Thursday, June 2, 2011

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  • CS5679
    Feb 21, 08:33 AM
    Anybody know where I can find some logic studio/mainstage tutorials?

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Dec 25, 11:22 PM
    For me an unexpected gift was a kindle. I never really expressed much interested in them to either of my parents but they do know I like to read. I always though it was kind of a limited device and then I am given on. Get a book on and and started reading to day. I have to say I am very surpised and find that I really like. People are not kidding whey they say eink is very nice to read off of. Much nicer than a back lite LCD screen (iPad, iPod, iPhone). I see my reading going up a lot now.

    Also got Halo Reach
    New wallet
    Tune up for my mountain bike.
    Some legos
    and clothing.

    Best part was enjoying time with my family.

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  • russed
    Oct 21, 01:49 AM
    i would say yes as the other day i read about it somewhere but i cant remember where that was. i will think and get back but i know that you can! have a look on the griffin technology ( or even ipod lounge ( as that has everything ipod!

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  • Sankersizzle
    Oct 9, 02:51 AM
    Been bouncing around between these 3 for this month:

    I love me some Oscar the Grouch and Miranda Kerr!


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  • takao
    Jan 15, 05:05 PM
    in the german breakdown statistics from the ADAC the Fiat Panda is the second most reliable small car only being beaten by the toyota aygo by a fraction of a percent
    comparing the breakdown statistics the Panda (and the toyota) is trouncing the competition from luxury or middle class brands all the way

    i somehow suspect this passat is just a counter to the us tastes of camry etc. just like that rebadged minivan or that hideous pick up truck.. but hey the americans even bought the older jettas ... which had such a bad reputation in germany that they had to rename it ... twice

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  • Analog Kid
    Jul 26, 10:58 PM
    No movie studios have enabled this feature ("ICT" Image Constraint Token), nor have they stated that they intend to enable this feature in the future (although that is possible). All HD DVDs and Blu-Ray discs AND players currently available can send a full high definition image over analog component outputs as well as HDMI.

    Do some research.

    Thanks. Did the research and am now convinced that they'll wait until after we've drank the Kool-Aid to enable the ICT.


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  • rmwebs
    Mar 23, 09:44 AM
    Its never a good thing when the guy behind the reason we buy Mac's leaves. :(

    For the user who mentioned that he was behind OS X flaws (you mentioned iTunes bloat) - you are wrong. iTunes isn't run directly by the Mac OS development team, it has its own department. There's probably a little crossover however generally he wouldn't have much input on iTunes.

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  • xUKHCx
    Mar 23, 09:31 AM
    IMO you don't leave a massively successful company after 22 years without a reason unless your retiring.

    He did give a reason

    ."I've worked with Steve for 22 years and have had an incredible time developing products at both NeXT and Apple, but at this point, I want to focus less on products and more on science," said Bertrand Serlet

    Like OMG, I had the craziest thought! What if MacRumors had more articles about...Mac Rumors?! Whoa whoa wee wow, that would be so cool.

    *Face Palm.

    Boring stuff.

    MacRumors: Apple Mac Rumors and News You Care About.

    Obviously you don't care about this but don't you think that the "senior vice president of Mac Software Engineering" who has been a part of previous keynote speechs consitutites news about Apple.

    Serlet has occasionally appeared at Apple keynote and media events over the years to introduce Mac OS X-related features


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  • Xpress
    Sep 26, 09:32 PM
    Once Yahoo started their AJAXy mail service (FireFox only for Macs of course) I thought Apple would have to upgrade their service. I'm hoping their new partnership with Google will bring interoperability between .Mac and Google features like Mail, Pages, Calendar, and more. :rolleyes:

    But how about this for perspective: it only costs about $55 to join AND renew the .Mac service. Happily, Apple lets us use the serial numbers that come in any .Mac retail box, like the ones we buy at places we find at et. al. I've joined and renewed at this price. We can even use these numbers to join at the end of a .Mac Trial. Makes .Mac seem twice worthwhile, donnit? ;)

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  • RedReplicant
    Apr 3, 05:31 PM


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  • lannim
    Apr 13, 04:39 PM
    I can has link?

