Sunday, May 22, 2011

justin timberlake album cover

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  • MacinDoc
    Apr 13, 09:06 PM
    Spec bump?

    32 and 64?
    Snowball's hope in hell...

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  • steve knight
    Dec 30, 11:56 AM
    you gotta feel sorry for the poor abused toilet. I can imagine the reamed out plumbing.

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  • Hardtimes
    Mar 31, 10:31 AM
    If apple force that tacky ical onto me (and don't give me a classy, cleaner option) I'll be looking elsewhere for a calendar. Simple

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  • skunk
    Apr 24, 07:02 PM
    I would beat the hell out of any dude that was in the same bathroom as my daughter.Define "dude".


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  • CplBadboy
    Apr 13, 04:27 PM
    Nice idea and interesting. best bet would be a collaboration with Panasonic. After all since Pioneer stopped production of the best flast screen TVs ever and Panasonic employing those engineers who got laid of from Pioneer, their new 2011 panels are simply the best platform for it. if they put it into a Samsung or alike then no thanks. panny s are reasonably priced.

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  • BC2009
    May 4, 11:51 AM
    OMG....I would NEVER take information as fact from an "ATT customer service agent". I have received so much wrong info or even been dare I say lied to, I would never trust what a random ATT rep said.

    Not to mention, the service reps are so far down the chain of command, they would not have info on when the next iphone is being released.

    Yes, once I called AT&T to get information on my partner discount. I called three times and got three different answers. I called about which data plans could be used with my Treo 680 -- I called three times and got three different answers. The moral of the story is: If you don't like what the AT&T rep says just keep calling back until you get the answer you want.

    pfft, this should not be front page news, hell not even second page... just a bunch of hearsay from a CR that knows nothing about it and speculates BS.

    Certainly not news-worthy. Hardly a credible source.

    A real live AT&T customer care rep! Well that is as official as it gets. Everyone knows that Apple always informs carrier customer care reps of their future plans months in advance...

    Oh Wait. I heard from the Cinnabon guy that the US Government called him and officially informed him that Osama Bin Laden is still alive and being held in a secret chamber below Disney World or Disney Land.

    I heard the same thing about Osama Bin Laden from the guy behind the counter at my corner mini-mart. He just got off the phone with the President when I walked up to the counter. Normally I would not believe him, but he stated it as a matter of fact, so I knew it was true.

    Even if Apple and Google both make money from ads and apps... Apple still gets $600 per phone.

    Apple has the right idea :D

    "Android" can have their marketshare... I don't think it bothers Apple in the least.

    Steve Jobs cares about market share for one reason. He knows that the young Google founders whom he was helping and mentoring stole some of his company's best ideas and are now helping his competitors to take the market share that he intended to consume. It always sucks when somebody steals from you and then uses it against you -- especially when its the folks you consider your partners or allies. I'm sure there is more to the story, but I am pretty sure that's how Steve Jobs views it.

    I do agree, however, that the smartphone market growth we are seeing with Android is primarily made up of folks who are not interested in having a smartphone but are just picking up the best free or ultra-cheap phone. These phones are typically running a generation-old version of the Android OS and the folks who purchase them are really only interested in their phone ringing when a call comes in (i.e.: if they won't pay for a phone, then they won't pay for an app, and therefore are not tied-to the Android ecosystem).

    Also, the PC vs Mac war that Apple has supposedly "lost" has left them being the most profitable PC maker in the world (just counting Mac sales). That's pretty amazing considering they are not #1 on revenue or units sold, but they still make more profit than the folks selling commoditized PCs. Not a bad "consolation prize" for "losing" the PC war. Note that as the PC market is declining, Macs are still showing phenomenal gains.

    Secondly, let's not ignore that Apple is still the mobile OS leader worldwide when you count iPod Touch and iPad. Their current dominance with iPad is overwhelming and those buyers are not getting a free or BOGO offer like the folks picking up Android smartphones. Those folks are going to buy apps and buy-in to the iOS ecosystem.

    Finally, the smartphone market will very likely not play out like the PC market. Greg Cox wrote a very good piece ( on the differences on his blog.

    As a consumer I am both grateful and weary of the competition. Having a dominant Apple would help put pressure on the publishing companies and Hollywood (I hate publishing and movie industry folks trying to get me to pay for the same content over and over again). At the same time competition keeps Apple from doing as much "planned obsolescence". Competition tends to accelerate development in that it gives you somebody to set pace with and hence we probably get one or two extra features out of every iPhone release and iOS update. I don't think competition drives Apple the way it drives others though. Apple tends to have a proactive plan for the future of their devices that they probably make minor deviations from based on competition. Whether their plan is good (iPhone, iPad), lack-luster (MobileMe) or bad (Ping), they tend to stick to it.

