Sunday, May 22, 2011

iceland volcanoes 2011

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  • SuperCachetes
    Dec 31, 10:48 PM
    ...God, not religion...

    I'll be honest: I don't know what the heck that even means.

    ...I read every post and I understood them all...

    No. You didn't. I am not judging her, and there are many here who aren't. I merely want all people to be accountable for their impact on society. For example, you are probably more healthy than I am. That's awesome. I truly hope you have the ability to pay lower insurance premiums than me. Why would I begrudge you that - I outweigh you by 50 lbs, and smoked for 25 years. But I'll tell you one thing - I run 15 miles a week now, trying to reclaim every last smidgen of lung capacity I can find. And, I've dropped 15 pounds in the last 6 weeks. And all just because I know I should. Think of how great it would be if there was financial incentive, to boot! argument is not that she isn't a liability. It's that no one here has a right to decide where the line is between what lifestyle is so selfish that it is your personal concern.

    Please stop assuming there is a "line." It can be a sliding scale. "Healthiness" can be measured with a variety of metrics (BMI, blood pressure, blood chemistry, etc) and there is no reason that numbers compared to numbers have to be judgmental. It doesn't have to be "healthy" vs. "unhealthy." That said, countless government agencies and private groups have decided what qualifies as "obese." The info is out there. People blow it off because there are no repercussions, no liability one way or the other.

    I would argue that accepting a lifestyle that has a much higher likelihood of illness or death doesn't necessarily mean mental illness. What about adventure seekers? Is climbing Everest a sign of mental illness? The likelihood of dying is high, and honestly, some would say that you have to be crazy to do it, but people still praise the behavior, and don't label the person with a mental illness.


    Guys, it really is possible that she just LOVES food. I've met people like that. They are great chefs and are very over weight because they love food. Not because they have some kind of mental deficiency.

    I really LOVE alcohol. I have been known to drink three bottles of wine, a half-bottle of whiskey, or a twelve-pack of beer in an evening. I don't do it to get drunk, I just really like the stuff. Are you cool with chipping in for my liver transplant? :cool:

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 15, 02:50 PM
    Probably just a public beta this summer.

    Goes against Steve Jobs saying Lion was shipping this summer. What is your source ?

    Until Apple says it's delayed, I'll believe Apple when they say it ships this summer.

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  • Plutonius
    Apr 26, 04:01 PM
    with plutonius holding the tie breaker

    if those 2 votes get validated, it is still plutonius with 4, followed by nies and eldiablo with 3

    I'll make the assumption that I'm going to lose the vote so I'll get some last analysis in while I can.

    Make note of the people who voted for me.

    Jav - Still not sure if he voted for me to silence me or because he was still mad at me for the last game. He is acting (voting) the same way he did last game.

    Nies - Nothing pointing to him as a WW except his posting was similar (and strange) to last game when he was a WW.

    UCF - His vote looks like a vote protecting either Nies or Eldiablojoe. If either Nies or Eldiablojoe is a WW, UCF is the other one.

    Eldiablojoe - His vote for me was a vote to save himself but that doesn't mean he is not a WW.

    Based on the above info, UCF is the best probability of getting a WW tomorrow. If UCF is a WW, then it's most likely that either Nies or Eldiablojoe is the other one.

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  • ptysell
    Apr 28, 01:57 PM
    Obviously Google has the same opinion as other Android fans... marketshare is king.

    Although... in the business world... cash is king.

    Congratulations Google... you now have a lot of marketshare. What are you gonna do with it?

    Oh yeah... you're an advertising company. I forgot!

    And thats just it.

    Google hasn't found a way to capitalizes on its smart phone market share.

    So even if they get 75% of the market and Apple keeps its 25%, in terms of revenue Apple is still going to "win".


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  • seanpholman
    Mar 15, 06:16 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Well I got to see Mystikal and Hasan Daddy get theirs after my failed attempt at Irvine spectrum. I was the Asian guy with the buzz cut hair. Unfortunately I got to Fashion Island to late. Congrats to you two!

    Were you the guy I was talking to at the end of the FI line that was about to have a smoke?

    Anyone going back tomorrow? I think I am done chasing these things for a while, but who knows. Went to South Coast before lunch for ***** and giggles and was told there would be no more iPads today. Period.

    The guy told me that they never opened South Coast early. I told him that his counterpart told me yesterday to go to South Coast early. And he said, that they are normally open then, just for one-on-one and not any retail sales. And if they did get a shipment, they would sell them before they "opened". Wait, what?

