Friday, May 20, 2011

keira knightley bob hair

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  • Best modern short haircuts

  • godrifle
    Mar 31, 10:50 AM
    Just what I wanted to see.

    Bye Bye UI Guidelines.

    This is going to be huge for Mac OS X. UI Guidelines were great but could stagnant the look. The OS needs to look rich in colour.

    Very happy with the change and the development.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Dear God! Eliminate the consistency that UI guidelines create and usability goes out the window. Net result - Mac OS X becomes no different than Window.

    I'm hoping these are red herrings by Apple, because these are just ass ugly.

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  • Keira Knightley in Textured

  • Eldiablojoe
    Apr 26, 03:45 PM
    Ok, well- I want my vote to count for something so I'm changing it To Plutonius.

    Sorry- HTML skills lagging lol

    Fixed :)

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  • Keira Knightley#39;s New Bob

  • sishaw
    Mar 4, 03:34 PM
    So we have...
    -A few porn stars
    -A Ferrari
    -A briefcase of cocaine
    -Excessive alcohol consumption
    -A $30,000 check to a porn star is this any different than 'Two and a Half Men'?

    I love this man.

    I agree, and it makes me wonder if the whole thing is a publicity stunt. Like the Joaquin Phoenix "meltdown."

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  • Keira Knightley Celebrity Cute

  • SMM
    Dec 1, 06:48 PM
    Apple really really needs to get on this... As far as some Script Kiddie wanting to make a name for themself the mass of mac users would need to be higher. There are still currently not enough mac users to warrent such acts, you would not get notice. I feel that a lot of coders find holes in XP because then they can exploit big business, were as macs are more often than not home computers. If apple its athe big 10% mark this will all change.

    How do you know they are not on it? You don't right? The source of these reports is the people who want to sell you their security software. They capitalize on our fear. The author notes he spent most of his time on Mac and Linux. Very little time was spent on Windows/Vista. Well, that makes sense if you are trying to sell software. Everyone already installs it on Windows. No sales opportunities there. So, go scare yourself a new market with the people who do not need it. It even works better if you can create some mistrust amongst the user base. Just plant the seeds of doubt the manufacturers are unwilling, or unable to protect them. You are their savior.

    I do not have a Pollyanna view on this. I have no doubts that threats exist and an aggressive, on-going effort is crucial. But, the real solution is to fight this crime with the seriousness it deserves. That means mandatory prison sentences, equal liability for facilitation and for profiteering, etc.


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  • opeter
    Oct 28, 07:11 AM
    All I want is a real, good friend.

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  • Keira Knightley#39;s new ob

  • doctor-don
    Apr 24, 09:09 PM
    Let's all spell it together.


    AT&T had it at one time. Hence, TMobile couldn't have the iPhone, or any other carrier in the United States.

    The more you know.....

    It's absolutely ridiculous it has taken this long for tmobile to have the iphone in the usa.


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  • Keira Knightley new short ob

  • charlituna
    Apr 24, 02:50 AM
    I don't quite understand this... as people use their iPhones on T-Mobile jailbroken all the time. How could AT&T iPhones work on T-Mobile now if they need different hardware???

    People jail break their iphones to use them on T-Mobile with Edge. It is only the 3g that is on the different frequency set.

    Just release a GSM/CDMA every-band iPhone 5, and sell it off contract as well. Virgin Mobile USA customers are going to orgasm for that.

    I would go for that. I would even happily pay the no contract price. If it means that I can tell ATT that they have to knock $16.66 off my monthly bill because I'm not paying them back money they didn't put in and they can't refuse.

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  • dXTC
    Feb 25, 10:26 PM
    They show will be on as long as the ratings are up. Maybe Sheen gets killed off when he crashes his car next season and then their long lost brother enters.

    Now that I think about it, there's only one way this might work: if the producers can get Emilio Estevez. :D


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  • Bob hairstyles have been

  • txmatt
    Apr 19, 02:04 PM
    But my point is that even if we get a 40% boost in our CPU, it is near useless.

    For example, lets say you have 100/100 in a test. Having a theoretical 40% boost will give you a 140/100. I mean, thats cool. Overkill. That is currently the CPU we have. We have enough to accomplish our tasks, and any more would be an overkill in the things we need our computer to process.

    On the other hand, on the GPU side, you have a 80/100 (which is what the NVIDIA 320m is) and we see a 30% performance drop, that will result to a 42.5/100. At lower levels, difference between a 80/100 and 42.5/100 is the difference between a pass and a fail.

    Of course, having a better CPU might be fulfilling to you and might give you the sense that you are the "latest in tech," but seriously, it is not about the CPU any more, it is about SSDs, ergonomics, GPU, and ultimately, Software.

    I had to finally register to comment on the hypocrisy in this and many other threads like it. Because some people want frame rates for gaming on an MBA, then your needs for GPU performance are valid, and others who don't game but could use CPU performance have invalid needs? Rubbish.

