Sunday, June 5, 2011

tribal tattoos design_12

tribal tattoos design_12. hummingbird-tattoo-design
  • hummingbird-tattoo-design

  • Prom1
    Dec 28, 06:38 PM
    Microsoft is rock solid?

    Let's see, as a 15 year IT worker who has supported many MS environments, I have been yanked out of bed at 2am 3 times because "new" viruses that the Anti-Virus software didn't even know about, had brought down hundreds of machines on the network, and had even brought down routers and switches.

    I think the $100,000 we might spend on IPS/IDS blades for all the core switches to analyze the traffic coming from Windows machines might be better spent if we just put Macs in the network and maybe stick a free Snort box in there as an after thought.

    Companies spend millions just keeping their Windows machines in line -thank about it. MS has never been serious about security.

    Very Very interesting point. AntiVirus contracts/solutions (or lack there OF) is VERY costly as a day to day part of operations and productivity. YES Microsoft is part of the problem, but all these rogue developers trying to bring down microsoft & other corporations are also part of the problem.

    I'm VERY interested to see just how much storage space virii definitions take up both on workstations & on server just in the drive to security & uptime.

    Is it NOT AMAZING that in the last 20yrs we've come so far with regards to computing?!

    tribal tattoos design_12. tattoo-name-design-12
  • tattoo-name-design-12

  • Shreknow91
    Aug 3, 11:39 AM

    tribal tattoos design_12. Angelic Wings Tattoo
  • Angelic Wings Tattoo

  • dferigmu
    Sep 16, 07:44 AM
    I just bought a 20GB iPod and I need a travel case/pouch to carry the iPod and some accessories in. Does anyone have suggestions on a good one?

    tribal tattoos design_12. Celtic Sun Tattoos, Sun)
  • Celtic Sun Tattoos, Sun)

  • pbgdlax47
    Sep 23, 07:17 AM
    Hi my name is Pat. I go t college and I use this ihome model IP9BR for my ipod touch about 90% of the time it wakes me up when I need to get to practice and the other 10% it just doesnt wake me up. :mad: I have it set on the Ihome playlist and it is really making me mad when it doesnt wake me up. Is this normal?


    tribal tattoos design_12. Jesus Christ Tattoo
  • Jesus Christ Tattoo

  • applejack
    Nov 11, 12:22 PM
    I love these threads, there are always little apps coming out and this is a great way to hear about them. I just installed Bytecontroller, it's exactly what I've been looking for in a menubar iTunes controller - simple.

    Does anyone know of a freeware app to monitor connections to your wireless network? My friend has something like this for Windows, not sure if there is something similar for mac (I'm a little paranoid).

    tribal tattoos design_12. Hummingbird Tattoos Designs-
  • Hummingbird Tattoos Designs-

  • liamkp
    Jun 15, 10:31 AM
    Anybody know of anyone who sells dock and headphone plugs for the Ipod Touch? When I get an Ipod Touch I dont want to have dust and moisture get into the openings such as the dock and headphone. I know some switcheasy cases come with them, but anyone know of anybody who sells them seperately?


    tribal tattoos design_12. Free Tattoo Designs
  • Free Tattoo Designs

  • Analog Kid
    Nov 29, 12:29 PM
    People who pirate movies wouldn't have bought the movie in the first place.
    I don't think I completely agree with that... Yeah, there are some who will pirate just because it's free, but there are also those who will do it because it's the only way to get content in the form they want it in. Back before iTMS, Napster was the only game in town for digital downloads.

    Regardless of how people feel about copyright, if their only access to flexible content is the black market they'll go there.

    tribal tattoos design_12. Fish Tattoo Designs
  • Fish Tattoo Designs

  • kalsta
    May 1, 07:39 AM
    Of course it's in his mind, it is his opinion after all.
    But there have been countless studies on how people are subconsciously influenced by almost everything they see. That's one of the reasons why marketing departments have work. And then we see different car models with different names for different countries.
    And I would say that .me isn't a very good choice. It just doesn't mean squat. Given that they must call it something, better use some word that will send a message or advertise the platform.

    Apple doesn't need to create brand awareness through an online service. They have more brand awareness than just about anyone already. What I feel they need to do is add more value to the products we're already purchasing.

    Making 'find my iPhone' free was a small step in the right direction. It's not all about promoting these features to new customers. Any smart business person knows that it's cheaper to keep your existing customers happy than to be chasing new ones. Apple should be doing everything they can to create a computing experience that is so good, you just can't bring yourself to walk away from it once you're using it. In the year that has to include things like easy and reliable syncing of data between devices and convenient online access to some of your data. I just don't know why it's taking Apple so long to realise this.

    I'm not dismissing the role of marketing names in guiding perceptions, but what's more important here is the overall value added to existing customers. An inadequate or overpriced service simply can't hide behind a catchy name. On the other hand, Apple could call it something really dull like 'Apple Online Services', and still blow people away with a great experience. I for one couldn't have cared less if Spotlight had been called Search, or Time Machine had been called Backup. They actually remind me a bit of the whole 'Sherlock' nonsense before OS X. I think Apple overestimates the value of these sub-brands for what most consumers likely see as basic services.

