Wednesday, June 1, 2011

one dollar bill secrets_11

one dollar bill secrets_11. one dollar bill secrets_11. Ladies#39; Secrets # 1-5; Ladies#39; Secrets # 1-5. lmalave. Oct 3, 02:31 PM.
  • one dollar bill secrets_11. Ladies#39; Secrets # 1-5; Ladies#39; Secrets # 1-5. lmalave. Oct 3, 02:31 PM.

  • Soulfly22583
    Apr 4, 07:50 AM
    How do I get my dock to look like this anyone???

    I used a system preferences-item called "secret's" then changed my dock style to 2D Black

    one dollar bill secrets_11. one dollar bill secrets_11.
  • one dollar bill secrets_11.

  • NickZac
    Jan 10, 04:39 PM
    It looks good. The size increase is really interesting, but the odds of it gaining major popularity across Europe and the US is not very likely as the cars sold in Europe and America have always been amusingly different and almost complete opposites. I bet the Passat will also see the Chinese market as well. VW has had diesels for year (as has MB) and I see a lot of them chugging along.

    one dollar bill secrets_11. one dollar bill secrets_11.
  • one dollar bill secrets_11.

  • leaonfm
    May 3, 05:21 PM
    You lost me, Cable image? what's that?

    one dollar bill secrets_11. one dollar bill secrets_11. am
  • one dollar bill secrets_11. am

  • Corey Grandy
    Feb 19, 01:16 PM
    From the Matt Mays concert earlier this week:


    one dollar bill secrets_11. one dollar bill secrets_11. as
  • one dollar bill secrets_11. as

  • h00ligan
    Mar 17, 01:24 PM
    Last I checked it wasn't available for iPad...did I miss something?

    Double checked and tapatalk is iPhone only :/ thanks though.

    one dollar bill secrets_11. one dollar bill secrets_11.
  • one dollar bill secrets_11.

  • lmalave
    Nov 21, 12:50 PM
    this conversation to me sounded more like we were talking about the iPhone2 or whatever needing NEW FEATURES to make it stand out from the crowd even more. i agree that the iPod interface would make the phone experience more familiar to a lot of people and the mp3 player portion much much better then all the mp3 phones out all ready, but its not something new that the other mp3 phones don't already do.

    does that make sense?

    Let me ask you this: besides the scroll wheel, what has Apple ever done on the iPod that is new? It was not the first mp3 player. It was not the first hard-drive based player. It was not the first player to offer photo browsing. It was not the first player to offer video playing. It was not the first player to offer games. Well, you get the idea.

    So the iPod has never been about offering different features. Rather, the iPod success story has been based on different things: 1) elegance/ease of use, 2) smaller/cooler design, 3) "hipness" factor.

    I don't see why Apple couldnt leverage all 3 of the above for the iPhone.

    1) Apple could make the iPhone easier to use than other phones. Nokia and SonyEricsson already have pretty decent user interfaces, but Apple could still top them. Again, it's a matter of degree and Apple tends to get the little details "right". Plus Apple's solution for synching with the computer will probably more seamless than with any other phone

    2) Apple has proven to be extremely adept at miniaturization. Ask yourself this: why hasn't someone made a 15.4" laptop that is 1" thin and weighs only 5.6 lbs like the MBP? Why is no other 30 GB or 80 GB MP3 player as thin and light as the iPods? With both its Macs and iPods, Apple has proven that one of its strenghts is putting consumer electronics in a tiny, appealing package. I expect the same from the iPhone.

    3) The Apple brand is still quite potent. If Moto could sell so many of their craptacular RAZR phones based on "coolness factors" alone and very other redeeming features, can you imagine what Apple and its marketing machine could do with the iPhone? The mind staggers.

    ...and that's why the numbers we're hearing through the grapevine are 10-15 million iPhones sold by the end of 2007 alone. I think those kind of numbers are pretty spot-on.


    one dollar bill secrets_11. one dollar bill secrets_11.
  • one dollar bill secrets_11.

  • Ravich
    May 4, 05:41 PM
    It's not the Red Cross. It's the FDA. Last time the policy went up for review in 2006 or so, it was voted 7 against 6 to stay in place.