    I just walked away confused and in disgust.

    I am just trying to give Apple my money, sheesh.


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  • marksman
    Apr 28, 06:16 PM
    First of all, you can do that on an iPhone already. There are any number of ways to do that. Full keyboard? Yeah, tons of people want those... that's why they're selling so well!

    Yes. I am sure the number 3-25 top selling smartphones all have hardware keyboards.

    The 1 and 2 are both Apple iPhones and they don't have them though.

    I suspect the sales figures of the iPhone 4 and 3GS probably surpass the top 8-10 Android devices combined.

    That is called marketplace domination. Clearly a lot of people here don't have much business experience or understand how business works, but such control of a marketplace is significant, especially given the number of devices available for sale.

    Does HTC sell more smartphones than Apple? Does Motorola? How about Samsung? No, no and no.


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  • SmileyBlast!
    Apr 13, 02:10 PM
    I'm not sure Apple would be able to add real value to a TV here.
    They always seem to choose less than stellar hardware and then add great Software for the Value Add and high profit margins.

    So I'm happy with my 2nd Gen Apple. TV as is.
    A TV is big commitment. I don't want to be flipping that every year.
    Besides its heavy and awkward.

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 28, 07:06 PM
    The update of 0.2mm seems reasonable. 1mm was a joke.

    From the new comparison pictures, it looks like the top plate is responsible for the slight difference in thickness. Perhaps it isn't popped together tight enough? I'd try squeezing it really hard.

    I wonder how much variance is present in the black model actually. I mean if you measured the thickness of several black iphone 4 models from different batches. Perhaps there is variability and this will occur with the white model too. Or perhaps the white is very slightly thicker.

    As it is so small, this is not a problem. As the link in the update points out, most cases fit. The few that don't will have to be altered by the manufacturer. But I have to laugh at comments about owners of iphone 4 cases having to buy new ones for the white iphone they just bought to replace the black one. I seriously doubt that is happening to any great degree. And for those few who are buying white iphones 6 months or less after the black just for a new color, they are not going to complain about having to buy a new case. Suddenly after buying an expensive iphone just for the new color they are getting a sense of frugality? Right.

    Now on to better topics:
    1. Where is the white ipod touch?
    2. When will the ipod classic get a hard drive upgrade?
    3. Will there ever be an ipod tough 3G/4G? Will it double as a mifi?


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  • snap58
    Jul 25, 07:32 PM
    sounds interesting, though i have a feeling many people will just ignore the feature and end up touching the screen anyway, lol.

    I am not going to read all 110 replies, so this may have already been put out there.

    Remember the other patent with the LCD with the built in little photo cells, think these would know when something was above them?

    The screen will have a clear scratch proof cover over it that you could touch if you wanted too.

    I can't see people Not touching the screen, just hovering mm above it, no way.

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  • 3goldens
    Apr 28, 04:15 PM

    Who cares really?

    It's white! That's all I care about :)

    I'll tell you who care...

    case manufacturers that Apple is constantly screwing.

    It remains to be seen if this change will affect many but this constantly happens to these third party partners.

    That slight move of the volume button probably cost some of them a great deal in retooling expenses. Apple could have given them a heads up, but, oh god forbid anyone know what the great ones are up too.

    But hey what do you care, right?

    Were all very glad you like your new phone and hope you find a case that fits!;)


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  • TheOnlyJon
    Sep 16, 12:49 PM
    Bought a new shirt :rolleyes:

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  • biggerbearbrian
    Oct 19, 09:03 AM
    *sigh* How many times do we have to refute your assertions with facts before you stop repeating them?

    To wit, the iPod is not Apple's "cash cow". By definition, if there is something that gains more revenue/profit than the iPod, then the iPod cannot be the cash cow. 58% of Apple's revenue still came from sales of Macs. Gross margins for both Macs and iPods has always been similar (hovering a bit below 30%), so the Mac also generates the majority of the profit for Apple.

    As for Apple's innovative spirit lacking when it comes to the Macs, let's just point out that it Apple updated the iPod in October 2005 to the 5th generation, and we JUST got the 5.5th generation last month. Apple took a year to add slightly brighter screens, better battery life (only for video), and games. The nano just gained the anodized aluminum exterior -- wow, Apple's reaching back to the past for it's innovation now! And the shuffle got slimmed down and consolidated into one product. All this doesn't sound exactly like innovation to me. (Of course, Apple doesn't really need to innovate, since they're already selling iPods by the boatload.)