    Personally, I wish Microsoft's mobile OS or Web OS was doing better than Android though. I say this because Google does not care about producing a great mobile OS so much as disrupting the market, generating a large footprint, and getting a platform whereby they can deliver ads to users. For Google, Android is a means to an end. MS and HP care more about the quality of the OS experience since the software is their actual product and they are the ones dealing with the customer support issues. Google has a reputation for leaving things unfinished and forgetting about them and not providing direct support.


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  • Applepi
    Jan 29, 09:22 AM

    Love it

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  • yac_moda
    Jul 26, 05:04 PM
    I sent Apple a long description about how to build a GPS location service into .Mac, iPods, PowerMacs, and with a proximity sensor.

    This was right after the kid in NY was killed for his iPod.

    Remember SJ promised a fix for this.

    I wonder if the proximity sensor will be wiresless disposable earphones :confused:

    As for REMOTE TOUCH I still think all touch screen actions will work best with the fingers on the BACK of the device and with them graphically and transparently reflected over the interface.

    And probably the ULTIMATE use of finger laser tracking would be a keyboard that has keys with multiple depths, dispose of those shift keys ! I also sent them a suggestion for a keyboard like this but that idea did not use laser tracking, it used a new type of button :eek:

    If the touch area for the hands were just flat wings on the back the swung outwards, they could also act as a support for the screen EXACTLY LIKE the traditional book holder:eek: :eek: :eek:


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  • ~Shard~
    Jul 10, 10:08 AM
    Nice to see the suite maturing like this. Pages 3 along with Charts will definitely make iWork 07 an improvement over the '06 version and a lot more solid of a suite in general.

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  • leekohler
    Feb 28, 05:12 PM
    I didn't say he should get more money. I said CBS will probably bring the show back because it make them so much money.

    Reports are Cryer gets $1 million per. These figures include what they make on syndication too.

    The that would bring the total between them to $80 million, which leaves everyone else with $20 million. That hardly seems OK or reasonable. There are a lot more people to pay and after that, what's left? I'd tell the guy to take a hike, especially with all the trouble he's caused.


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  • NickZac
    Dec 31, 08:24 AM
    I'm sorry, if you struggle to lose weight, you're not doing it right. Losing weight is dead easy. Keeping it off is dead easy too. Have your doctor check for any health problems which might prevent you from losing weight or recheck your food intake vs energy expenditure.

    Losing weight is a very simple formula : Calories in < Calories out. Change the symbol around and you gain weight. Make it = and you keep your weight.

    A lot of people don't understand this very simple mecanic which is the very basis of weight control. When you have this part down to a science, you can adjust the food intake to provide fibers/vitamins/proteins that you need.

    In a physical sense, weight loss is simple. Burn more calories than you consume. Keeping it off means burning the same amount of calories you consume. Eating certain foods (ex broccoli, tea, DARK chocolate) have beneficial effects and are proven to increase the metabolism. Yes, the mechanics behind it are easy.

    Now, the psychological aspects of weight control are anything but simple. Food is addicting, especially extremely processed foods (ex: McDonalds cheeseburgers). Many people eat because they are overweight, and they are also overweight because they eat. Many people have not been taught good nutrition and there are places in which eating well is virtually impossible. A study conducted by a government public health organization that I worked for has found that obese children and adolescents have a lower quality of life rating that children in the same age bracket with terminal cancer.

    Eating food often is an addictive tendency. Yes, to a degree it is individual choice, but it does cause results which hurts all of society as you noted. With that said, you have to see obesity as a problem with multiple causes and that there is almost always an underlying cause (ex: people eat more when they are depressed). The lady in this particular article however defies all logic as larger people do not want to be obese.

    Most importantly, obesity will grow in both prevalence and level of negative effects until a holistic system of living healthy becomes standardized, which thus far, has not occurred to the level needed to start to lower obesity rates. Obesity is both a physical and psychological condition, and I would argue it is also a disease.

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  • jeff1977
    Apr 12, 09:47 AM

    Simply because htcSensation is 1.2GHz dual core

    and... and... iphone5 will have lesser RAM than htcSensation.

    Also, Apple is closed and Google is open.


    Just buy what you like, but being all anal about specs is lame. Having the currently superior specs isn't gonna make anyone's penis any bigger, despite what you may think.


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  • nastebu
    Oct 1, 04:10 AM
    I'm not questioning those reporting their first-hand experience with an unacceptable level of dropped calls, but the posted repair report drafted by a Genius Bar tech is hardly documentation of AT&T's service levels, much less an official tolerance of that level. This tech was only reporting that he examined the iPhone and it was performing according to spec, and that its performance in use would be consistent with whatever level of service AT&T was providing at the time.

