Sunday, May 22, 2011

johnny depp wife 2011

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  • rdowns
    Feb 28, 04:31 PM
    Oh yeah, he thinks he's underpaid. :rolleyes: They're gonna tell him to hit the road and end the show.

    I wouldn't be so sure of that. The show generates over $100 million a year for CBS.

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  • rnelan7
    Oct 21, 10:21 AM
    Amazon gift card to save up for a 27" ACD :)

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  • Moyank24
    Apr 25, 05:08 PM
    I'm just taken aback because Moyank didn't immediately vote for me :D

    I'm surprised myself. :D

    I'll think I'll start with eldiablojoe and go from there.

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  • Mischka07
    Oct 1, 03:35 PM
    wow... that is such ****! pardon my french but that is rediculous... they gonna discount the bill by a 30%? they ought to. totally unacceptable.

    I got verizon, and I RARELY get dropped calls nowadays, the service got better over the years... im not gonna lie and say it never happens, but i dont remember the last time i had one.

    to be fair with AT&T i gotta ask, are those calls only 30 seconds long or 30 minutes long and then gets dropped? 30 second dropped call would piss me off compared to a 30 minute one. if it drops at 30 minutes AT&T is doing ya a favor not accidently running up the minutes hahah

    I've had AT&T and the iPhone for a week now. I've experienced about 4 dropped calls thus far, 3 of them were in downtown San Francisco. My calls rarely last over 5 minutes, but 2 of the dropped calls happened as I was dialing out. 1 dropped call was after 4 minutes on the phone, and I can't remember when the last dropped call happened.

    That said, I've probably made and received a total of 150 calls in the past week, so a 3% dropped call ratio isn't too terrible.


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  • MattInOz
    Apr 25, 04:48 AM
    This sucks. The iPhone will come out later than expected, and no LTE. What are they doing?

    Same thing apple always does function not features.

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  • TPALTony
    Apr 13, 02:31 PM
    Apple would be out of their mind to enter this market...

    They have a low cost device that can hook up with any TV in the market today... So why would they ask consumers to choose their ENTIRE TV set-up to get at "that on steroids." That gets them into a crappy margin business (they have 60%+ margins on their blend of products, TVs are about 5%...)

    Far more likely is an "Apple TV on steroids" which we all know is possible with an A5 chip, apps, etc etc....

    Look for that offering... Not a TV....


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  • ComeOnDieYoung
    Jan 29, 09:55 AM
    Probably because of the difficulty of selling ipods to a world where everyone who can afford/wants them already has one!

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  • Canubis
    Jun 6, 04:07 PM
    From email:

    Please note that the iTunes Store Terms of Sale state that all sales are final, so this is a one-time exception.

    The best way to avoid unintentional purchases is to use the Shopping Cart. That way, you can consolidate and review your selections carefully and buy them when you're ready. Here's how to use the Shopping Cart:

    Did they really tell you to use the Shopping Cart feature in iTunes? Because since iTunes 9 this feature is gone now! The documentation you/Apple quoted is depricated unless your still using a pre iTunes 9 version.


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  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Apr 26, 05:07 PM
    What a freaking RIP-OFF. You could buy 20 new songs a year for that instead (well not on Apple anymore sine they royally screwed everyone on some BS basis of "85 cents songs" to offset the "$1.29" ones except that as most of us predicted, there are hardly any 85 cents songs in existence yet a heck of lot of $1.29 ones. In other words, all they did was jack up prices to cover crap artists who can't sing and don't write their own songs and make farting noises and call it art.)

    Meanwhile, what good would this service do? Do you seriously think they're going to let you access your music that you did NOT buy from iTunes??? (i.e. your CD collection dumped to iTunes) NO WAY. You'd have to UPLOAD the entire library first. How LONG would that take? Ridiculous. Then you miss a payment and they delete it all.... It's far more likely it's only for songs you already bought (in which case you could already just 'buy' them again and download them for free; in other words the service is worthless).