    And for anyone wondering, the wording is something along the lines of "if you are a man who has had sexual contact with another man, even once, since 1977, or if you are a woman who has had sexual contact with a man who has had sexual contact with another man, even once, since 1997, you are prohibited from donating blood."

    I think a basic level of intelligence indicates how wrong and prejudiced this is.

    According to statistics, black men are more than 6 times more likely than white men to become infected with HIV, but you sure as hell dont see people supporting banning black people from donating blood. Why? Simply because it is more socially acceptable to be homophobic than it is to be racist.

    Edit: I just wanted to make this clear: there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for blood donations, regardless of who may or may not be present. Donating blood saves lives. There is a problematic policy in place in the US and other countries at the moment, but that never has and never will make asking for people to donate blood problematic in any way, shape, or form.

    one dollar bill secrets_11. please no page 1 vs page 2
  • please no page 1 vs page 2

  • cecildk9999
    Nov 20, 02:16 PM
    As for design, I'm REALLY hoping for a flip phone -- but something tells me Apple is going to go with a candy bar design. The only reason I hate those is because no matter HOW complicated it is to lock/unlock the keys, it manages to ALWAYS happen in my pocket. And then I unknowingly place calls to people without realizing it, which is my worst nightmare.

    Yeah, the candybar design seems to be the general consensus, though I'd consider one depending on what it has to offer. I made the switch to a flip phone after my old candybar type accidentally made calls to the police (even if the keys are locked, apparently 911 still goes through); I had a very awkward conversation over the phone, as I got a call back after one of these calls was placed asking if everything was alright :o . I think because I was watching Goldfinger, they heard gunshots and yells. My new phone just randomly takes pictures in my pocket. :confused:


    one dollar bill secrets_11. please no page 1 vs page
  • please no page 1 vs page

  • lewis82
    Dec 4, 03:59 PM
    None of these are Holiday related.

    Personally, I try to avoid anything Holiday-related until I am done with school. Helps me keep the focus on important exams. So in eleven days, I'll change wallpaper ;)

    one dollar bill secrets_11. please no page 1 vs page
  • please no page 1 vs page

  • JGruber
    Mar 10, 09:29 AM
    You will get the same message if you use Blizzards Mobile Authenticator, I'm sure it has to do with keeping your private info safe.


    one dollar bill secrets_11. one dollar bill secrets_11. love quotes and photos. love quotes and photos. darklich. Apr 4, 12:27 PM. Exactly. What a waste.
  • one dollar bill secrets_11. love quotes and photos. love quotes and photos. darklich. Apr 4, 12:27 PM. Exactly. What a waste.

  • Kieranic
    Oct 12, 10:54 PM

    Thanks! :)

    one dollar bill secrets_11. one dollar bill secrets_11. heidi klum wallpaper. heidi klum wallpaper. brepublican. Sep 19, 03:54 PM. If it destroys their whole business model,
  • one dollar bill secrets_11. heidi klum wallpaper. heidi klum wallpaper. brepublican. Sep 19, 03:54 PM. If it destroys their whole business model,

  • bizzle
    Oct 7, 02:45 PM


    one dollar bill secrets_11. one dollar bill secrets_11.
  • one dollar bill secrets_11.

  • PsyOpWarlord
    Feb 9, 01:52 PM
    Yes you do lose rollover minutes when changing from one rate plan to another if yo have more rolloever than what is included in the new rate plan.

    You can use this FAQ and the chart shows all the details.

    You change plans and the accumulated Rollover Minutes in your existing plan exceed the number of Anytime minutes in your new plan

    one dollar bill secrets_11. one dollar bill secrets_11.
  • one dollar bill secrets_11.

  • rdowns
    Feb 14, 12:19 PM

    Damn you, seafood bisque all over my KB and monitor. Good thing I'm at work on the Dell.


    one dollar bill secrets_11. one dollar bill secrets_11. College Pictures :: Untitled :: 31; College Pictures :: Untitled :: 31. Rooskibar03.
  • one dollar bill secrets_11. College Pictures :: Untitled :: 31; College Pictures :: Untitled :: 31. Rooskibar03.