    I realize this is beside the point for those disappointed with their AT&T service, but someone was wrong on the Internet, and it's my lot in life to stay up past 1 a.m. to straighten things like this out. <sigh>

    This has been said a bunch of times in the thread, but people are still acting as if this is a definitive statement on iPhone service in NYC. It is not. The headline is very deceptive. All that's shown in this case is that one person experienced at least a 22% dropped call rate, and that an Apple technical service person determined that this drop rate was not caused by the iPhone's hardware. That's it.

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  • bbarnhart
    Oct 18, 09:47 PM
    An example of a "cash cow"

    Microsoft Windows XP
    Microsoft Office

    Nearly everything else MS does is at a loss or does not generate a lot of cash.


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  • Corey Grandy
    Sep 12, 09:18 PM
    Best $400.00 anyone has ever spent.

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  • lilo777
    Apr 22, 02:54 PM
    Apple has never used extreme edition processors. It's outside the scope of their market (aside from beyond their TDP).

    However, that's immaterial to the overall point. You tried to claim that apple skimps on some products, therefore them skimping on LTE because they can makes sense. That's no longer the case, Apple does use mobile quad core processors, so your claim no longer has any basis.

    Really? So the fact that they did not have laptops with mainstream mobile quad core CPUs before Sandy Bridge when every other computers manufacturer had them is "immaterial" now? With LTE it's the same story all over. After they finally get in a year or two you'll probably be able to say again that it's immaterial. I bet it's very material to those who want iPhone with LTE now. Another major problem here is that Apple sticks to having just one model of iPhone (CDMA vs GSM differences aside). As if all people wanted the same thing. They don't.


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  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 15, 02:51 PM
    nope .. refresh happening in the next 3-4 weeks ... they want you to purchase the machine first then pay to upgrade to lion

    nope......they usually provide a cut off date , i.e. if you bought a new Mac before (date) you can upgrade for FREE.

    All others get out your credit cards:-) $ 179 or so for a Family pack of 5.

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  • MrCrowbar
    Aug 15, 04:52 PM
    have a guest account that doesn't require a login, but gets wiped after they logout.

    Niiice! Now that's what I call a guest account.

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  • bousozoku
    Jul 11, 10:51 AM
    Yeah, isn't it nice when people decide unilaterally what is "professional" and what is not? The distinctions are totally arbitrary of course, but it's easy to see how by virtue of this thinking, Word remains dominant. Nothing else will do, because nothing else will do. What a wonderful tautology.

    For the record, I've been using Pages happily and successfully since it came out. Version 2 is an improvement, as well it should be, but that's a long way from saying that version 1 was worthless.

    From his rebuttal, I guess we didn't read what he meant from what he said.

    I actually got quite good use from version 1 after they added the page sorter.

    Apr 11, 01:43 PM
    Look forward to thunderbolt hub. USB 3.0, esata and a DisplayPort daisy chain.

    Oct 14, 02:21 AM
    Less Bars is a group of consumers who rave about one of the greatest inventions of this century: the iPhone. We are also an *educated* group of consumers who recognize that AT&T is currently conducting billing abuses against the majority of iPhone 3G customers.

    We created this petition to tell the AT&T Fat Cat Executives �We will not stand for your billing abuses. It is our constitutional right to use any and all social media and public relations avenues available to help spread the word about your billing abuse practices. We will not give up until you announce you will credit our accounts for each and every dropped call�.

    Find us on the web:

    Leave a comment on our hotline. We�ll replay it for all of twitterverse 800-574-7032

    Follow all of our research:

    Apr 27, 12:08 PM
    It was an employee. You don't need to have 'just a hunch' when most of the media reports confirm this. The employee was fired.

    I can understand not reading the whole thread, but not reading anything and preferring to make up your own version of events is kind of lazy.

    If you look above your post you would be having no reason to assume laziness and insult me in that way which I don't particularly care for. I was simply wishing to weigh in on the situation without reading through all 6 pages since most of the messages contained are rather lengthy. While I can admit I probably should have looked into the facts before replying on them I don't your attitude towards me is entirely needed.

    I wasn't making up my own version of events I was simply making an assumption based off of the attitude I saw portrayed in the video and, yes, that assumption was wrong. A fact I admitted above.

    Apr 29, 02:58 PM
    Remember when tiered pricing was announced, Steve said more songs would be available for $.69 than $1.29...I have yet to see a $.69 song.

    Apr 22, 01:39 PM
    Not a huge surprise, sadly. Can we at least get HSPA+?

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