Wednesday, June 1, 2011

ktm 250 2 stroke

ktm 250 2 stroke. Yentl Martens on his KTM 250SX
  • Yentl Martens on his KTM 250SX

  • Polo5
    Aug 19, 03:03 PM
    Man I love this forum....I have a facebook account.....but me nuh ediat:D
    +1 I too!
    If you use this, you're an idiot. Plain and simple. No debate or discussion.
    Just because it applies to u it doesnt mean it applies to everybody
    Update from Facebook:

    Facebook, why not roll out the service first and THEN do the app update? The way you ar� doing it only creates confusion. My 2 cents

    ktm 250 2 stroke. ktm 250 sx picture
  • ktm 250 sx picture

  • Blakjack
    Apr 21, 01:26 PM
    Apple and its development community are joined at the hip.

    ktm 250 2 stroke. This powerful two-stroke
  • This powerful two-stroke

  • Andrmgic
    Apr 16, 06:13 PM
    They should post a policy and ****ing stick to it, no special cases or exceptions.. NONE of this "because we felt like it" ********.

    They need to post EVERY SINGLE REQUIREMENT in plain language and say explicitly which of the published policies the app did not meet and give an explanation as to why.

    This kind of stuff is nothing but bad press for them, especially with all of the public backpedaling they've been doing when they reject someone with the attention of the media.

    Also, They should not be able to deny developers access to certain APIs in order to keep their own products more competitive. (pinch to expand for that photo app that got rejected, in-app brightness control, etc.)

    If Apple can't compete on their own programming and design merits, then they shouldn't be releasing applications in the store.

    ktm 250 2 stroke. KTM 250
  • KTM 250

  • MacRumorUser
    Mar 31, 11:46 AM
    ^ Let us know how Rayman plays.

    I'm picking up Rabbids 3D tomorrow.

    Ridge Racer is a slow burner and has grown on me. Really enjoying Lego StarWars, however the space combat levels are pants. PilotWings is my biggest let down. There's nothing that 'bad' about it - it's just that it doesn't have the magic of past pilotwings.


    ktm 250 2 stroke. Bike Ktm 250 Sx Two Stroke
  • Bike Ktm 250 Sx Two Stroke

  • malohkan
    Apr 5, 02:13 PM
    I definitely have to disagree with him. Typing on a touch screen just makes me angry, and that's my primary reason. I can be something like 300%+ more productive on a standard computer than a tablet, period.

    I never understand this kind of thing. It's like someone saying "I can never buy a Honda because it just can't tow all the things I tow on my farm, or drive through deep mud." But then he drives his F350 every day 30 miles and back from home to town to do errands and get groceries getting 12 miles to the gallon. Most people would (and do) get a efficient small car for that sort of thing.

    The fact is, the iPad is mostly a content consumption product. It's REALLY REALLY good at being that. Sure you can get some things done on it, too, but that's clearly not the intent of this design. If you need power to crunch your data and be "300%+ more productive" then sure you need your F350 for the time and place where it's appropriate. The iPad isn't going to fully replace your desktop that you need to earn your living.

    For a lot of people, this means they don't need the super expensive laptop to cover their bases. They can get the cheaper desktop, with more power and bigger screen, and then have an iPad to cover their mobile (and again 90% of the time doing content consumption) needs.

    ktm 250 2 stroke. KTM 250 300 Two-Stroke
  • KTM 250 300 Two-Stroke

  • Snowy_River
    Nov 18, 01:03 AM
    It smart for a teen, who is close to my age (20), to get into contact with a friend to get duplicated iPhone 4 cases in white, The look on the back looks original from Apple. I see Apple suing him for selling copy right infringement material. That would suck for him. I also see a issue for a Foxcomm employee letting material go out the door and Apple would get pissed over that. Apple has no power against the people. Only thing they can do is say "Oh well." :D

    Unfortunately, you're wrong on most if not all counts.

    First, it would be patented material, not copyrighted material. And patent infringement, especially design patents, is really quite easy to pursue.

