera is in focus and there is enough light.

    Why are leaked images (almost) always such bad quality?

    Apr 22, 07:01 PM
    Wait, what ? :rolleyes:

    It's a fake, that is clearly a Simson or maybe a Schwalbe, but definitely not an MZ.
    I have to ask GGJstudios though, he claims to know mopeds.

    Oct 26, 04:21 PM
    I wish there was a mac version of audition... I really don't like any audio editors I've tried on the mac so far.

    Mar 31, 02:52 AM
    In the art of war, 'keep you friends close, and you enemies closer'!

    Oct 27, 07:17 PM
    Perhaps it would be more palatable with a monthly subscription rather than coughing up $99 for a full year in advance. Heck, they could charge higher monthly fees for increased storage and I bet people would pay.

    This isn't 2004. 1gb total storage for email and idisk is pitiful when Yahoo, Hotmail and Google already offer over 2gb of email space alone, for free.

    Apr 30, 04:50 PM
    anybody going to do Amazon's "pre-order, get a beta key" for the mac? I assume it would work too, right?

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