Sunday, May 22, 2011

jeff dunham achmed junior

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  • jhande
    Nov 11, 11:04 AM
    One of my main reasons for getting the MB vs. keeping my iBook was Parallels.

    I develop for several platforms, so this was 'made in heaven' if i worked.

    Well, after a month of testing and developing I can say that Parallels has been an unqualified success.

    Currently I'm running Ubuntu, Solaris 10 (Dtrace, zones and ZFS rules, but that is another debate), and Win2k. Apart from an issue getting the screen resolution right in Sun's Java Desktop, I have had no problems whatsoever.

    Since I'm not doing any 3D work, graphics acceleration isn't an issue for me.

    It's the best 70-odd dollars I've ever spent.

    Oh yeah, to the guy with stability issues..... I have no idea what you've been doing to your machine, but I haven't yet had a kernel panic of any kind (nor a BSOD in Parallels), so I don't recognize the situation at all. And, believe me, when you rape a system the way I do, running a long compile in the background while at the same time converting a video (just to see the stress handling capabilities - I wouldn't do that normally, compiles take too long :)), you get a good feel for the stability of the system. This baby is rock solid.

    For the record: MB CD 2GB 120GBHD


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  • Chimera
    Oct 18, 04:40 PM
    so what will we see in 2007?

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 29, 07:48 AM
    It's actually 2.4 grams, which may not be a huge difference per se but in a product with such tight parts tollerance to me suggest differences in parts used. It may be the white casing, it may be a reshaped chassis or even a different chip. iFixit will tell.

    Thanks for catching that. 2.4g yes.

    jeff dunham achmed junior. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • splashnader
    Jan 27, 07:36 PM
    $9.99 taxes in, couldn't say no to that.

    I missed seeing it in theaters. That's a great deal for the price.


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  • damixt
    Mar 15, 10:05 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Any news whether they have any at fashion island? How many people in line?

    jeff dunham achmed junior. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • mduser63
    Jul 24, 05:51 PM
    The user's manual is available on the FCC website (I think it's linked from Anyway, according to the user's manual, it's a laser mouse in addition to being wireless.


    jeff dunham achmed junior. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • gri
    Jun 17, 02:20 PM
    Well, I guess the app contain an official exam and your results get posted directly... Obviously, it's not only a "text book" kind of app...

    That examen is worth nothing than - I would have the textbook lying next to me. Did you ever do a board examen here in the US...? No cell phones, no watches, no nothing. Camera watching you all the time...

    jeff dunham achmed junior. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • ZooCrewMan
    Apr 15, 03:02 PM
    :rolleyes: Whatever. I'm not NDA police. Pirate all you want. Just don't be pissed when people don't post the changelog RIGHTAWAYS.

    Who says I pirated anything? All I was trying to say, is that it really gets tiring to see this back and forth every time any preview comes out. We all know that people have to agree to not disclose things. We all also know that most people ignore that requirement. It doesn't do any good to remind anyone of non-disclosure agreements. People are going to talk about it anyway. Just saying...


    jeff dunham achmed junior. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • twoodcc
    Sep 26, 01:13 PM
    I'll bring my systems back online 24/7. I kinda got tires of the locked up core on my macs so I fold only on my pc laptop during the day.

    just do what you can

    jeff dunham achmed junior. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • admanimal
    May 3, 08:20 AM
    Do Apple stores tend to carry maxed out spec versions of the iMac like I know they sometimes do with other models? Specifically ones with SSDs...


    jeff dunham achmed junior. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • jessica.
    Dec 29, 03:05 PM
    I am an FA myself, and have turned my head in admiration towards women that would make most men say "Daaaaaaaaaamn!", but I wouldn't pay to see this. I'm not into feederism; there's usually a control/codependency issue at play, and I prefer more equity in my relationships.

    What is "FA"?

    In this lady's case it is not just fat, she has an actual goal to make it to total immobility. FFS, I'm huge but I walk and can even jog quite a distance just fine.

    jeff dunham achmed junior. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • CWT1965
    Apr 12, 09:35 AM
    Am sure Steve will want to launch this one, can't wait to see him back on stage again


    jeff dunham achmed junior. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • Eriden
    Mar 16, 02:05 PM
    First off...Eriden nice meeting you today, sir! Was a fun morning less the disappointment of neither of us getting our desired model.

    Brea had a 105 year old mall cop who yelled at some kids sitting in the middle of the floor. I'm almost positive he called for backup. Haha

    Just ordered mine online. At least have one in the pipeline. And is getting shipped to Mass so I'll save $20 on sales tax :)

    It was good meeting you too! Hopefully we won't have to wait the whole 4-5 weeks. I'd be back at the crack of dawn tomorrow, but I'm up against deadlines for work projects.