    Second, the Chinese supplier is "Foxconn", not "Foxcomm".

    Third, and finally, in cases like these, as a general rule, even though Foxconn is the supplier, Apple is the owner of the parts. If Apple ordered that the parts in question be destroyed, putting them in a box and taking them home doesn't count, and certainly neither does selling them to a friend in the US. If they are the actual parts produced for Apple, then it is quite likely that they are, indeed stolen goods, and both this boy and the employee who got the parts for him are in trouble.

    However, if the people involved were a bit smarter, then these parts would be from a production run not ordered by Apple. Under those circumstances, depending on how the contract is worded, there may have been enough wiggle room for them to sell these parts, especially given the fact that the actual Apple parts never went into formal production.

    Finally, while it's arguably quite impressive that this kid was able to sell about 450 kits, to the tune of $130K, it's important to remember that this doesn't mean that he's made $130K. I would think it much more likely that he's getting maybe 10%-20% of that. Still, $13,000-$26,000 is not a bad haul for a couple months work...


    ktm 250 2 stroke. 2009 KTM 250SX-F
  • 2009 KTM 250SX-F

  • inguatu
    Jun 25, 06:45 AM
    +1 That is is kind of "Think Different" Apple should be encouraging!

    I was more thinking along the lines of why Apple is suddenly putting SD card readers into several models. They are usually driving new technologies (or ignoring them), not catching up. SD cards have been around for a while now. Why is Apple choosing now to start adding SD card readers. And, in the case of the Mini - on the back.

    Not sure how Apple is thinking any differently? People give them way too much credit.

    I'm assuming Apple is finally yielding to pressure from the professional community as well as hobbyists since most PCs and laptops these days ship with SD ports. Apple realized they finally needed to catch up with the times. Although, they're still not resting on their "no BluRay" laurels in order to "encourage" people to use iTune$ to buy, stream and watch HD content (minus the extras only found on BluRay).

    ktm 250 2 stroke. KTM 250 EXC
  • KTM 250 EXC

  • ellyka112
    Nov 21, 03:11 AM
    Good luck to that kid. He'll need it seeing Apple's recent track record with cases like this.

    Lam's success has not gone unnoticed, however, as he has now received a letter from a purported private investigator claiming that Lam is trafficking in stolen goods. Lam intends to secure the services of a lawyer to defend himself against any possible action.


    ktm 250 2 stroke. 2009 KTM 250XCF-W
  • 2009 KTM 250XCF-W

  • ellyka112
    Nov 21, 03:11 AM
    Good luck to that kid. He'll need it seeing Apple's recent track record with cases like this.

    Lam's success has not gone unnoticed, however, as he has now received a letter from a purported private investigator claiming that Lam is trafficking in stolen goods. Lam intends to secure the services of a lawyer to defend himself against any possible action.

    ktm 250 2 stroke. 2. 2009 KTM 250 XCF-W
  • 2. 2009 KTM 250 XCF-W

  • SevenInchScrew
    Jun 17, 08:38 PM
    The Slim design isn't going to trickle down to the other models?
    If I were to guess, it would be this single new model alone for the rest of this year, with the 2 older models slotting in as the "bargain" versions for the holiday season. Then next year, after the launch of Kinect has settled in, and the older models are pretty well phased out, they could introduce a wider range of models.


    ktm 250 2 stroke. 2010 KTM 250 EXC
  • 2010 KTM 250 EXC

  • Abulia
    Apr 4, 04:53 PM
    I thought it was revolutionary - the idea that you always start with a template and never with a blank document. I thought - wow, all these years and Microsoft didn't come up with this?Actually, for the past several years Office has offered the option upon opening to load a document or pick on of several templates. Office even organizes them by type: Professional memo, sales order, etc. So, nothing new there. Move along.

    Can't stand Pages. I'm a writer and it (Pages) is totally unsuitable. Clearly a wannabe DTP program, ala Publisher. I'm sure Pages is great for doing a church newsletter. For any moderately-serious writing, Pages is unacceptable.

