Sunday, June 5, 2011

quotes on friendship with pictures

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  • macfan881
    Oct 12, 05:20 PM
    I spent many an our as a kid standing around this cabinet as a player and a watcher.

    I hope it turns out better than Turtles in Time. and I'm sure it will be $15. Maybe The Simpsons will be next!!

    i would think it would the simspons iPhone game is a pretty good seller i belive its in the top 50 for games.

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  • mgauss
    Oct 16, 10:03 PM
    The world is ready for the "computer we carry" that "syncs with the computer at home and work."

    The iPhone will also let Apple hook the user into the whole Apple experience by giving cell users what no cell company has done: a good cell phone operating system, with friendly software.

    If Apple misses this opportunity, it will be the defining moment in its history.

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  • short friendship quotes

  • Apple OC
    Mar 11, 10:19 PM
    Ok now- let's just make one thing clear. :D

    I'm single. I need a sexy car, not a four door. :)

    They don't come any sexier than an American Corvette

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  • “Remember friends as you pass

  • sananda
    Oct 26, 12:37 PM
    i'm here. where are you all? no t-shirt for sananda :(


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  • good quotes on friendship

  • gdears
    Feb 13, 02:50 PM
    thank you skills at navigating are poor!
    The harddrive shows up on my desktop but when i go to open it nothing is there?!?!?! when i look at the info it says there is not much space left ??how do i open the files to bring into max?:confused:

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  • good quotes about friends.

  • hismikeness
    Mar 23, 02:12 PM
    It would be nice if this worked in the other direction as well--i.e., from a computer to an iOS/AirPlay device. (Yes, I know about AirFoil and friends.)

    EDIT: Wait, can Home Sharing in 4.3 do this? (I don't have a 4.3 device...yet.) If so, I guess I can expand my wishlist to include non-iTunes media... :)

    For your non iTunes video, check out this ( app. I have it and really like it. You set it up on your computer, tell it where to look for supported video files, download the app on your iDevice, and streaming begins.

    There is even functionality for converting to iTunes format, though I haven't messed around with that much, so I can't speak to its effectiveness.

    Best 3 bucks I've spent on the App Store.

    EDIT: Didn't see this response ahead of mine. Almost word for word...

    You should check out Air Video (the iOS app). It's the best solution I've found and with iOS 4.3 it works great for streaming all the .avi and .mkv movies on my HD to my apple TV via my iPhone.

    It goes (Air Video server on computer) -> iOS device -> Apple TV.

    It was probably the best $2.99 I've ever spent.


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  • Myspace friendship-quotes

  • MattInOz
    Apr 6, 02:07 AM
    There's no such thing as a 'normal person'. The 'normal people' he is reffering to are the computer illiterate. Being computer illiterate dosen't make you normal.

    Agnostic maybe but not illiterate. Would you call a person who knows no more about a pencil than to sharpen it and draw or write illiterate?

    Computer are tools to and shouldn't need to be anything more than that to the vast majority of people. Why should they need to worry anymore about the tool than they worry about the pencil.

    *yes I don't consider myself normal in this respect either. What with a collection of clutch pencils and a full set of Derwents very handy.

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  • big samm
    Jan 7, 09:22 AM
    Why when i close the app and then go back in it it logs me online on the chat automaticly?


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  • doctor-don
    Jun 14, 09:55 AM
    As opposed to what, the new CDMA iPhone? As was stated by screensaver400 it would be much easier to add a 1700 band than redesign for CDMA (though numerous rumors have suggested that Apple is preparing a CDMA iPhone.)

    As for carriers, look what the iPhone does to networks, both here and abroad. How much complaining do you hear about AT&T and O2 as exclusive carriers? The huge strain on their networks balances out the publicity and business they've gotten from being the sole cell companies offering the iPhone. The unlimited data plan castration will follow the iPhone wherever it goes. It could make a comeback as networks improve, but I doubt it because bandwidth expansion is accompanied with larger/more complex files.