    As for the suitability of a '' email address for business, anyone who is serious about business will have their own domain name. I don't think the mere presence of the word 'me' in the MobileMe name reeks 'me generation' ugliness. To me it says something like 'personal online services that I can access from anywhere'. And that is essentially what it should be.


    tribal tattoos design_12. Japanese Lion Tattoo Design(12
  • Japanese Lion Tattoo Design(12

  • ciTiger
    Apr 30, 09:34 PM
    Good news if it is a single service with all the features... Let's hope for a good price!

    tribal tattoos design_12. Tattoo Image
  • Tattoo Image

  • Daremo
    Feb 28, 06:11 PM
    Does anyone know if there is a way to remove the 4GB / 50 minute video recording cap? I used Greenpois0n to jailbreak, even though that likely makes no difference. I thought maybe there was something I could install to remove the cap.


    tribal tattoos design_12. one of my tribal things. Tatoo
  • one of my tribal things. Tatoo

  • GeekOFComedy
    Dec 25, 01:47 AM 5 day stay in NewYork in April :cool:


    1TB 2.5" Laptop Drive for My MacBook Pro

    tribal tattoos design_12. Resplendent Star Tattoo
  • Resplendent Star Tattoo

  • twoodcc
    Jan 26, 02:30 PM
    Hi all,

    Just added a 4.8 GHz i7-2600k folding -bigadv (~ 49000 ppd) to my MacRumors contribution.

    This is being helped by:

    3.8 GHz i7-860 folding -smp 7 -bigadv ~ 22000 ppd
    2.8 GHz i7-860 folding -smp 6 ~ 8000 ppd
    3* GTX 460 ~ 32000 ppd combined
    1* GTX 430 ~ 4000 ppd

    All running in wine under Ubuntu 10.04

    Hopefully I can maintain a reasonably stable 100k ppd, at least until the weather gets warmer when the graphics cards will have to stop.


    nice! thanks for sharing that! it's nice to see what hardware people are folding with.

    i am having trouble with another system now after the move. my last overclock isn't working now for some reason, so back to square 1 again. hopefully i can get it back up again.


    tribal tattoos design_12. Tattoo Design #12
  • Tattoo Design #12

  • Kiwiboi22
    Apr 25, 12:07 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I would wait, to see the white phone in person... If it looks good, then I would think about selling my black iphone4 and getting a white one

    tribal tattoos design_12. Portrait Tattoo by Female
  • Portrait Tattoo by Female

  • Hisdem
    Dec 25, 06:35 PM
    I got some clothes and around $900 to spend on my trip to Chile in January. Plan on bringing back a Canon EOS Rebel T2i and more clothes :D


    tribal tattoos design_12. Chest Lettering tattoo
  • Chest Lettering tattoo

  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 7, 12:15 PM
    Just great for all us old folks with fond late night memories - family sleeping and all - to get to the last level or best High Score:-)

    The price is great too 100 games for 14.99 even including duds.

    tribal tattoos design_12. Albums: My favorite tattoos!
  • Albums: My favorite tattoos!

  • lloydh
    Mar 31, 10:10 AM
    To me it looks like necessary groundwork to bring this kind of functionality to touch devices, but I hope there are people out there who can create a more intuitive interface paradigm than just having a ton of dense pop-over palettes etc.

    Good to see Adobe's working on this, though.


    tribal tattoos design_12. Tattoo Designs (Set)
  • Tattoo Designs (Set)

  • MrMoore
    Nov 22, 09:50 PM
    I read that the iPads might have been purchased from Costco after the fallout between them and Apple.

    tribal tattoos design_12. Tattoo Design |
  • Tattoo Design |

  • marshallbedsaul
    Jan 18, 10:42 PM
    love it
    I really love the passat CC a little more, but vw is taking a honda's road these days. With the new factory in VA and cutting prices like they are now, but still a VW.

    tribal tattoos design_12. Tribal Design 12 by
  • Tribal Design 12 by

  • AznTakumi
    Apr 4, 02:18 AM
    I have a ipad 1 32gb and I am on iOS 3.2.2
    I am wondering if I upgrade to iOS 4.3.1, will this slow down the device?

    Feb 28, 03:13 PM
    Seems to be an old SLR:

    Number 41
    Apr 28, 07:23 AM
    Why buy a 3G iPhone, when there are 4G phones available ?


    More importantly -- why get locked into a 2 year service agreement to a 3G iPhone when there are 4G phones available?

    You might not need or want 4G/LTE right now, but why limit yourself when the NextBigThing might require a high-speed connection.

    May 6, 12:14 PM
    Slantnose is my all time favorite Porsche. I'm trying to find one to purchase one day :p

    Apr 26, 08:16 AM
    The thing I find funny is that about 90% of the people who were anxiously waiting for or desire the white iPhone are just going to stick it in a case anyway.

    Apr 27, 08:45 AM
    I was going to dispute you and say old dual 500mhz cube cube play 720p files with the stock Geoforce card but I remembered that was running the multi-thread variant of MPlayer. That might work for you.

    720p what?

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