    A perfect example is the above. So the C2D rates as a 100/100 for CPU performance and thus any improvement is useless? Really?! Nice to see that you framed the argument such that any improvement you don't see as needed is useless.

    On Sunday I combined 6 or 8 short 720p video clips into a 7 minute video for YouTube with a simple title screen and transitions. It took the C2D ~40 minutes to process the video and save in a new format. So you're really going to argue that there is nothing to be gained from a significant bump in processor speed?

    For me and many other potential MBA purchasers, a CPU bump from the media processing abilities of the Core i processors would be welcome, and GPU performance over and above the ability to play real-time HD video is useless. We shouldn't be saddled with an out-of-date processor or forced to subsidize "unnecessary" frame rate performance just to appease game-players. And that perspective is as valid as yours.

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  • Keira Knightley has cut all

  • WiiDSmoker
    Nov 10, 03:30 PM
    I wonder what battery life will be like.

    Also, how many people downloaded it just so they could watch porn?

    Battery life would show no change what so ever. The iPad is seeing it as HTML5.


    keira knightley bob hair. Keira Knightley#39;s New Bob
  • Keira Knightley#39;s New Bob

  • AlanAudio
    Aug 15, 06:02 PM
    You're crazy. :) But one thing I would like to see is a free upgrade to iLife for everyone who upgrades Leopard. Or else some kind of Leopard / iLife buy-together discount. That would be most welcome.


    Obviously we'd all like to get something for nothing, but as the newest OS and the newest iApps both come for free with every new Mac, the boxed versions are effectively upgrades and Apple would feel that they're offering them at reduced prices anyway compared to their full value.

    But I'd love to be wrong on this.

    Which reminds me. Every time I've bought an OS upgrade ( for as long as I can remember - probably back to OS 7 ) there has been a set of coupons included to prove that I purchased it. Has there ever been a scheme where customers actually get something in exchange for those coupons ?

    keira knightley bob hair. keira knightley Bob Hairstyle
  • keira knightley Bob Hairstyle

  • CFreymarc
    Mar 29, 08:25 AM
    Sadly, Vegas will cost you more for a week than SF (if you want to do it "right").

    And doing San Francisco "right" is close if not more. At least in Vegas you have massive competition for your entertainment dollar. San Francisco entertainment venues is this strange, cabal like maze of approval processes with some social engineering objective hidden from the public.

    Hotels, restaurants and other "substance" costs are a hell of a lot cheaper in Vegas than in San Francisco. I did Vegas for less than a grand in a week last summer just to see how far I could stretch my dollar. I ended up with free rooms, free food, complementary shows and spent my money on what matters -- booze, guns and women!


    keira knightley bob hair. keira knightley bob hair
  • keira knightley bob hair

  • rmhop81
    Apr 26, 01:46 PM
    It'll be a pathetic excuse for a cloud if it'll only stream in the US (which if they continue with this 1 datacenter model will be the case). Amazon will beat them here, hands down. Have you seen how many datacenters they have?

    ^ That vs 1 datacenter...lets think...who's going to get the better performance...

    Also, the point of the cloud is redundancy. What happens WHEN the 1 datacenter goes down (e.g power problems, network problems, natural disasters, etc)? Apple's will be wiped out in one move, Amazon just fail over to another DC location.

    here's another article for you.....

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  • keira knightley bob hair,

  • ewinemiller
    Oct 19, 05:28 AM
    Quite a few laptops ship with media-software and webcams. Dunno bout remotes though.

    Remotes are pretty common too, though it's usually an extra option unless the media version of XP is installed. I can remember looking at a Sony laptop geared towards being a media center with a remote back when the centrino platform first came out and skipping that option when I bought a Dell at the same time. The last sound card I bought also came with one. You're right, nothing innovative there.

    I think Apple is starting to slide in this department, though you certainly can't argue with the results in terms of profit. Products are still nice (as I type this on a MBP and dream about the rumored upcoming 8 core MP) but nothing that I look at and think "Wow nobody else is doing this!". I think the last time I thought that was when they released the Airport Express. I'm looking forward to seeing what they will do with a media center box, maybe they will knock my socks off again some day.


    keira knightley bob hair. keira knightley bob hair,
  • keira knightley bob hair,

  • mikes63737
    Aug 15, 09:33 PM
    NO one uses iChat because no one uses AIM. Its all crappy MSN!

    Around here AIM is all anyone uses...

    It's starting to look really interesting. I'm extremely happy that Time Machine is optional... I don't delete anything unless I'm sure I won't need it. And, I back up my home folder to my server about every week, and I keep it for about a month and then delete it.

