Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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  • bella92108
    Apr 1, 01:31 PM
    I am a big fan of the technology brought into the world by TiVo and ReplayTV, but TiVo has been one of the most amazingly horribly run companies I have ever seen. I am shocked they are still in business...and I guess they can thank Dish for that...

    Wow... first I've EVER heard someone say a TV\Satellite Provider's DVR doesn't suck. I got rid of DirecTV cause their DVR sucked.

    I went to Comcast, and had a Tivo Series 3 then now a Premier, and you'd have to pry this thing out of my cold dead hands. Tivo is arrogant, like Apple, but can be so because they have a quality product that no competitor touches.

    You have your opinion, but anyone with a Tivo would disagree, lol, and you shouldn't be surprised their out of business because people love them, just to clue you in, hehe

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  • rasmasyean
    Apr 30, 10:48 PM
    Hum, you do understand all those big financial institutions and banks don't actually use Windows server for their big enterprise level CRMs and other important packages right ?

    Unix and Linux are used for way more than just "web server". Maybe you should try working 1 day in IT before you talk about IT. ;)

    Of course, you probably don't want to hear the truth and wouldn't accept it anyhow, keep believing in Windows' importance because that's what you see on the desktop, I'll keep working on real OSes in my cushy IT job far away from anything made by Redmond.


    IDC: Windows dominates Linux in servers, not just the desktop
    Windows beats Linux when it comes to servers by well over a three-to-one margin, as it has for at least a year.

    IDC: Windows Server dominates server revenue for Q4 2010
    IDC reports Windows Server has increased its market share by revenue to 42.1%, , far ahead of its nearest rival, Unix, at 25.6% and Linux at 17%.
    IDC notes that Microsoft Windows server demand was positively impacted by the x86 server market refresh as hardware revenue increased 16.8% year over year.
    Windows servers generated Quarterly revenue of $6.3 billion for represented 42.1% of overall quarterly factory revenue from the shipment of 1.5 million servers, the highest quarterly total ever reported for Windows servers.

    Don't presume just because you have an "IT job in unix or whatever", that everyone else who doesn't work at your company is a computer idiot. Not that this has any impact on "IDC research" but I've actually worked with languages from PL/1 (that is...Programming Language One!) up to .NET. And I can tell you that most of these "Windows bashing / Linux conquest rhetorics" are only taken up by actual computer idiots who just follow one side of hype...or college kids (who at least don't know any better...yet). Go to a REAL computer forum like Ars Technica and see what they think of "enterprise Macs" there. ;)

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  • springscansing
    May 6, 01:29 AM
    Originally posted by Rower_CPU
    Chill out, springscansing. Either this guy is a troll, and not worth it, or he's actually looking for discussion and not a flamefest.

    Give him a chance.

    Must bash troll, must bash troll!

    Honestly, just looking for something to do while I debug this stupid ass program. Takes about 5 minutes between results, so I get boredish.

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  • Xavier
    Mar 23, 07:35 PM
    Military buys Apple..

    Apple becomes even more secret, like delta force


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  • geerlingguy
    Sep 25, 10:04 AM
    how many of us actually care much about aperture...?

    Tally me in the 'I care' crowd as well.

    If the student price were $99, I could buy it in a heartbeat... but it's so close that I'm trying to find a way to get it.

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  • eternlgladiator
    Feb 23, 03:45 PM
    oooo high as pos please. was thinking dvd screen shot but it looks pants.

    I chopped the guy out and scaled it up on photoshop to 1920x1200. It doesn't look terrible and you can't really tell there was a person in it. My photoshop skills are a little lacking since I haven't had formal training in about 3 years and am not familiar with all the new stuff it can do. Do you know how I can post a picture on the forum from my computer or do you want to email me? my macrumors name @ gmail


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  • skeep5
    Oct 6, 10:45 AM
    not going to happen move along people

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  • lmalave
    Oct 16, 10:47 PM
    picture the 80gb ipod, in its current form factor.... that slides down like the LG Chocolate does, to expose a full qwerty keyboard... sweet

    Hmm...I have a feeling both the iPhone and iPhone Pro will be flash-based though. But I think you're right they will both be slider phones. I think the iPhone "slim" phone will basically be like a shorter, wider iPod nano with a slightly larger screen and a slide-out keyboard - so it will be about twice the thickness of a nano. The larger iPhone Pro will be like a narrower iPod, maybe with a portrait screen orientation instead of landscape, and will again have a slide-out keyboard. I expect that the iPhone will have something like 2 GB and the iPhone Pro something like 4 GB or even 8 GB. I would be pleasantly surprised if either of these models had any expandable storage, but I doubt it. I think they will initially launch without expandable storage, and then add it later in the second generation of iPhones...


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  • shadowfax0
    Sep 14, 11:57 PM
    For everyone ccmplaiing about speed, go here:

    This is Sun's highest-end workstation, it runs with 2x1020 MHz processors. Also, Sun chips are based on RISC.

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  • Jamo12
    Mar 26, 04:55 PM
    I agree with others. This is page 1 content for sure.

    This supports my theory that all this Google - Apple hate is manufactured to throw off the authorities who were starting to investigate their close ties last year. They both need each other.

