Wednesday, June 1, 2011

proof justin bieber is gay

proof justin bieber is gay. justin bieber is gay see
  • justin bieber is gay see

  • 0815
    Apr 13, 11:45 AM
    Can you guys answer 1 question for me?

    When the next iPhone does come out how will iPhone 4 Verizon customers be able to upgrade? Do you think that Verizon and AT&T will work out an early upgrade for them?

    Or do you think people who want the iPhone on Verizon will have already waited for the 5.

    There is no need to update your phone every year - updating every other year is just fine. People who really want to have the latest every year or so will have to pay the price for it. People buying the iPhone4 on Verizon were very well aware that the model might be outdated before the end of the year and still bought it knowing that - they probably don't plan getting the iPhone5 right away or were at least aware that this won't happen on a discounted price.

    proof justin bieber is gay. justin bieber is gay see
  • justin bieber is gay see

  • Lacero
    Feb 15, 10:05 AM
    This thread getting out of hand and off-course, me thinks.

    proof justin bieber is gay. justin bieber pics 2010.
  • justin bieber pics 2010.

  • someone28624
    May 3, 09:23 PM
    Platelet donations take longer than blood donations (at least an hour longer in most cases). You can donate platelets much more often because your body regenerates them so quickly, in a matter of days instead of months. Some people feel temporarily light-headed after donating blood, which is why they insist that you rest and have a snack afterwards. That happens less often with platelet donations.

    One thing I didn't know until recently: A lot of donation centers encourage platelet donation because platelets have a shorter shelf life than whole blood and supplies can easily run low. But if your blood type is O negative (you're a "universal donor") and you volunteer to donate platelets, they'll likely ask you to donate blood instead!

    Where I work our blood center does double-donations. You can donate blood and platelets at the same time. I'm not eligible to donate platelets because I'm diabetic and they use an anticoagulant in the platelet donation that is dextrose based. We run out of platelets fairly commonly, but I've never seen us run out of blood.

    proof justin bieber is gay. justin bieber is gay proof.
  • justin bieber is gay proof.

  • *LTD*
    Apr 27, 01:19 PM
    It was funny to me when this started and people were talking about jailbreaking and making it so this file could not be written.

    People were actually willing to make their phones not work properly because of their ignorance and paranoia.

    By the way I missing the part were Jobs said this was an oversight on Apple's part. From the part quoted here, it essentially says, working as intended.

    The issue is being deliberately overblown. There are a myriad other ways people are and have been "tracked". In this case, there isn't even any tracking going on, and the info that is stored WILL HAVE ZERO EFFECT ON THE AVERAGE USER. That's the kicker. It doesn't really affect anyone materially, tangibly, practically. But it *hints* that somewhere, somehow, there's a log indicating you were in the vicinity of certain cell phone towers. Which is about as worrisome as HR at work logging your hours!

    The info is practically useless in terms of actually "tracking" your exact position, but so long as there is a snowball's chance of misconstruing it, a bunch of idiots *will* misconstrue it . . . because they're sick and tired of Apple showing up the rest of the industry as retards, and Apple users announcing the same. We have a group of tech geeks here who think everyone is equal, every device is wonderful and has its place, and every company should play fair with each other. So they come out and try to equalize everything and downplay enthusiasm they deem as inappropriate. It's hilarious.


    proof justin bieber is gay. justin bieber is gay proof.
  • justin bieber is gay proof.

  • miles01110
    Dec 22, 09:14 AM
    Some people obviously don't know the cost of staff downtime. Each day, how much longer does it take windows computer to boot up than a Mac? Minutes longer. Add that up over every single work day. Then add the anti-virus scans, annoying pop ups, etc.

    Sure, a Windows machine might take longer to boot than a Mac. But realistically, in a normal office environment computers are left running. This particular point is pretty much moot.

    I just saw someone spending 4 hours on the phone with issues of the accounting software not working on windows 7.

    Yes, because clearly one data point indicates an industry-wide trend. Check the boards for Applecare horror stories, and those stories are from Apple's target market. Imagine what a nightmare it is when your business depends on uptime and you're told "yeah sorry... you have a small nick on the chassis so we won't replace it."

    And it turned out to be the anti-virus, after half a day was wasted (and maybe an hour of my time too). That would have bought a Mac Mini or a new MacBook Air, which can run the same software with ease without security conflicts.