    What most people would prefer I think is a flat fee music-on-demand service where you can listen to ANY music you want from the entire library. Pandora, Sonus, etc. already offer this service so Apple's "retrieve your own library online" is stupid, IMO. You could rent some storage somewhere and just upload your music there and download it anywhere on the Net WITHOUT APPLE even being involved. The whole thing strikes me as a cash grab from Apple to make you pay for the music you already paid for ALL OVER AGAIN. Bought 100 songs? 5 years you bought 'em again. No value.

    My entire music library is only 70GB in AAC without music videos. That would almost fit on an iPod Touch 64GB or USB 64GB stick as it is, let alone my Netbook which has 160GB on it and my MBP which has 500GB. So the ONLY way this service could be useful is if I could access ALL MY MOVIES from anywhere on the Net. That would require 2.6TB of storage, though. I don't see Apple covering that and I wouldn't even want to TRY to upload all those movies from my own library (and Apple doesn't even sell (let alone in good quality) 40% of them and 95% of the HD ones.

    No, a flat fee for unlimited rentals (music and movies) would be a good deal. I don't see Apple offering that any time soon, if EVER.

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  • Squareball
    Jul 11, 02:47 PM
    God if those pics are right, I say... welcome to 2002 Microsoft!

    It looks like a mix between a Rio MP3 player and a 3rd gen iPod


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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 3, 07:29 PM
    Sheen is in huge denial and will most likely kill himself at some point.

    I wonder if Vegas has a book on it?

    Nothing is beyond their quest for gold.

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  • SiliconAddict
    Nov 5, 12:56 AM
    So let me get this straight: You keep reinstalling the demo of Parallels, thereby ripping off the company and not supporting it to make it the best product it can be and keep the company in business, and then you have the gall to come out in public and say as such, and then on top of that you have the even greater gall to say it sucks?

    Oh yeah, your opinions mean a lot to us now, that's for sure.


    I'll reiterate: something is wrong with your computer, and now I can see why.


    No I've been waiting for VM to get their butt in gear to launch Workstation. Parallels was simply a work around, a crappy one at that, until I could get VMWare. There is simply no way in heck I'm spending $80 on a piece of software that can crash my system. And before someone tells me to use Bootcamp. Yah right. Advanced Power Management does not work right under Bootcamp even with the latest version. When Parallels starts making a product that
    1. Doesn't crash\freeze my system
    2. Doesn't require me to force quite the application once every couple of weeks because the progress bar when I'm suspending a session has stalled.
    3. Doesn't have sharing between folders that takes a good 5 seconds to parse the files and doesn't drop a file mapping in your file explorer.
    4. Doesn't have the world's crappiest networking passthrough. I can't count how many times I've gone from one network to another to another and had it get confused telling me I might have limited network connectivity. So I need to repair the connection.

    Parallels sucks but until now its been the only REAL game in town. Boo hoo I'm not paying for an app that IMHO is half baked to begin with. :rolleyes: At least I'm not outright going in search of a seral number and pirating the thing. Again its a tide me over until VM gets their butt in gear and releases this thing.


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  • SeaFox
    Dec 2, 06:51 PM
    I voted "yes" becuase I'm concerned what this will do PR-wise for Apple, not so much about actual security concern. "LMH" may claim he's not an Apple-hater but a few things poke out from the interview:

    The Linux kernel takes little time to break. I'm more familiar with the code and thus it also takes less time to isolate issues. OS X kernel (XNU) takes less time but depending on the area you're checking, debugging and isolation may require a bit more time (if you take into account that AppleTalk source code is almost unreadable and totally deprecated) [...] I didn't have much time left for working on Microsoft Windows but I've received the most helpful feedback from the MSRC people on potentially interesting stuff to check.

    What I read from this passage is:

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  • csimmons
    Oct 19, 04:22 AM
    Yes, thank you. At least someone else out there is emotionally distanced enough from the iPod and the Apple entertainment sector to be a bit objective.

    Innovation: just what happened to Apple's innovative spirit when it comes to computers? The latest Mac Pro was fitted into the existing (and way oversized) G5 case. The MacBook was disappointing in that - proportionally - Apple did not shrink it at all or make it lighter than its predecessor (a design which had been in existence for about four years). There are more things, but I really don't want to sound like a troll here...