    Neither of them really need each other too much... Google could do perfectly fine without Apple.


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  • MacCoaster
    Sep 20, 05:50 PM
    Originally posted by dricci
    P4s can't go Dual. It's sorta like the G3, it's just not designed to do that. It wouldn't work.
    That is what the Pentium 4 XEON is for. So yes, P4s can go dual, in the Xeon configuration.

    Edit: Hell, it can do 4-way or more. Quad G4 Macs? In your dreams...

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  • SuperCachetes
    Apr 5, 11:48 AM
    Based completely on wear-and-tear on highways I still say that a gas tax is unfair. And this is why the the US is struggling for tax dollars to fund highway repair and upgrade projects these days.

    What I think is unfair is adding cost to my efficient and light-on-its-feet vehicle to incorporate mileage-tracking capability, making me track my own mileage, or both. And I wouldn't be real enthused about creating additional government authority and/or departments to track this crap.

    A tax that is weighted unfairly against some segment of the population is hardly new. Gasoline is already taxed, already metered, and using less of it is a good thing, even if its use does not proportionally relate to wear-and-tear on roads. If I don't like the price of gas, I'll drive less, or buy a smaller car - both of which, as others have said, will reduce the damage to the roads I travel on.


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  • Huntn
    Mar 27, 08:37 AM
    So when everyone buys hybrids and the gas tax revenue dries up we will be forced to pay for how far we drive.

    Put a tax on electricity that will cover electric automobiles and general energy usage.

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  • ChrisA
    Oct 26, 02:12 PM
    I wish there was something like a reverse-rosetta.

    There is. It is called "QEMU" It is free and Open Source.
    On your G5/G4 processor you can
    emulate the following Intel x86, ARM, SPARC, MIPS and Power PC.
    The first of these is what you asked for. This is more like "Parallels"
    than rosetta.

    See here for detail


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  • zimv20
    May 23, 04:49 PM
    aw, crap. now i gotta get tiger.

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  • Compufix
    Sep 28, 01:18 PM
    So as a new MB user, in which everything works fine so far, this update means nothing to me?

    first off, WELCOME...second off, just an FYI, all Mac users are required by law to be excited about every update the comes along, and should rush out on a drop of a dime to install it. It's just something you have to do, or your membership to the Mac community gets revoked. 8-)

    All joking aside.....I really wish support for Blackberry 7130e as a USB modem would be built in. I have the Verizon software for Windows....and the Mac version (made for Verizon by Smith Micro) does not support the Blackberry yet 8(

    I gotta boot into Windows or use Parrallels...yech...


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  • ellyka112
    Nov 21, 03:11 AM
    Good luck to that kid. He'll need it seeing Apple's recent track record with cases like this.

    Lam's success has not gone unnoticed, however, as he has now received a letter from a purported private investigator claiming that Lam is trafficking in stolen goods. Lam intends to secure the services of a lawyer to defend himself against any possible action.

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  • dscuber9000
    Apr 7, 11:23 PM
    Yeah, I really don't understand the move to kill planned parenthood. Any way you look at it, killing it would lead to more unwanted pregnancies... which is probably a big contributor to abortions. :p

    I think Republicans just have this weird vision for America where everyone is capable and responsible. We're not. So we need planned parenthood.

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  • AHDuke99
    Oct 29, 03:33 PM
    This demonstrates that Adobe is a bunch of morons. If they listened to Apple and used xCode they could click one button and produce a universal binary.

    Perhaps Adobe writes ****** software that isn't engineered to be platform independant.

    it isn't that simple, especially if their code is as outdated as i've been reading it is. hell, i am working with the poisoned p2p developers and even we are having trouble making it a universal binary. it involves much more than just clikcing a box in most cases.

    Feb 19, 03:18 AM
    I am thinner than Steve Jobs. How long do I have left?

    You're already dead. You only appear on forums. Go run naked in the streets. No one will able to see you. ;)

    May 6, 10:30 PM
    Based on Apple's vascilating attitude over the last year, I'm taking a wait and see position.

    I'm very happy to witness their success, yet it's too bad they've chosen to dampen what should be a great celebration, by acting as though they've got to go on the attack with law suits.

    In the last year they've launched more suits than any other company in the industry.

    Acting insecure does not become them.

    Jan 7, 12:18 PM
    still waiting for facebook to sync actual information like phone numbers and email addresses... now that would be handy!

    Palm pre does this right outa the box

    Apr 6, 05:38 PM
    It would encourage efficiency massively

    And a paucity of lawyers holding public office.

    Apr 12, 12:50 PM
    When I check for updates in outlook it tells me 'no updates available' ... oh well, downloading it now directly from the webpage linked in the article.

    don't care

    page and keynote still rock

    Why do you than bother reading the article and spend the extra time commenting on it :confused: :confused: :confused:

    A little off topic, but question for those who need Office software, and also run Parallels/Fusion: Do you prefer Office For Mac, or do you prefer to run "regular" Office in Parallels/Fusion? Thanks.

    I prefer running it on the Mac - main reason: I don't run Parallels all the time - only when I have to develop windows stuff, otherwise it's always turned off (less used memory)

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