Thursday, June 2, 2011

sad quotes about pain

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  • Feel my pain

  • Taustin Powers
    Feb 15, 05:22 AM
    I'm planning to sell or trade in my copy of Dead Space 2 when I am done with it. I haven't used the online code, which should work in favor of the resale value... BUT, is there a way to verify if the code has been used or not? If I take it to the store, do they simply have to take my word for it, or can they check?

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  • sherlockaled
    Feb 1, 08:59 PM
    sherlockaled, original wallpaper please ?
    Thank you.
    here you go :)

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  • quotes on sadness and pain.

  • Reventon
    Aug 1, 09:01 PM
    My screen shot, which is of course from the ending battle between the Enterprise and the Reliant in Star Trek II.

    sad quotes about pain. Jul 30 2010 12:40 AM
  • Jul 30 2010 12:40 AM

  • entrecote
    Apr 4, 03:49 PM


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  • AppleDroid
    Apr 20, 04:02 PM
    Great news for Apple as far as iOS implementation but comparing including iPod touch doesn't really seem like a fair comparison since Android isn't on any PMP devices.

    So as it stands, correct me if I'm wrong, but:

    1. Mobile PHONES, Android > iOS
    2. Include tablets and PMP iOS > Android by a good margin

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  • pain. l like

  • iApache
    Sep 10, 11:15 PM
    Would you be so kind to post this wallpaper please? Thank you!


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  • Uberglitch
    Oct 23, 11:34 AM
    hahaha, very nice. And not only that, but you didnt write anything in Comic Sans! :p

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  • tigress666
    Apr 6, 10:26 PM
    Yes, it had a lot to do with them. Many who are leaving have a legitimate gripe with AT&T and if they want to take their business elsewhere b/c a purely financial decision by AT&T, so be it. Even if the finances may not add up at first. Taking your business elsewhere IS what many want to do.

    Of course that is their choice but my point is to leave AT&T because they increased a price to go to some one who has an even more expensive price does not make sense to me at all. Now if there were other issues, sure.

    Ah ok, so you have nothing. Just the same old line used by AT&T whenever they raise the price


    The fact that you wrote the "Everyone wants money" line shows me how far over your head my point went.

    Of course since I don't work there i don't know what all their expenses are. But you can't say just cause the iphone stayed the same price doesn't mean their expenses have gone up. You really don't understand running a business if you think cost of an item is only affected by how much that item cost the business (and that was the proof you gave to me, that the iphone hasn't gone up in price, that AT&T is solely doing this cause they can and not cause they are reflecting their own price increases).

    They have to reflect all of their costs in that price to make a profit. And no, they aren't there to be nice to you. Their prices go up, unless they have some reason to believe they'll lose more business than they will make up by price increase, your prices are going to go up. At some point, regardless of if they think they will lose business they will have to increase the price solely cause they'll lose money otherwise. IT seems you think they should only raise prices at this point. Sorry, they are there to make a profit. They will weight what giesv them the most profit. When they give you a price cut, it's not cause they are being nice. It is cause they think that price cut will drum up enough business to eventually make more profit than they would if they didn't do that price cut.

    And my point culminates in that while no, I don't have proof this isn't just cause they can (and you definitely don't have proof cause what you said totally doesn't stand up to reason at all and shows no understanding of running a business), I could easily buy that their prices have increased given that there is a lot of inflation going on (I work retail and i see it in our own prices going up at my store as well as when I buy stuff). If nothing else, they need to make more profit to make the same amount of money as a year ago (as I said, when it comes to inflation, having your wages stay the same = a decrease in pay as your wage doesn't go as far).


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  • johnbro23
    Sep 24, 03:28 PM
    Let's say the girl is almost 18, but they're in the same grade (seniors in high school).

    sad quotes about pain. Sad Quotes
  • Sad Quotes

  • gekko513
    Nov 29, 12:30 PM
    People who pirate movies wouldn't have bought the movie in the first place. Adding usage restrictions only hurts the customers who bought the movie. If the studios are worried people will transfer movies to their friend's iPods, then they probably have their heads in the sand regarding the swapping of DVDs.

    Still, the concept of limiting consumers' rights is the issue at hand.
    Perhaps not, but they may have rented them. I recently pirated a movie because I couldn't find it at the local rental place. I can't wait for online movie sales. I'm willing to pay as soon as the studios get their acts together and make it available to me, but you're right if the terms are too restrictive I won't bother buying online, either.


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  • Reventon
    Aug 1, 09:01 PM
    My screen shot, which is of course from the ending battle between the Enterprise and the Reliant in Star Trek II.

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  • AhmedFaisal
    Apr 13, 07:15 PM
    where did i infer that blacks using the word was acceptable?

    The way you wrote it kinda implies it... (bold emphasis mine below).

    but yeah if a white person called me a n word i'd be mad so the same applies here.


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  • Hisdem
    Apr 14, 05:53 PM
    You have no idea, I would put more into a car than I would a relationship.

    /inb4 maybethatswhyyouveneverhadagirlfriend

    Story of my life.

