Sunday, May 22, 2011

free spiderman 3 wallpapers

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  • Ridley
    Apr 17, 08:42 PM
    According to CNET, the new Air will be released around June with a Sandy Bridge ULV Core i5 2537M chip 1.4 GHz that can turbo to 2.3 GHz.

    So for .17 GHz upgrade we are sacrificing around 30% graphic power?

    Are you talking about this article (;msg5118115) from back in February that has been discussed ad infinitum on here?

    Are you referring to a newer cnet story? Do you have a link? Thanks, I am personally holding off and really hoping its true... we'll see!

    Also clock rate is not the only factor for determining chip speed... in fact it is a very small factor. The new processor is not just .17 hz faster, its a whole new architecture. Its why the 2.0 Ghz i7 in the 2011 MBPs are faster than the a 3.2 Ghz Pentium 4 Prescott from 2004.

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  • Spooner83
    Apr 29, 03:18 PM
    This would be awesome if I bought music at 256 kbps but I download LOSSLESS! When are digital retailers going to offer LOSSLESS?

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  • Queso
    Jul 21, 10:18 AM
    Finally Apple are back from those awful tanking sales G4 years, though will they ever break through that 5% glass ceiling?

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  • Stig McNasty
    Mar 30, 05:04 AM
    Having used and invested in Apple since the Mac Classic via IIci, LC475 etc and having lived (and worked) with Apple through the Dark Days (Amelio et al), I'm always pleased/relieved that Apple are stil around! That this Apple keeps ahead of the curve is important, but their kit lasts which, to someone who uses their Macs every day is one of the mos important aspects.

    I don't need, nor can afford, to be at the head of the queue every time a new bit of kit is bequeathed to us by the benighted Jobs/Ive axis! Sure I love it when a new shiny thing appears on stage, and follow the rumours closely, so what if the iPhone is September or 2012.

    I'm pretty sure that the revenue from iOS devices helps Apple keep the Mac flag flying high, for that reason I like the hype and expectation that is drummed up. Anything which keeps Apple in the computer game I'm all for.

    And yes I have an iPhone (3GS), and yes I will buy the next iPhone when it arrives, and yes I'll probably stick with that one for another two years. One thing's for certain, as long as Apple keep computing close to their heart (rather than their wallet) I'll keep the faith.

    Oh yeah, a lyric came to mind (as it often does):


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  • jaxstate
    Jul 28, 08:27 AM
    I agree. I like MS strategy. They want to get their foot in the door and compete, then sell you all kinds of other ish. Look at the XBOX/XBOX 360, they may sell them at a loss, but with the Software, XBOX Live, and the Marketplace, they are making their money.
    31,100,000,000 is alot of stamina too, I remember when m$oft got in the gaming console business there was a lot of this talk, now look at them, they sell the thing for a loss. Now imagine if they did that for the zune, a 60gb video capable for $150.00. Something to think about.........

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  • Socratic
    May 1, 09:34 PM
    Proof please. You have no idea what does or doesn't go to the artists, songwriters, producers, etc. You are speculating. The site has been up and running for years now, because noone has been able to prove in a court that they are doing anything illegal. If the courts decide otherwise and shut the site down, I'll move back to Amazon.

    You have implied your own proof. The fact that they are in Court at all should tell you money is not going from the site to the record labels / artists etc.

    The only reason the cases have failed is that its not illegal under Russian law. Russian sites are violating international law in making this content available, but international law is very, very difficult to enforce. Especially where the action is legal in the violating nation.


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  • Apple OC
    May 1, 11:53 PM
    To US its a big deal. It's a blow to the Al-Qaeda that doesn't exist anymore. The current one will still function just as it has for nearly a decade in its cell based way. If anything this will just piss off extremists. Don't think for a second some type of retaliation (most likely attacks in the Middle East) won't come about from this.

    are you suggesting we give him a pass? :rolleyes:

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  • shelterpaw
    Jul 21, 02:02 PM
    I'll get excited when/if Apple's Market share reaches 10%. Other than that, it's not such a big deal, IMO. :o


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  • fatboyslick
    May 4, 04:18 AM
    Let's be clear... "Android" is an OS from Google that you can find on dozens of phones from many manufacturers.

    Apple knows they can't compete with that. And they're not. Marketshare is not a goal. For instance... Android has more marketshare... now what?

    It's Mac vs Windows all over again. Windows is crushing Macs 10 to 1. Dell and HP have sales that dwarf the Mac. But is Apple really in trouble with the Mac?

    Apple sells phones... and quite a lot of them. 18 million iPhones last quarter... and 16 million in the previous quarter. Any other manufacturer would kill for those numbers.

    If iPhone sales drop to ZERO... then we can talk about Apple rethinking their strategy. Until then... Apple will continue to sell hundreds of thousands of phones every day... further positioning themselves away from bankruptcy.

    Indeed - Apple make money from the sale of iphone hardware whereas Google will only take a percentage.

    However, Google's plan is to control OS's because they then make money from their App store and adverts

    Apple identified this last year and thus released the Ad-Sense scheme for devs to tempt them to use Apple's App Store over Googles.

