Sunday, June 5, 2011

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  • SeanMcg
    Apr 5, 05:55 PM
    We're finally gonna get laptop docking stations again after all these years.

    There is no reason why the dock connector couldn't be used for that.

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  • deellow
    May 2, 02:57 PM
    I think that no other company has their products come under more scrutiny than Apple. It is amazing. When folks say how the media just falls over Apple and praises them constantly -- it cracks me up. The media is just itching for bad news on Apple, and they are looking in every possible place to find it.

    What shocks me is the level of forgiveness that competing tablets against the iPad are getting. Apple is so dominating the tablet-computing sector right now, that the media is just hoping for a contender. Motorola and RIM have both released "Beta Hardware (" to the public and many reviewers are being soft on RIM with even more being soft on Motorola. If Apple released such a product they would get blasted in the media with nobody offering forgiveness.

    Case and point... Mossberg on the iPad 2:

    Keep in mind that Apple advertises 10 hours and Mossberg got better than that with the brightness setting 25% higher than Apple's default setting. Yet he had to reach to find something to complain about (e.g.: his iPad 1 test unit just happened to have extraordinary battery life -- keep in mind that most reviewers of iPad 2 got better battery life than iPad 1).

    Gruber criticizes Mossberg even more in a post called "Bending Over Backwards" ( Some of Gruber's points are arguable, but I think he is dead-on in many regards, especially his final quote:

    Apple, however, does not get to enjoy the luxury of forgiveness that the media affords to those who are not the market leader. The fact that folks are trying to quantify a thickness difference of 0.2 mm on some units, completely amazes me. I'm sure its within manufacturing specifications and I'm sure that not every single Black iPhone 4 is the same thickness, and yet it is news.

    This is the most thoughtfully remarked quote to this whole white iPhone BS. Particularly the line made concerning not all black iPhone 4s will measure exactly the same either. Cheers.

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  • clayj
    Sep 18, 09:35 PM
    I think you have a better chance of dating Emily Rossum than this Apple store girl. :pIt's EMMY Rossum. ;)

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  • Macuser007
    Oct 24, 07:02 AM
    Its kinda screwed up. I dont thing its real.


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  • fromoxwithlove
    Mar 13, 04:55 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Get rid of DST. Not needed anymore. Problem solved.

    Is that you ??

    Thought you were on medical leave.


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  • DavePurz
    Jan 7, 05:29 AM
    For the love of God, will they please fix the bug that causes any wall, photo, or comment posts to slow to a crawl if you haven't reinstalled the Facebook app in some time.

    Any one else notice this?

    Example: I restore my iPhone. Facebook runs like a sprint horse fresh out of the gate. Posting status updates, wall comments, photo comments, friend requests, etc.. are all snappy. Then after about a week things start taking longer to post. The spinner lasts much longer on the screen. Then by week 4, trying to post a simple status update cripples the app to the point that you have to hit the Home button on the iPhone. Meanwhile, even though your spinner is processing, that status update has already updated on their servers for others to see.

    Excellent description of the problem! I also submitted this as a bug in the app store. I guess time will show if they've fixed it in the latest version.


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  • twoodcc
    Apr 18, 10:04 AM
    Welcome gman20 to the team :)

    Your stats:

    Great to see some new users, also great to see our active users increase :D

    welcome to the team!

    yes it's great to see new users! we need as many as we can get!

    ok mines turned on :D ps3 will start the night shift tonight :D

    nice :)

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  • dynamo22
    Dec 28, 09:26 AM
    rockland county is not affected


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  • netdog
    Oct 26, 09:28 AM
    Addict, what time does the store close?

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  • Cabbit
    Apr 5, 08:27 AM
    Kinda agree i could seem myself using a iPad over my MBP when i am not working, having that separation from programming is what appeals to me.

    I want to work when i work and not have to think when i am just browsing the web, in reality the iPad covers all my computing needs when i am not programming.

    Though it would be lovely to have Aperture on the iPad to cover my hobby needs but it would require some from of local wireless storage access as i don't think many 25MB images would fit on 64GB.


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  • mischief
    Sep 19, 04:50 PM
    Originally posted by alex_ant
    And in other news, Hell has just frozen over. More details as they emerge.

    You're being particularly pissy today and rather down on the Mac. Wassup?:confused:

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  • DELLsFan
    Feb 23, 06:31 AM
    I wonder what do they discuss and what is the conclusion?

    Considering how nearly all of those CEOs are solidly in the tank for Obama, and given how increasingly unpopular B. Hussein is becoming, his presidential re-election and prostrating himself for campaign contributions was likely the top priority.

    Oh ... after prawn and champagne, there might have been some idle talk of technology and Jobs.

    Conclusion? All that "genius" and not one of them cares about U.S. history and the dangers in repeating its mistakes. It's a shame that wealth has blinded nearly all of them to the danger of statism. It's too bad the innovation by this small, powerful, (and ideologically ignorant) group of elitists is restricted to technology.