    In contrast, Apple brought all of its Macs over to the Intel processor. The Mac Pro was dramatically higher value, what with double-wide graphics card slot, dual optical drives, 4 internal hard drive bays, etc., etc. All Macs (except for the Mac Pro) now have Front Row and a remote, which is a great feature. Built-in iSights have also migrated across the entire product line. The MacBook and MacBook Pro now have MagSafe -- a great innovation. Boot Camp is now supported on all new Macs. The Xserve has new features like lights-out management, redundant power supplies, etc. And we've seen some great things coming for Leopard, what with Time Machine and Spaces and iChat Theater and Core Animation and iCal Server, etc., etc., etc.

    It seems to me that Apple is innovating more on the Macintosh side of things than they are with the iPod. What are they going to add next on the iPod -- wireless? *gasp*, so innovative!

    Seriously, can we stop with this myth already? It's the same thing with all of Apple's "woes" with quality control (which was busted by the recent consumer reports articles where Apple has actually brought DOWN the number of new computers needing repair in their first year). It's something that's repeated ad nauseum by a few vocal people, when it's really not a problem at all. Same here: everybody gawks and writes about the iPod precisely because more people can afford it and more people can use it with whatever computer they have. So, obviously, you will hear more about the iPod.

    Let's see if repeating myself again has any effect: the iPod is not Apple's cash cow!

    Understood now?

    OK, now fire away :rolleyes:

    I think the argument can go either way. While iPod (which I love btw) is less than half Apple revenue ok. But if they were to just add the iPod line today, and have the amount of revenue they are reporting from it, the financial report would be "iPod has given us nearly a 100% increase in revenue".

    So get some hershey's syrup, cause we got milk.


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  • Michaelgtrusa
    Apr 23, 06:43 PM
    Money talks.

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  • skids94954
    Apr 14, 06:00 PM
    You people are crazy to be showing your IP address to millions of people like that.


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  • 0815
    Apr 29, 06:55 AM
    OMG ... such a big buzz over 0.2mm.

    Everybody will survive just fine, you won't feel the differences and all the cases will just fit fine .

    This is not the end of the world.

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  • Blakjack
    Apr 28, 05:36 PM
    This is worth mentioning, but I isn't worth complaining about.


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  • rovex
    Apr 22, 05:41 PM
    Um no, they do not break very easily. Maybe a gorilla might break it easily.

    well mine sure did, and my iPad's not responding when I double click for multitasking. I'm no gorilla, it's called "wear and tear", maybe you haven't heard of it?

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  • ovrlrd
    Apr 22, 09:41 AM
    So what is Apple waiting for with the iPhone 5?
    If there are no chips until 2012, then just give us the iphone 5 now :)

    The obvious answer is that iOS 5 is going to be major and is why it is taking awhile (probably iTunes cloud related).

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  • 840quadra
    Dec 2, 02:15 PM
    Perhaps you missed me saying "Now, certainly, these issues should be looked at with all due diligence"? Again, I agree that Apple needs to keep on top of these vulnerabilities. With a little luck, we'll see a new security update within the next week or two that will patch most, if not all, of these. My objection was not to wanting Apple to fix these vulnerabilities. My objection was to the tone that suggested that if we didn't mount a public outcry, Apple would ignore these altogether, and by January 1st there'd be as many viruses on OS X as on Windows. It's the alarmist nature of so many of the posts here that I found objectionable. Give Apple the credit it's due, and trust that they are working on patching all of these vulnerabilities right now. How hard it is to patch them will determine how long we'll have to wait for the security updates.

    I now understand what you are saying and agree.

    Apr 22, 05:37 PM
    1) Lose job at Engadget

    2) Start new website

    3) Publish iphone "rumor" to attract readership

    4) Profit!

    Mar 2, 09:53 AM
    ^^ Yep, losing his children could be the catalyst that takes things to a whole new level. If he's faking any of this it will come to an end pretty quickly, at least for his children's sake I would hope so. If he's genuinely lost touch with reality, then getting his children out of that environment might be a good thing.

    Apr 28, 04:41 PM
    Of course, another possibility is that the black iPhone has become thinner due to abrasion from everyday use. :p

    Apr 14, 06:30 PM
    Can anyone confirm if the battery life has improved?

    Apr 28, 07:11 PM
    Hey, Jonny I've for CEO!!!! Not.

    Looks like his brain went to England but he left his body behind to do some last minute 'designs'. Nice attention to detail, all you had to do was change the color, genius. :rolleyes:

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