    The typical argument of the fanboy... security. Security is a user problem, not a technical problem. I've yet to meet one properly trained employee that has gotten malware on their Windows machine.

    Perhaps if you'd like to participate in this discussion further you would consider grounding yourself in reality (and/or subject matter knowledge). Clearly you're in over your head.

    Since doing a little more research into it and taking the comments on this forum into account I have changed my opinion on whether or not macs should form part of our IT infrastructure.

    It's not so much that Macs do not fit at all into an enterprise environment, it's just that you've made it seem like your entire supply chain, user training, SLA network, etc etc are all geared towards Windows. It doesn't make sense to throw another cog into that system.

    I currently have enough trouble simply trying to ensure compatibility between Excel '07 files and Excel '03. Adding Excel for Mac files into the mix will no doubt simply introduce another layer of complexity which is certainly not beneficial. This is indicative of many of the 'small' problems that are typically faced every day in the office, again, no thank you to having any more of those.

    Annoying, isn't it? Microsoft certainly isn't perfect.

    I spend all day writing reports, specifications, data sheets, e-mails to clients and suppliers etc. All of which require dotting every I and crossing every T from a grammar point of view.

    I certainly hope so, but I doubt it. The possessive apostrophe is pretty elementary. Just be careful when you start getting calls from Mac's Computer Hardware.

    proof justin bieber is gay. proof justin bieber is gay.
  • proof justin bieber is gay.

  • phil1995
    Apr 17, 06:50 PM
    I have one of the newer mac mini's (server) with the HDMI out port on it. I am using the machine as a home theatre pc.

    Friday night I rented a HD movie from Itunes and attempted to play it on my 50 inch plasma. I received the message that my display is not HDCP compliant and that I could not play the vidoe.

    I looked up the specs on my Samsung PN50A650 and found the following statement about HDCP that states the display is HDCP compatible. The only other issue that may come into play, was that I had my EyeTV HD recorded plugged in at the time, I disconnected the device, but the video still did not play.

    Does anyone know why I can not display the HDCP media? Is there a test file I can use for troubleshooting since the rental has expired? (Apple refunded my money by the way)

    What is HDMI?
    � HDMI, or high-definition multimedia interface, is an interface that enables the
    transmission of digital audio and video signals using a single cable.
    � The difference between HDMI and DVI is that the HDMI device is smaller in size and
    has the HDCP (High Bandwidth Digital Copy Protection) coding feature installed.
    ➢ Each DVD Player or Cable Box / Satellite receiver (Set-Top Box) has a different
    back panel configuration.
    ➢ The TV may not output sound and pictures may be displayed with abnormal color
    when DVD Player or Cable Box / Satellite receivers supporting HDMI versions
    older than 1.3 are connected. When connecting an older HDMI cable and there
    is no sound, connect the HDMI cable to the HDMI IN 2 jack and the audio cables
    to the DVI IN (HDMI2) [R-AUDIO-L] jacks on the back of the TV. If this happens,
    contact the company that provided the DVD Player or Cable Box / Satellite receiver
    to confirm the HDMI version, then request an upgrade.
    ➢ HDMI cables that are not 1.3 may cause annoying flicker or no screen display.


    proof justin bieber is gay. PROOF!!! JUSTIN BIEBER CAUGHT

  • Coffee87
    Feb 2, 10:53 AM
    I use TunesArt ( It's an iTunes plugin that lets you know what song is currently playing and can fetch up lyrics automatically. It can do a lot more too.

    Awesome! Thanks.

    proof justin bieber is gay. proof justin bieber is gay.
  • proof justin bieber is gay.