  • Melrose
    Apr 17, 12:05 PM
    Not really a fan of her's, just thought the pic was cool haha
    Thanks to Melrose for sending me the icons. Hope i gave you a lot to go with now haha

    Dude I love the Download icon. Imma make one for me now :D

    BTW I made one for Bean word processor app if you'd like that too. I'm working on building a central place for the icons. If you want, I can share a folder in Dropbox where we can both have access to the files at any given moment.

    one dollar bill secrets_11. one dollar bill secrets_11. Is this the Unconventional; Is this the Unconventional. heehee.
  • one dollar bill secrets_11. Is this the Unconventional; Is this the Unconventional. heehee.

  • leekohler
    Apr 15, 07:50 AM
    People didn't seem to care about the "gay plague" because it only affected gays. People cared about Ryan White and the Ray brothers, they didn't care about iniquitous obnoxious gays and lesbians.

    Wow...just wow. So now you claim to speak for all of society back then? Unbelievable. And please, don't hold back on your feeling regarding us. You keep exposing yourself for what you truly are.

    So then they had sex with the person of opposite gender, they adopted or test tube baby.

    So what? What is your point?

    I have no interest in destroying you, I have no interest in harming you. You imply I want to physically hurt homosexuals, but I do not.

    Political harm to me is violence. Do cannot deny that you wish to withhold rights from us.

    As with anything in history, there's a right balance and a need for both violence and diplomacy together in order for one group to obtain favorable circumstances...or simply dominate another group. The truth is that humans don't "live in peace". Our whole existance is actually due to the fact that we kill eachother. Otherwise, we would just be like any other lower animal.

    Sad, but true. Diplomacy should always be the first approach. But it doesn't always work. I've found out the hard way, believe me.


    one dollar bill secrets_11. one dollar bill secrets_11.
  • one dollar bill secrets_11.

  • g^3
    Dec 17, 10:05 AM
    PM me if the deal falls through, I'm very interested.

    one dollar bill secrets_11. one dollar bill secrets_11.
  • one dollar bill secrets_11.

  • hayesk
    Apr 7, 11:13 AM
    I was wondering whether these issues only apply to people who JB their phones? Or perhaps there is some particular app that they all have installed doesn't agree with 4.3.1.

    No jailbreak here. And feel free to tell me what app. Most apps don't run in the background, so I'd love to hear your theory on that.

    one dollar bill secrets_11. wallpaper for laptop.
  • wallpaper for laptop.

  • BoulderBum
    Mar 26, 12:48 AM
    I prefer iOS to Android, but I have to say that the built-in maps of Android absolutely trounce Apple's offering in every way (and I'd further suggest they're better than any GPS app you can currently buy).

    Apr 30, 11:14 AM
    How does the birthday calendar work?

    Apr 1, 07:52 PM
    Almost word-for-word, the exact same argument that was made by Luddites against these fancy, new-fangled mouse and GUI-based computers back in the mid-80s.

    I don't think that barmann was making a case against a new technology that didn't fit the old ways like when mice were first introduced. His point was that as much as iPad fanboys want it to be the coolist thing ever that will replace all those old-fashioned computers there are differences in machines between consumer ones and those used by professionals.

    It's not expected that consumers are going to know the short comings of their iPads any more than they know the shortcomings of their flat screen TVs. Even the new MBPs have professional use issue because of their displays. The MBPs are of limited pro use as long as one knows their limitations where as the iPad is of almost no pro use other than "look at this".

    One really funny thing is all devices now that can make an iPad seem like a laptop! Boxes that keyboards fit into and cases that stand up are laughable because as nice as an iPad is it really sucks as a computer compared to the cheapest Air or MBP.

    Mar 25, 10:57 AM
    Hopefully iOS 5 should be amazing.

    iMaps :D
    All new notification system (Like Androids, but with Apples touch) :)

    Nov 21, 11:39 AM
    Actually i just wrote him the email because i was killing some time at work and i was curious of what the response would be. They are all sold out anyway.... its not like steve can make you return them. I'm also pretty sure Apple knew about it long before i sent the email.

    Feb 13, 12:55 AM
    Any post that even questions or insults Keira's beauty will get you summarily banned.

    Well, I may be the first. I've been devising a plan to counter strike edesigns Keira renegade. The only thing holding me back is a decision of whom I will use to attack. Call it Battle of the Hottest Avatars.

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