    Apple needs to come out with new computer models that are unlike anything else out there. What about a tiny, thin ultraportable? What about a smaller tower, so those of us that want a pro computer don't have to invest in an oversized monster (which is larger than any PCs in the market that I am aware of). Aren't computers supposed to get SMALLER as the technology advances? Why is Apple obsessed with making the iPod smaller and smaller, but does not care as much about its laptops and desktops?

    The answer: profit, or course. The iPod is Apple's cash cow. And this, my friends, is what I mean when I say that Apple needs to be partitioning off a little of its innovative energy that it is putting into its entertainment sector and bring it back to the computer line.

    Understood now?

    OK, now fire away :)

    Apple surely does it's homework, otherwise they wouldn't be as successful as they are currently. Perhaps their market research has shown them that there's no "real" market for an ultra-portable, pda, prosumer tower, or the other things that you and a few other have requested? the MP3 player market was a different animal, since the market was there already, albeit heavily segmented.

    Insisting over and over again that the iPod is Apple's cash cow when the facts state differently doesn't make sense. It's clearly a large part of Apple business, but it's CORE business is still computers. The numbers clearly show that.


    johnny depp wife 2011. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • rmhop81
    Apr 26, 12:48 PM
    You cant really call what Apple has a cloud. Clouds are designed to span across multiple geographic locations...Apple has 1 datacenter, and zero experience running a cloud service. MobileMe runs on collocated equipment in someone else's datacenter.

    Amazon on the other hand are excellent at working with the cloud.

    nothing has even been released yet. why does a cloud have to run across multiple geographic locations? as long as it's online in the cloud it doesn't matter where it is.

    johnny depp wife 2011. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • redAPPLE
    Jul 25, 08:34 AM
    I voted negative on this story. As I was hoping that Apple would concentrate on fixing the sticking scrollbars on the current Mighty Mouses, (or make it easier to open them and clean) before they just made it wireless.

    Also, I'n not a big fan of using batteries in mice. Why not have a wireless mouse that is re-chargable? Or one that you can use wires with if the battery gets low?

    well you could use rechargeable batteries.


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  • vincenz
    Apr 11, 08:15 PM

    Really nice shot. iPhone wallpaper :)

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  • md111
    Apr 22, 12:13 PM
    We design stuff for S. Interiors and other properties. In the meetings, S starts out by saying ... "We would like to be like Apple. Here are photos of Apple stores" Even there ads and posters are similar once Apple kicked off there ads.
    Not to stereo type, but they are excellent copiers. Not to strong on original ideas. And they also work there ass's off. Its war to them to win at all costs.

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  • Jason Beck
    Apr 9, 09:41 PM
    Those are some nice-looking jeans. I have no clue why, but my eyes were drawn there first. :D

    Thanks, I couldn't stop complimenting her on them too lol.

    Apr 22, 05:20 PM
    This mock-up looks hideous...

    May 4, 09:28 PM
    So now this is an email you received? An AT&T rep actually put it in writing? Is this what you're now saying?

    Where this got "off track" or rather on the track it should've been on in the first place is that clearly if your upgrade was pushed back it was from any number of things people have posted about for years now on the matter: bill payment, length of being a customer, level of account, etc... Really, this comes up every year.

    Your story is making less and less sense, and here's where actually thinking first comes in handy:

    If a customer service rep told you that the iPhone had been delayed then either this was public knowledge, thus why forward the email to MacRumors, or this wasn't public knowledge, thus why would a first contact customer rep even know this let alone say anything about it?

    Sorry if it seems like I, and others, are jumping on you, but your story is BS, and you either know it, or should know it. Take a look at the coverage it's gotten. It's on most of the Apple coverage sites including some read by investors and analysts.

    Do we really need news being polluted with this? If you're an honest person, you should now, confronted with logic, common sense, and the actual truth, contact those who picked up your story.

    Clearly your upgrade wasn't delayed because of the iPhone being released later, and you know it.

    Now we're getting somewhere. I hadn't realized nor did I ever intend this situation to be construed as "They moved my upgrade date due to the iPhone delay."