    Add an iPhone potentially video conferencing over 3g plus multitasking and no carrier would be willing to shoulder that data load.

    What people should keep in mind is that once another carrier is working with the iPhone, that decrease in usability (strain on their networks) will become an increase in usability as the additional users are spread over more carriers.

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  • friendship quotes with images.

  • SandynJosh
    Apr 5, 06:51 PM
    I wonder who the first manufacturer was to create a dock connector? I assume IBM? They should sue Apple and give them a piece of their own medicine. You know if the shoe was on the other foot. . .

    Dock connectors for some equipment date back to WWII for sure, maybe earlier.


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  • kenypowa
    Apr 19, 09:51 AM
    2nd video at 1:35 (iOS 4.0 8A216) confirmed

    Looks just like HTC Sense's Leap. Maybe HTC should be an ass like Apple and sue Apple for slavishly copying HTC's Sense UI.

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  • djdole
    Nov 6, 02:09 PM
    My bet is on the RFID being used as a payment device.
    Especially since :apple: stores are already good about automating the purchase process (with emailed reciepts and the like), and with Apple recently changing their in-store handheld payment devices, with the fact that Apple currently maintains a record of your payment methods. So associating your previous payment/billing method with the rfid in your phone would allow them to easily scan you previously-purchased phone, confirm against your ID then have you on your way with your purchase.
    Such as when I was in to purchase my 1st-gen iPhone, I used a credit card. Then when I upgraded to 3GS they just asked if I wanted to use the same card. It kinda shocked me that they were keeping that info, but it was quite convenient. But the only reason they were able to use my previous method was because they already knew it was me (because I was upgrading my phone). Other visits where I was just buying an accessory, I still had to whip-out my card and go through the whole process.
    If they have the RFID in the phone, then they could possibly use this for any/all other purchases (not just new iPhones).
    AND it would also allow them to identify a phone's owner if the phone were lost or stolen and returned to their store. As well as ensure that
    Additionally, they could also use it to be sure that the phone returned to them is the SAME phone that was sold, so there wouldn't be any consumer fraud.
    This would mean a decrease in profit-loss, which would eventually be passed on to consumers. :-)


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  • funny quotes about friendship.

  • kiljoy616
    Apr 19, 05:01 PM
    I must admit I am a fan of the white iPad but seen the white iPhone I rather stay with a black one any day. Maybe when they finally come out it will be better looking that what we see here. Its to bad the button is still there would like to see Apple get rid of the click mouse we have now in both the iPhone and iPad. :apple:

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  • quotes about friendship funny.

  • Track&Share
    Jan 12, 03:42 PM
    We are working on a Facebook status update. Our app so far updates users via Twitter on daily things that get tracked. Glad to see Facebook become more iPhone friendly. If you have anything to track / improve in your life, have a look at Track & Share. Try the lite version for free. All the best to all Facebook fans,


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  • madhatress
    Mar 24, 04:12 PM
    Nevermind, think I answered my own question. Pays to read.

    Can someone keep me up to date on stock levels in San Francisco? Thanks.

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  • Funny Friendship Quotes And

  • eawmp1
    Apr 9, 09:21 PM
    It is so much easier to abort than to raise a child.

    Are you suggesting it is harder to abort than to raise a child?

    Until you've done both, and lived with the consequences, your opinion is worthless.


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  • friendship quotes and sayings.

  • Compufix
    Sep 28, 01:18 PM
    So as a new MB user, in which everything works fine so far, this update means nothing to me?

    first off, WELCOME...second off, just an FYI, all Mac users are required by law to be excited about every update the comes along, and should rush out on a drop of a dime to install it. It's just something you have to do, or your membership to the Mac community gets revoked. 8-)

    All joking aside.....I really wish support for Blackberry 7130e as a USB modem would be built in. I have the Verizon software for Windows....and the Mac version (made for Verizon by Smith Micro) does not support the Blackberry yet 8(

    I gotta boot into Windows or use Parrallels...yech...