  • k1121j
    May 1, 11:29 AM
    all i know if they let you store video and music they better offer gobs of space or it wont work for me i have Well over 500 GB of iTunes purchases and my total media lib it nearing 2TB i would pay for this service if it offers streaming... after a recent close call with my Drobo and thanks to apple to letting me redownload all my purchases from the dawn of time i lost only a few hundred GB of data however my main machine is an iMac that has a 3TB drive and backing up to my drobo after i hit 3TB i dont know what to do or where to store it all and back it up.
    is anyone else running in to this problem


    proof justin bieber is gay. Justin Bieber Is Gay See Proof. justin bieber baby song girl. justin bieber baby song girl. c-Row. Nov 23, 12:03 PM. A Charlie Brown Christmas (Vince
  • Justin Bieber Is Gay See Proof. justin bieber baby song girl. justin bieber baby song girl. c-Row. Nov 23, 12:03 PM. A Charlie Brown Christmas (Vince

  • poppe
    Aug 4, 06:29 PM
    Yes, I can... and that would be awesome! It's nice that you can connect your iPod to the car stereo (if it has a line-in), but just another expensive gadget you need to carry around all the time and overall very expensive. Since years I am waiting for a car stereo that is capable of using SD or CF cards. MP3 playback from CDs is already no issue anymore since years. When the next logical step is finally coming?

    Yup,... it is yesterday's technology on steroids...


    I know Radio about 3 years ago had a memory stick option, but it never caught on...

    proof justin bieber is gay. justin bieber gay proof. justin bieber is gay. see; justin bieber is gay. see. newyorksole. Apr 11, 02:52 PM. Honestly, I don#39;t mind waiting.
  • justin bieber gay proof. justin bieber is gay. see; justin bieber is gay. see. newyorksole. Apr 11, 02:52 PM. Honestly, I don#39;t mind waiting.

  • Dalriada
    Oct 1, 07:42 AM
    Really great news... can't wait to run iNotes from home for office access rather than using that old webmail interface.... :D


    proof justin bieber is gay. proof justin bieber is gay.
  • proof justin bieber is gay.

  • jsf8x
    Aug 17, 11:01 AM

    proof justin bieber is gay. justin bieber gay proof.
  • justin bieber gay proof.

  • Cougarcat
    Mar 25, 11:34 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8F190)

    I'm just wondering when they're going to unveil it! If I'm not mistaken, March/April is usually the announcement period, with a launch in June-July.

    They haven't announced anything yet, which either means that they're working on something HUGE, or it's behind schedule

    I've been thinking about that: remember when there were rumors of OS X delays because the Mac team was pulled onto the iOS team in order to get 3.0 out? I'm wondering if the opposite is happening now - the iOS team has been pulled onto the Lion team in order to get Lion ready for a summer launch. This could be the reason we're not hearing much about iOS 5.

    Patience. We didn't hear much if anything about iOS 4 this time last year. It was announced in April.

    Anyways, if they add turn-by-turn, bike routes, and remove the awful need for "calibration" (I expect this needs an improvement in the GPS hardware?) I'll be thrilled.


    proof justin bieber is gay. proof justin bieber is gay.
  • proof justin bieber is gay.

  • newteker
    Jun 1, 07:17 PM
    My avatar :)

    proof justin bieber is gay. justin bieber gay proof.
  • justin bieber gay proof.

  • patrickdunn
    Jun 18, 10:32 PM
    Anybody going to Apple or AT&T in the 29th street mall in Boulder? I am thinking about going to Starbucks or McDonalds next door to play with my new phone in the AM. I'll be at AT&T at 6:30.

    Also, would anybody be willing to let me use their Mac/PC to activate my 3G if AT&T does not do it in-store for me?

    Well see you out there!!


    proof justin bieber is gay. proof justin bieber is gay.
  • proof justin bieber is gay.

  • skunk
    Apr 5, 05:21 PM
    How we appear should never be a criterion for how we are treated under law. Justice is supposed to be blind.

    proof justin bieber is gay. Justin Bieber Is Gay Proof.
  • Justin Bieber Is Gay Proof.

  • DocNYz
    Mar 25, 11:26 AM (

    As noticed by 9 to 5 Mac (, Apple has posted a new job listing ( for an iOS Maps Application Developer who can help "radically improve" the Maps application and other location-based services.The posting is reminiscent of a late 2009 ( job listing looking for a candidate to help "take Maps to the next level". Apple has also beefed up its maps, navigation and location-based services capabilities with the acquisition of Placebase ( and Poly9 ( over the past couple of years. Combining those acquisitions with the moving of location services in-house ( last year and other job postings ( for navigation-related positions, it certainly appears that Apple is making a full-scale push into the area.

    From the very beginning, Apple has relied on Google's technology for maps and location-based services on iOS devices. But as relations between the two companies have soured among increasing competitiveness in mobile devices, Apple is clearly trying to distance itself from Google somewhat by developing its own unique offerings.