    I also hope that there's different themes... like brushed metal, soft metal, aqua, etc.

    keira knightley bob hair. Keira Knightley#39;s classic, ob
  • Keira Knightley#39;s classic, ob

  • MacRumors
    Mar 31, 10:22 AM (


    keira knightley bob hair. Keira Knightley#39;s chic, ob
  • Keira Knightley#39;s chic, ob

  • iJays
    May 4, 03:33 AM
    double posting. sorry

    keira knightley bob hair. Keira Knightley#39;s bob
  • Keira Knightley#39;s bob

  • joeshell383
    Dec 20, 01:58 AM
    V.I.S.T.A (Virus Infections Spyware Trojans Adware)

    I like that one :D

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  • Keira Knightley inverted ob

  • michael.lauden
    Oct 21, 11:10 AM
    i just don't see the incentive to join another team,

    i have my MacBook, my Mac mini, PS3, a 1.66GHz Dell PC and a 1.8GHz Dell PC all folding 24/7

    why would i leave my own team to join MacRumors? I just hit 128 units, look me up team # 170955

    but tell me. why should i MR will never be ranked #1

    Jul 12, 06:21 PM
    Well thats fine and I understand many people don't need a professional app. But this person was complaining about a consumer app "Pages" not having all the features that he needed. Yet he claims vehemently that Pages can fully replace Word

    Says who? I have used both and frankly I like Word better for handling graphics. Pages is great if your images work with your templates but if they don't you have to fart around with locking and unlocking, grouping and ungrouping, and it is extremely tedious.

    You must not be able to read. Snowy clearly states that .pdf doesn't work for him because it doesn't allow double sided printing.

    Look, I am not trying to say Pages is useless. It is a very nice "Consumer level" app. Yes, some pros could make use of it but some pros could also use VI in the terminal window too. Does that mean that it is as useful or has the same features as the "Pro App" MS Word. No.:rolleyes:

    Well, it seems that you didn't read my earlier posts. I'm not complaining that Pages doesn't have all the features that I need. I'm asking if there was a way to do what I was trying to do. The answer was yes, and it was quite straight forward.

    Also, I take it that you didn't read what I said about the idea of there being "professional" and "consumer" apps. I think it's BS. These are just tools. In fact, based on the argument that Pages isn't a "professional" app because it can't handle printing this way, then MS Word hasn't been a "professional" app until the latest version, because it couldn't either. That's the problem. Where do you draw the line and say "if it can do XYZ then it's a professional app, if it can't then it isn't"?

    And, yes, PDF will work fine for me. I was objecting to PDF because I was trying to basically "print" my booklet myself to a PDF file that could simply be printed on any printer by any minimum wage employee. But, as was pointed out, print shops have nice big fancy printers run by people who know what they're doing (at least in theory) that will take a simple, sequential PDF file and properly print it to the correct panel and correct side automatically. It probably works much better than MS Word does, and, by letting someone who works with it all day long do their job, it relieves me of one more thing that I have to worry about figuring out how to do. So, PDF will work for me.

    Now, can we drop this whole "professional" vs. "consumer" app business? Lord knows, Pages is quite capable of producing very professional results. I've done it. Just because it doesn't have all of the features that MS Word has doesn't mean it isn't or can't be used as a professional application.

    An analogy just leapt to mind. In the world of Mechanical CAD, there are a lot of programs out there that you can use. One example is Pro-Engineer. This is a top of the line product and you can actually spend more than $100,000 on a single licensed seat (tricked out with a lot of add-ons). There is no doubt that this is a professional application (if only because no consumer in his right mind would spend the money on it). In comparison, consider something like AutoCAD. AutoCAD costs a measly $1400, and it has nowhere near the capabilities of ProE. So, by your logic, AutoCAD must not be a "professional" app, but a "consumer" app.

    I've known a lot of engineers that would find such an assertion highly offensive.

    So, it all comes back to the point that these are tools. It's what the tool is used for that makes it a professional tool or a consumer tool. And I'd guess that MS Word is used quite a bit as a consumer tool, and Pages is being used as a professional tool, too.

    Feb 1, 08:23 PM
    XIII game and movie

    oh man i remember playing this back on my Ps2!!! comic visual style game

    Loved that game. Had its issues, but still a good overall package.

    Apr 22, 06:57 PM
    Having the back like the ipod touch would be quite bad.

    And it's aluminium:p

    Apr 12, 03:40 PM
    Taken from the top of Mount Leconte in Great Smoky Mountain National Park.

    Great shot! I may have to try the black and white conversion on my shots from Cliff Tops. I had no idea what I was doing when it came to photography when we hiked Leconte a couple years ago, so they are nothing special in their original form. I can't wait to get back there sometime in the future. How recently was this taken?

    Apr 30, 10:55 PM
    Great. But that doesnt mean that tablets and PMPs should be lumped with smartphones when you're comparing smartphone OS.
    But there is no such thing as a 'smartphone OS' for iOS. The OS runs across three devices (four if you include AppleTV). Just like there's no laptop OS for Windows or Mac OS X.

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