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  • carlgo
    Mar 27, 10:35 AM
    "If I moved just this far over I bet I could get reception...."

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  • liavman
    Mar 25, 09:00 PM
    Here is some interesting data...

    Kodak has 1.62B in cash and 1.24B in debt for a net spoils of 380 million

    Gross Profit per year is 1.95Billion with an EBITDA of 732 Million. The accounting reported earnings are negative, so it is all about some charges, not real money going forward.

    Kodak's current market cap is 914.20. It went up 20% after this news, so it is currently 1.1 Billion.

    If Apple is really interested in Kodak's intellectual property, it seems to be cheaper to buy the company out right than licensing the intellectual property.

    Apple should simply buy them out paying the shareholders 50% premium for around 1.7 Billion cash and be done with it. Keep the intellectual property portfolio, collect some yearly money from Samsung and others which Kodak has already won. May be even from RIM if the ruling will be in Kodak's favor. But that is not a gating factor for the decision. The major issue to resolve is what to do with their current 18000 employees!! That is like 1.5 B to 2 B a year in expense. May be Apple will have use for 1000 of those people at best. Apple will have to spin off any manufacturing and sales of what Kodak currently does today into a separate company while keeping the intellectual property.

    Having said all this, something does not look right. Why are the earnings negative for a company with a revenue of 7 Billion, Gross profit of 2 Billion and EBITDA of of 3/4th of a billion, and why is the market cap so low for such a company. I know its future is bleak which begs the question. Why is it still even in business. If its future strategy is going to be just a patent holding company and not any useful economic activity out of those 18000 people, Apple can do a much better job of being that patent holding company.

    Sep 27, 11:58 AM
    Oh noes! The dreaded off-topic discussion on numbering schemes that pops up after each os update. ;)

    indeed the trend continues!

    None the less, I am excited for a new build!

    Apr 20, 11:42 AM
    I'll second that, no intel 3000 will be entering my house
    And I doubt that there will be a backlit keyboard again. As I said in the last thread apple took it out for a reason not for fun

    And that reason was? Thinness? Cost? Do you have any evidence to back this up?

    I think it was simple economics - take out the BL keyboard to get the cost under $999 and keep the margins at 30%.

    However, as tech gets more mature, and the R&D Cost is recouped for the new design, I think they can re-add the BL Keyboard w/o sacrificing the $999 Price-point or the 30% margins.

    As you said, it wasn't just "for fun", but "for profit" and if they can maintain that profit, and return a marquee feature like the BL Keyboard, why not?

    Oct 16, 11:15 PM
    Hmm...I have a feeling both the iPhone and iPhone Pro will be flash-based though. But I think you're right they will both be slider phones. I think the iPhone "slim" phone will basically be like a shorter, wider iPod nano with a slightly larger screen and a slide-out keyboard - so it will be about twice the thickness of a nano. The larger iPhone Pro will be like a narrower iPod, maybe with a portrait screen orientation instead of landscape, and will again have a slide-out keyboard. I expect that the iPhone will have something like 2 GB and the iPhone Pro something like 4 GB or even 8 GB. I would be pleasantly surprised if either of these models had any expandable storage, but I doubt it. I think they will initially launch without expandable storage, and then add it later in the second generation of iPhones...

    yeah yeah... thats what i meant.... i just mean the form of the 80gb ipod... an 80gb hd might be a bit overkill... but im just lookng at my ipod sitting on the table next to my treo 650, and the 650 looks so dated... i remember when that seemed so cool, but looking at them side by side they look like different decades... something the same size and design as the ipod 80gb, where at the bottom it slides and exposes a qwerty keyboard... stellar

    Apr 22, 05:42 PM
    1. Real men ride Harleys.

    Don't real men drive Minis? Proper ones, not the BMW ones.

    Mar 30, 04:04 PM (

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