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  • samcraig
    Apr 29, 04:44 PM
    Anyone arguing against this is an idiot.

    First people complain about not having choices or prices being too high. Now there are more options and pricing is lower.

    Wow. Just wow.

    Well those addicted to Apple can still pay more for their songs. Enjoy. I won't stop you. Just like those that want to pay more for ebooks.

    Personally - I'll shop it around and pay the best price whoever is selling it.


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  • Plutonius
    Apr 19, 11:15 AM
    Wondering if we�re going to have a game or not?

    It's better to wait longer before starting if you get more players (should at least have 15).

    "Don't Panic" said he will play but I didn't see his name on the list.

    I'll play and bring some popcorn in anticipation of another "Don't Panic" / Aggie argument :).

    Note: I have a bunch of work coming up so I may not be as active (posting) as usual :(.

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  • generik
    Aug 18, 04:51 PM
    Yet that doesn't change the fact that the BSOD still exists in XP.

    The code for kernel panics exists in MacOS too, from my experience sometimes the OS even croaks before it can even draw the cool graphical error screen out. At least Windows XP has a fully functional BSOD :rolleyes:


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  • cait-sith
    Oct 23, 10:49 AM
    Why is MS so bad for limiting how you can run their software? Apple won't let you install their OS on any machine that's not made by them. The "no virtualization" restriction seems pretty lax compared to that. Especially when you consider that MS is doing nothing to enforce it, and Apple has included hardware/software to block the use of their software on 'unauthorized' hardware.

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  • leekohler
    Apr 27, 11:03 AM
    Agree, slapping the wall with her hand at end was a dead Giveaway.

    You people really have problems. I feel sorry for you. That you would sit here and say things like this is just sad. Just what exactly is wrong with you? What is it that makes you so callous? Is it boredom? Or is it just fun for you the be this way?


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  • Corey Grandy
    Jan 30, 12:41 PM
    - MacBook Air
    - iPad
    - iTouch
    - Apple Accessories

    Am I part of the Apple Family Now?

    You're also part of the insanely big spender family if that entire group is your last purchase.

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  • blubyu
    Apr 26, 12:24 PM
    I'll stick to streaming audio AND video flawlessly off my own PC and have complete control and plenty of storage for free, using a $5 (one time charge) app. I see no benefits of the Apple cloud based scenario. But I can see huge disadvantages if Apple, in it's attempt to make money off this service, intentionally limits internal storage capacity in future devices.


    Can you point me to were you are getting your 2TB hard drives for free? :cool:


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  • bedifferent
    Apr 26, 11:02 PM
    What a freaking RIP-OFF.
    No, a flat fee for unlimited rentals (music and movies) would be a good deal. I don't see Apple offering that any time soon, if EVER.

    Spot on, couldn't agree more. It's a marketing gimmick, and I've always hated that "dumbed down" term "cloud storage" for the average Joe-sumer. I hate that I have to use it for some of my clients for them to "get it". :rolleyes:

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  • htcbug
    Apr 20, 10:57 AM
    Lol ok buddy. Hope your not waiting for there to be a backlit keyboard in the air because I doubt there will be. Apple took it out of the MBA for a reason not for the heck of it

    lol, hope not so. Here are some other reasons: a 2 kg mbp 13 is a little bit too heavy for me as i need to travel around with a notebook to process my photos. 2 years ago i sold my t61 and replaced it with a x61 because t61 is too heavy and the cdrom is really useless to me. so when i got that the 2011 new mbp is equipped with a superdrive, i was really disappointed.

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  • daneoni
    May 1, 10:52 PM
    Am i the only who cannot access ANY video of the speech?

    Mar 31, 11:08 AM
    This looks good. Are people forgetting how rubbish iCal is at the moment. Beyond aesthetics, I'd like a calendar that is useful....
    Making it look different won't make it better. They should address the usability/functionality, sure.

    Jun 6, 02:49 AM
    Yeah it was on a touch not a computer.

    If you have entered a password and the app downloads, and continue to browse the app store it doesn't require a repeat password entry until you sleep your iPod touch/iPhone.

    Apr 23, 07:10 PM
    and the crew member who made the video is no longer employed by this organization.

    Shoot the messenger.

    What of the laughing staff??

    Apr 27, 12:50 PM
    Obviously taking everything out of context, when we are dealing with the bleeding obvious there is no reason not to suggest it. I watched the video before reading the comments, so your point has no substance.You must have seen a lot of people having fits to be able to make such a confident judgement. Personally, having only lived with a severe epileptic in the household for nine years, I would unhesitatingly defer to you expertise. What do I know?

    doug in albq
    Apr 22, 07:35 PM
    I have a gen 4 iPT and an iPhone 4.

    I highly doubt this thin form for the next iPhone.

    This rumor is BS

    Edit: When iPhone 4 leaked early I thought that design was spot on and would in fact be the new design while the peeps resistant to change balked. This new design is poor and a step back. I love change, but not change that sucks.

    Josh creating BS because he wants some attention, nothing more.

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