    I'm very impressed with Office for the Mac. W/ student pricing, that bundle is a steal. Mature and powerful apps. (And, strangely, the Mac version is better than the Windows version.)

    ktm 250 2 stroke. two-strokes! ktm 250SX
  • two-strokes! ktm 250SX

  • kingdonk
    Feb 28, 07:37 PM


    ktm 250 2 stroke. KTM 250
  • KTM 250

  • BenRoethig
    Sep 25, 10:32 AM
    I wouldn't expect any hardware. The store is still up.

    ktm 250 2 stroke. Ktm 300 Exc Supermoto. KTM 250
  • Ktm 300 Exc Supermoto. KTM 250

  • bartelby
    Nov 14, 08:47 AM
    "Mummy, why is that man watching those naked people doing things to each other." :p

    It will happen.

    I thought iGary had trouble getting on flights!


    ktm 250 2 stroke. 2003 KTM 250 EXC
  • 2003 KTM 250 EXC

  • cgc
    Apr 12, 01:01 PM
    A little off topic, but question for those who need Office software, and also run Parallels/Fusion: Do you prefer Office For Mac, or do you prefer to run "regular" Office in Parallels/Fusion? Thanks.

    I have Office 2011 for Mac and Office 2010 for Windows which I run in VMWare Fusion (got both for $9.95 each through Microsoft's Home Use Program). I much prefer Excel 2010 in Windows but Word 2011 and PowerPoint 2011 for Mac are fine.

    ktm 250 2 stroke. racing the two stroke 250
  • racing the two stroke 250

  • iWonderwhy
    Apr 12, 03:04 PM
    don't care

    page and keynote still rock

    Let's be honest, and speaking as a user who owns both the iWork and the Office suite, Microsoft Office is the superior productivity suite at the moment. Both have some things that the other does not, but overall Office is the best. I'm sure the majority of Mac users would least the ones that don't let the Microsoft-Apple rivalry get to their heads..


    ktm 250 2 stroke. 2008 KTM 250 XC W Side View
  • 2008 KTM 250 XC W Side View

  • bizzle
    Apr 8, 07:59 PM
    It's not the job of the government (or government funded agencies) to teach people how to not get knocked up and give out birth control. I don't have any objections to this. I don't pay taxes so Sally doesn't pop out another unit.

    ktm 250 2 stroke. KTM 250 EX/C Enduro
  • KTM 250 EX/C Enduro

  • tpjunkie
    Sep 17, 09:35 AM
    aaahhh, relationship with benefits :p :D

    as her/him if she/he would like to rip your iPod. :D

    er that one seems a little painful...

    ktm 250 2 stroke. 2001 KTM 250 EXC
  • 2001 KTM 250 EXC

  • fox10078
    Mar 26, 04:13 PM
    After all the posts on Apple v. Google, this should really be pg. 1 news...

    Agreed, but they need the drama to attract views.

    Jul 10, 10:27 PM
    Yeah I saw all of you guys in line when I went there earlier tonight! Good luck. I will be showing up in the morning. I hope too many people aren't there! I saw about 10+ people last. How many are there now?

    Apr 8, 08:14 PM
    It's not the job of the government (or government funded agencies) to teach people how to not get knocked up and give out birth control. I don't have any objections to this. I don't pay taxes so Sally doesn't pop out another unit.

    But another unit is just what the 'system' requires of Sally, poor girl.

    You could do with a crash course in Economics, not that I agree with what they are trying to achieve.

    Mar 17, 05:16 PM
    is streaming copyrighted files felony worthy?

    It's bad enough that some of these civil suits claim ridiculous damages where one instance of copyright violation is supposedly thousands of dollars.

    Apr 10, 12:25 PM
    Looks like Obama's coming up with a new deficit proposal next week.

    Mar 23, 02:53 PM
    Sounds a bit redundent given my Samsung TV, Sony Bluray, Humax PVR, XBox 360, Windows PC and my macs (with Twonky installed) already all play nicely together without needing a new standard.

    feel better?

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