    And that mall cop was hilarious. He probably hasn't felt relevant in 30 years. Getting to glare at mallgoers and check in with his supervisors probably made his day.

    jeff dunham achmed junior. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • paul4339
    Apr 22, 02:10 AM
    Suing their biggest vendor.

    It doesn't get any more stupid than that.

    Suing one of your biggest customers isn't?



    jeff dunham achmed junior. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • creator2456
    Sep 14, 09:00 PM
    Getting my bowling ball redrilled and resurfaced in preparation for league play.
    Also needed new shoes.

    jeff dunham achmed junior. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • The Maestro
    Oct 24, 08:32 AM
    ordered! 3-7 working days. would be great to get it by the end of the week

    i got the middle line for �1444 with student discount


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  • macgrl
    Jun 22, 07:58 AM
    oops. at least it got resolved .:)

    jeff dunham achmed junior. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • MikeTheC
    Jul 22, 11:02 PM
    My 2�...

    I 100% agree with the sentiment that Apple should not try to have a meteoric growth rate. From what I've seen over the years, a company can grow to any size it wants and be stable, but if it does it too fast (or, frankly, if it does it for the wrong reasons) it becomes unwieldly and unstable, and eventually will die. I know people here will laugh when I say this, but I fully expect to see this phenominon happen to both Wal-Mart and Home Depot, just like it's happened to countless other companies who got too big too quickly.

    I firmly believe that marketshare is significant in that it is a make or break for software and peripheral development. It is also significant in that it contributes to overall "mindshare". Now, you can accept or reject "mindshare" if you like, but it absolutely has an effect because people believe it is important.

    Furthermore, I have issues with the comments about marketshare increase alone as a primary contributor to getting Macs back into schools. The reason I have a problem with that is that school boards and school superintendants are typically in the back pocket of the IT staffs of the district, and so many of those staffs out there are all MS-heads. Until you can replace those folks (not convert, not convince, but replace) you're hardly likely to see much penetration into the educational market.

    And with both businesses and schools, it's incredibly ironic that they cling -- positively cling -- to Microsoft and all things Microsoft and only things Microsoft, even despite the tide of spyware, malware, viruses and incessant security hole exploitation. I mean, they'll bitch and moan about all the holes they had to patch and all the viruses they had to contend with and all the maintenance issues which fill up their day, but mention "Macintosh" just once and they'll immediately jump on the bandwagon of "Anything not made by Microsoft sucks. Oh, and Macs doubly suck, and nobody uses them, and there isn't any software for them, and they just crash all the time." Yadda yadda yadda. Geez, if I had a nickle for everytime I heard that crap come out of the mouth of an allegedly-savvy IT guy...

    Anyhow, one factor of significant import is Linux's market share, which is now either equal to or slightly in excess of Apple's. It's a good thing, on the one hand, because it means that competition is alive and well in the OS marketplace. But it also should serve as a wake-up call to Apple. They should know full-well what this means, since they're (at least to a degree) in bed with the Open Source crowd.

    jeff dunham achmed junior. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • cantthinkofone
    Apr 24, 12:19 PM
    That is a dude not a girl.

    Hard to believe everybody just stood around and let those girls assault him like that. As far as the seizure....that looks fake as all get out. I have seen a person have a seizure and it was no way near that violent.

    Jul 24, 03:22 PM
    Bah, these things are rubbish. The scroll wheel clogs up with dirt, just as scroll ball mice did in days gone by - except there is no user access to clean it thoroughly. Apple need to re-think the design on this one before updating it.

    May 2, 02:07 AM
    This is great news for the families of the victims of 9/11. Also, even though it took a long time, we finally got that bastard.

    There's nothing wrong in celebrating the death of an evil scumbag who was responsible for over 3000 deaths.

    Yes, I chanted USA!

    Obama's speech was excellent.

    Mar 29, 10:47 PM
    It is Apple. Number 2 is not the reason. Chances are moving it to another venue would cost more money which means less profit.
    Google is more than likely just trying to cover cost. Apple is going to try to make a profit.

    Apple has greater than 7 million in man hour costs alone.

    Nov 1, 08:28 PM
    Please. :)

    Apr 28, 10:56 AM
    .....About the the mentality of the people who buy a two year old phone just so they can say they have an iPhone.

    Not much different than people who get cheap/free (and crappy) Android phones to say they have a phone that's "good enough as the iPhone." And those phones, though they may be recently manufactured, generally run Android 1.6-2.0. Not exactly high quality...

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