    I'll paste below, while removing the names involved, the original email correspondence between myself and the AT&T representative. This is an original email reply to a support form submission on the AT&T site.

    Original Message Follows:
    Contact and Verification Information
    Topic: I have a question about my contract
    Subtopic: Contract expiration

    Q2:Enter your contract expiration question below:
    A2:I'm curious as to why my upgrade date used to be 6/18 of this year, when now it's moved to 11/19? I've ugpraded three years in a row now when the new iPhone has been released. This year, assuming they launch around the same timeframe (June/July) I won't be able to? Some clarification would be great.


    And the response:

    Dear Mr. *****,

    Thank you for taking the time to e-mail AT&T to advise that your upgrade date was 6/18/11, but now when you check, you see that it has been moved to 11/19/11 and want to know why this has occurred. I apologize for the frustration this has caused. My name is *****, and I am happy to help you with your inquiry.

    Unfortunately, we are not given a reason when the upgrade date changes on a line. Equipment discounts are made available from time to time based on a number of factors: service tenure, spending levels, payment history, usage practices and time frame since last equipment discount. Generally, a line is eligible to upgrade every 17 to 21 months, but frequently offers are made to the primary line on an account to do this earlier based on the factors above. The upgrade offer is also based on a three-month average of the billed rate plan and data services per line and eligibility is generally re-evaluated every three months or so as well and sometimes the dates do change. I apologize that this affected you and for any frustration and inconvenience it has caused.

    Apple has informed us that they do not plan to release the iPhone in the June to July timeframe, though there will be a newer version in the future. Unfortunately, we have not been given a release time for the new phone. We will release this information on our website when it is available to us.

    Mr. *****, I am sorry that I could not give you a more definite answer, but hope that the information provided has been helpful. Should you have additional concerns or questions about this issue please reply to this email. If you need to contact us again regarding a new issue please send us another email via the contact link through your online account. Again, my name is *****, and I thank you for being a valued AT&T customer for several years. We appreciate your business and will do our best to ensure that your wireless experience is a success.

    I encourage you to visit our web site ( often to view current and previous monthly statements, make payments and to shop for new product and service offerings.


    Online Customer Care Professional

    Again, all I've left out is my mobile number and our names. The article here on MacRumors is both precise in labeling this as a rumor, and warns against believing the statements of support personell. Also, I don't believe in any way that it suggests an iPhone delay was the cause of my upgrade date change.

    Apr 13, 02:06 PM
    I think the changes to the latest Apple TV is a sign of where Apple wants to be headed. The next Apple TV will be even smaller and come free when you buy a Mac, iPad, or iPhone. Wait and see! Just like giving e-mail away helps Google's ecosystem, so does getting Apple TVs into people's houses help Apple's ecosystem.I want to believe.

    Then again we are talking about the company that is nickel and diming for nearly every formerly included accessory now.

    May 3, 07:57 AM
    Mac Mini: Core2Duo

    :( :rolleyes:

    Maybe out later today :) Yeh right:confused:

    Nov 4, 12:39 PM
    I'm on a PPC but plan to go MacTel next year when Adobe releases Universal versions of Creative Suite. I have some questions about VMware & Parallels if you don't mind me adding it to the thread:

    1. Do they require Windows partitions, and if so how much disk space is needed?

    2. If a partition is needed, can you run the partition on an external drive so as to free up space on your internal? (I'll be using a MacBook Pro so that's why I ask).

    3. Can anyone tell me anything about syncing a Palm device with Parallels or VMware? In particular I'm wondering how easily (if at all) I could sync my Treo with Windows apps as well as OS X apps. This would be huge to me.


    1) Not a partition. The virtual Windows disk lives inside a file on the mac. If your Windows C: drive was 18GB stored on it the Mac OSX file will be 18GB.

    OK with the current VMware produts you can use a real Windows partition if you want. Same with the Windws CD drive. You can map them to the real CD drive or to a disk image file. The default is to map the CD to the real CD and the C: disk to a disk image file (but you could map C: to a real disk if you want)

    2) The file holding the virtual disk can be anyplace, even on a network drive but speed is an issue

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