    The rest of the country is hurting. Gas and food prices rising, housing market crippled, jobless rate still 10%, bailout after bailout, billions and billions spent on a failed "stimulus" that did nothing but line Obama cronies' pockets, a health care "overhaul" that will obliterate not only the health care in the U.S., but the rest of the economy with it, US foreign policy incompetent, our troops' hands tied in Afghanistan - with no directive to really win there. Oh yeah ... give us 4 more years of this? Pass the caviar, Steve. :eek:

    And there they sit ... Cheers to the community organizer-in-chief! How about we focus on the cancer that affects more than just Apple stock. No ... not Steve Jobs' illness. Something far more virulent ... America's. The blight of liberalism. How about we talk about how time and time again, it's utterly failed to do anything but grow an already bloated government, destroy liberty, personal property, and worsen an economy that used to be second-to-none?

    Bon Appetit!


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  • lostngone
    May 2, 01:47 PM
    The White iPhones are new and the black iPhones they are comparing them to are older devices.

    The iPhone 4 is just so awesome that it shrinks over time. It is the new planned obsolescence/green solution. In 100 years they with shrink down to nothing.

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  • notabadname
    Apr 5, 11:43 AM
    You would have to be an absolute Apple-hater to go to Best Buy, play with both the iPad 2 and the Xoom (both currently on display for play) and come away thinking the Xoom was a better product. Go compare them yourselves side-by-side (well, they are about 15 feet apart at my Best Buy) and decide for yourself. For me, the iPad is still the clear leader in both fit & finish, screen (off-angle viewing) and simplicity-user friendliness of OS. And the Apps availability really seals the deal if you want to consider what you will actually do with the hardware once you get it home.


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  • panzer06
    Dec 28, 02:25 PM
    This may just be the beginning. The article in Wired talks about "Data Hogs" and how ATT has been trying to get them to throttle back their usage. How, I don't know. I've been noticing more and more dropped calls on 3G as of late, so much that I have to disable it just to be able to make and complete a call.


    I regularly disable 3G so I can make calls. On long road trips I drive with a Verizon powered WiFi Access Point so I can have data (wifi) and AT&T's Edge network. Way, way, way. way too many dropped calls on 3G. No way to get through a 20 min con call using AT&T's 3G network (though I suspect the iphone itself may cause some of these drops).


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  • neiltc13
    Apr 1, 06:34 AM
    I when to France once before. I remember the cheapest gas had an octane rating of 95 or so, the next level up was 98 octane. I'm assuming that regular in the UK is around 95 octane as well? That tops what get. Our gas starts at 87 octane and tops out at 93 octane for so called premium (about $0.40 per gallon more than regular where I'm at).

    Anyhow, judging by how our gas is priced, it's about 2x what we pay here in the States. You win some (having better cars), you lose some (higher priced gas).

    Yes 95 octane is the lowest and there are also brands like Shell V-Power and BP Ultimate that offer up to 102 octane.

    I always go with the 95 octane version and my car gets about 41mpg (US) using this fuel.


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  • Grimace
    Oct 16, 04:16 PM
    yikes - I want my video iPod now, not in 2007!

    I wish the new set top box, iPhone, and widescreen video iPod would be out by November. Holiday shopping would be so easy!!

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  • rust0r
    Nov 18, 10:42 PM
    Never said I was Gandhi. My point is valid nonetheless.

    Though, it is with the assumption that if those people DIDN'T buy white kits, they would have given the money to the developing nations. ;)

    I understand what you're saying, the realist in me has just come to accept that this is the way the world has been, is, and will continue to be. 99% of people in developed nations will tell you how terrible is it that people live without clean drinking water, vaccination, etc, but if you asked them to give up one luxury in their life to contribute to fixing those injustices, they would not.

    It's the classic thing of how people complain about child labor, foreign works who are forced to work 16 hour shifts 7 days a week but still want their cheap and shoes at super low prices.That however is a completely separate debate.

    As for the kid in the news, I think it's amazing that he has set up this business for himself, most 17 year old kids today are too busy drinking, getting high and trying to bang everything possible. Even if he loses every penny he has profited through court costs, the amount of knowledge he has learned, and connections he will have will give him a great advantage in life (though he clearly already has one). If anything, the news coverage might get him some help or a job in the future, people love young kids like this who are able to do what he has done, legal or not.

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  • puma1552
    Apr 22, 11:21 PM
    $7.36 per gallon.

    Apr 19, 09:52 AM
    so the white iphone might come with done updates?

    Jun 13, 10:11 PM
    Yes, all your purchases, and downloads should be backed up in iTunes. Actually, when I restore my iPod touch it gives me the option to restore from a backup. (that is, if you ever backed up). After running the backup, it's just like it was before.

    If you have never backed up, just click the restore button, then after all is done you should still have an "applications" tab in iTunes which let's you put the apps back on.

    Hope this was some help to you.

    May 4, 09:45 AM
    Yes this is partially the reason. The other reason is that Apple refuses to even allow the option of current generation video cards in their products. Even when they upgrade they are often not top of the line. The best card on the imac you can get is capped at 512MB which was starting to be a small amount of video memory even back in 2006. I think a current generation gpu should at least be offered as an option.

    Yes Windows has had "minimize" too for many many years. Just press Alt-Tab, this is not exclusive to OS-X.Not minimize, but rezize on the fly. However, i'm not to sure about the graphics card argument, because, like you said, the game runs better on the same mac, just in windows, which I have also noticed, but I still prefer to run SC 2 in OS X.

    Apr 8, 04:52 PM
    So I guess I see where my discovery channel went Andy why I got like 10 more stations :confused:. Guess I should read the news more often :p

    Bring back Discovery :(

    Apr 5, 10:49 AM
    Oh boy, another waiting game.

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