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  • MacBytes
    Apr 13, 04:37 AM (

    Category: 3rd Party Software
    Link: Firefox 1.1 beta slated for May (

    Posted on (
    Approved by arn


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  • preguntonontrac
    May 1, 04:31 PM

    Since i finished my huge 80gb collection of music and organize it... I want to have a printable copy of the list of artist, albums and songs i have in my itunes. (Like an inventory list)

    How i can do that?

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  • King Cobra
    Aug 20, 08:15 PM
    Ah, s***. I just reread rule number 6 for the contest. Oh, well. If the mods are forced to choose between my static avatar and my million avatar, use my static one.


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  • McBeats
    Oct 13, 07:15 AM
    the google maps tweets is AWESOME

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  • TMA
    Oct 31, 07:07 AM
    Is it appropriate or ok to customize a user page for ones self?

    I was thinking of maybe putting a short blurb about me on mine.


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  • Reefbone
    Mar 1, 01:34 PM
    Agreed. This doesn't sound correct. I have a corporate discount and added the feature. I still have the discount.

    When this initially was announced and after holding for a long time while the rep checked, ATT told me verbally that the dicounted $29.95/450 min plan would go to regular $39.95 regular price if I wanted the unlimited mobile to mobile with unlimited texting but it in fact wasn't the case. I was able to do it online. The first day or so of the promotion the site was giving me an error whenI tried to make the change but I was able to do it on day 2 or 3. I verified earlier today that my discount rate was still in tact and I had the unLim Mob to Mob.

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  • alphaone
    Feb 13, 01:04 AM
    Weird question, why is F@H showing up as a user level process? I remember it used to show up as a nice process when I ran it last years ago. It's set to idle level in the setup of course and I never noticed till now because it seems to be behaving as a nice process but it's not showing up as one.

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  • WxServerGuy
    Mar 29, 04:14 PM
    OK, here's the setup: we have two Xserves, with XSan set up as a clustered mail server. The OS is 10.6 Server, fully up to date.

    We're using this as a replacement for our dying mail server. Now, before I get too far into this, we do have a handful of mail users on a 10.5 Server... mostly our power users whose large mailboxes were an issue on the aging mail server.

    So far I have two accounts set up on the Open Directory that the mail servers are using, me and my boss. We're receiving mail just fine (we've set our enterprise LDAP to deliver mail via SMTP to both the old and new servers for the two of us for now), and we can email each other.

    But, if I attempt to use the new Mac mail cluster to send mail to anyone other than my boss, I get:

    550 5.1.1 <first.last@mydomain.tld>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table

    And yes, that's true, it's not defined in the local table, because it's an account we haven't migrated over yet. The expected and desired behavior is that it will take any email that it can't deliver locally and send it to the server defined in "Relay outgoing mail through host:".

    I say expected, because this is exactly how our 10.5 server works. We can point out clients to it for outgoing mail, and what it can't deliver locally, it sends out to the mail relay, which gets it to where it's needed. And yes, I've compared the mail configuration screens of the 10.5 and the 10.6 box, and in every way (except where 10.6 brought a new option), they're identical (other than the host name).

    Does anyone have an idea? This isn't just a transition issue; our domain is shared amongst dozens off offices with thousands of users, and only 200 of them will be on this server.

    May 2, 10:02 AM

    Please let me know if there is any good Open Source Chart Library for iPhone?


    Aug 13, 02:41 PM
    Well, this is about the second thing that came to mind. ;)
    And, it's based off a real one dollar bill! (oooohhhh...)

    Apr 7, 03:55 PM
    I got a weird bug. Sometimes my albums in the photos app go right to the top of the screen and show underneath the 'menubar' at the top so I can tap on it and open the first album in the list. If I pull it back down on the rubberband effect it still goes to the top of the screen?! I have to restart my phone for it to reset and its still hit and miss whether it works.
    Same here, happens all the time to me now.
    Glad to know I'm not alone!

    Feb 8, 03:26 PM
    Link (

    Love this wallpaper. The link however seams to be for a diffrent version.

    Do you have this version?


    Jan 7, 08:56 PM

    no link yet. curious.

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