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  • Ja Di ksw
    Mar 27, 06:55 PM
    Has anyone picked up the DS version of Puzzle Quest? If so, what do you think?


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  • xolmusic
    Dec 28, 03:33 PM
    Is there a way to tell if my imacg5 has ever had a re-install of its operating system.

    I'm curious to know how many times it has been re-installed?

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  • E.Lizardo
    Nov 19, 08:48 PM
    A mystery!
    Come Watson!The game is afoot!


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  • likemyorbs
    Mar 16, 06:05 PM
    Remind us all why murder is a crime in the first place?

    Because an innocent person is being killed (usually). Yes i know it has happened in the past with the death penalty, which is why i only support the death penalty in cases where there is no possible chance of innocence.

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  • sad love quotes from songs.

  • Macintosheux
    May 1, 06:56 AM
    why would the file be "Untitled"?
    (is this even shot in Lion?)

    I'm the one who found it. It's the following file:

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  • Quotes about Pain - Quotes on

  • MDiddy
    Jun 15, 09:44 AM

    That's awesome�Just curious what part of the country are you getting it shipped?

    Mar 31, 11:46 AM
    This isn't supposed to happen

    The iPad isn't a "serious" computer. It's just a toy.
    I'm guessing this is sarcasm.

    It is a toy. You can't seriously think that professionals are going to depend on Photoshop for iPad and throw away their computer can you? That's like throwing away your computer because GarageBand is also available on the iPad, and attempting to produce an album on an iPad. Impossible.

    No matter what Steve says, it is a toy! I think it is brilliant you can do these things on such a simple product for the average user, but they are nothing more than for... the average user.

    Sep 24, 03:33 PM
    when i was a senior in high school i slept over my GF house but it was a bunch of people... if their friends are gonna be their yes, but if it just the too of them and their parents aren't home.... then nope i wouldn't....
    at least he told you truthfully that he wants to sleep over his GF house, instead of saying he's sleeping over one of his friends house....
    Did he give a reason why he wants to... Ie they are going to a club and are going to be home late

    Jan 9, 04:54 PM
    *spoilers within*

    Keynote now up for your consumption:

    DAMN u got here before me

    Mar 20, 05:02 PM
    I'm from the UK, where capital punishement was abolished in 1969.

    I'm not trying to be picky, but I thought you might be interested to know that the death penalty was suspended in 1965, abolished for murder in 1969 and abolished totally in 1998. However, the last execution was in 1964.

    Here in the UK we would love capital punishement to be reintroduced, a life for a life as they say.

    Not sure where you got that from, I think you may be projecting? Did you know every Parliament from 1965 to 1997 had a free vote on capital punishment and always voted against it? If there was a public referendum I think it would be pretty close. However, the UK can't reintroduce the death penalty without withdrawing from the EU and the Human Rights Convention, so no Government would risk a vote on something that isn't a massive public issue.

    Most murders are in defence or panic, also a lot of pre-planned.

    This is where the public perception is quite wrong. In the UK you must cause the death of another, which is obvious. However, your state of mind is what people do not understand. In the UK you do not have to intend to kill someone to be convicted of murder, you can intend to cause GBH and be convicted. The majority of murders are convicted on the basis of intent to cause GBH. The offender never intended to kill someone, they only intended to cause serious harm. Although people convicted of murder are not usually nice people, they are not usually the monsters people imagine (family member works for Probation Service).

    Real case- man stabs women in non-vital area. Women would almost certainly have survived, but she was a Jehovah's Witness and refused a blood transfusion. The man was found guilty or murder- he caused the death and intended to cause serious harm.

    Real case- man chases wife out of house intending to harm her. Wife has heart condition that was undiagnosed and had a heart attack in the road outside the house. Husband guilty of murder.

    Taking the above examples, clearly these two were unpleasant people to say the least, but do they deserve the death penalty?

    Here in the UK the law is fail, 2 years for killing someone. No common sense here in the UK. :mad:

    Murder comes with a mandatory life sentence in the UK. The judge sets the minimum term before parol can be considered. The average lifer spends about 16 years in prison- bear in mind most lifers never intended to kill anyone. But remember- life does mean life despite what the tabloids say. The Probation Service meets with the offender for the rest of their life and assesses their risk. They cannot go abroad of move house without permission. If they commit any crime they can be recalled to prison.

    (Also why I don't believe in the "life should mean life" argument. The ability to monitor people for the rest of their lives once released is very beneficial.)

    Jan 9, 03:37 PM
    The keynote was terrible.

    It's called "MacWorld" yet there was nothing in there about the mac. Just this little toy that dosn't really interest me that much called the "iPhone" and the "Apple TV".

    I completely agree. I'm really wanting them to put up the video stream of the keynote so I can see if MacRumors had it right when they put this on the live coverage feed:

    9:18 am we're only talking about the mac today

    If Steve really said that, it's a flat out LIE. Nothing was about the Mac, except for devices that can interact with them. When I saw that, I just knew leopard and speed bumped Macs were just moments away.

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