    Article Link: Apple Still Seeking to 'Radically Improve' Maps for iOS (

    I seriously had a dream last night that maps was updated to 3D and you could use the gyroscope etc to fly through optional routes before chosing which one to take ahha.


    proof justin bieber is gay. justin bieber gay proof.
  • justin bieber gay proof.

  • JimEJr
    Apr 20, 03:21 PM
    Android OS devices were as a group moving full steam ahead due to VZW not having the iPhone. But, we're already seeing the Android surge slow some as VZW customers that were buying Android devices simply to have the closest thing to an iPhone no longer need to make such a compromise AND Android based tablets are falling well short of expectations...even various Android-favoring blogs are admitting such. I don't think that means Android is in trouble, I just think that Android is not going to crush iOS like some thought 3-9 months ago. What will be interesting are results from VZW for a full quarter with the iPhone and the next two years as existing customers with Android devices are due for upgrades...what will they choose.

    Apple clearly has the momentum still and to their benefit they are slowly and strategically working all screens...handheld, tablet, computer, portable gaming, console gaming and living room. iOS apps coming to Macs in just a few months. I think it is widely expected that we will soon be seeing an Apple TV refresh or a "full" Apple engineered TV with iOS app capabilities.

    As newbies to Apple, and especially iOS, really hone in on being able to buy an app once and run on all these, or at least more than one, screen, the attractiveness of Android will diminish. Google certainly has the resources to likewise compete...but will they? I think Amazon can too, if they want to. Facebook shouldn't even FB phone, please! Time will tell.

    proof justin bieber is gay. Justin Bieber Gay Proof.
  • Justin Bieber Gay Proof.

  • dlf1wayout
    May 5, 01:53 AM
    May 5, 2011

    I initially admit that I am a genuine, bonafide Magic Mouse un-coordinated user or retard. I’m habitually right-clicking with my Magic Mouse on matters that I meant to be left-clicking on; and had even thought, (w/o looking) that I was left-clicking accurately on. Until the pesky, tell-tale, rectangular dialog box appears on my Mac mini, flat-screen desktop ... Informing me immediately that I just screwed up again and right-clicked where I thought that I was left-clicking. It’s obviously a Magic Mouse disorientation issue, and it’s up to me or my action to resolve it. And that is what I end up always scolding myself with, because I hadn’t first felt for the mouse’s side edge to secure an accurate click. Well this ‘my bad’ self-denigration flogging is over! ‘It’s not just mine alone spaz condition to blame!’ is my claim. There is an obvious void, error or design flaw of the hollowed Magic Mouse ~ that I beg to share in responsibility along with my personal malfunctions. Doy! The humpbacked, Apple Magic Mouse simply doesn’t even have a right-click/left-click divider or embossed spine on it at all, which is the obvious, inherent problem. Such as PC mice have always had, haven’t they? So I’ve do-it-yourself, (or done-it-myself) solved it by merely cutting a precise three-sixteenth inch, slightly-tapered sliver of black (my preference entirely) duct tape approximately 2” long and have successfully adhered it into it’s pre-determined, center position, (like cleavage), to achieve a resounding, accoladed victory!

    My summation is that the spineless Apple Magic Mouse is not for everyone. But can be easily and inexpensively remedied to be so!

    Thank you,

    proof justin bieber is gay. proof justin bieber is gay.
  • proof justin bieber is gay.

  • CFreymarc
    Nov 29, 08:18 PM
    I'm sure TJMax is rethinking how brilliant their idea is. But is it really illegal? What can Apple do?

    Not much. If T.J. Maxx or other outfits or private individuals buy any product at retail price, they own it. Under Federal Trade Law, there are very little resale restrictions. Also, you can sell it for any price your want, that is as a profit or a loss. T. J. Maxx did a classic loss lead to get traffic into their stores from the iPad "sale." I say it is legal IMO.

    Sep 27, 08:07 AM
    Well, finally Apple has the only option for my web mail needs.

    Less then $499 a year
    No stinking contextual ads
    IMAP and POP access
    Drag and Drop functionality
    Inline Image support
    Digital Signatures
    Able to Label Mail
    Email Encryption
    No Banner Ads
    Slick Interface
    Helps Support AAPL stock

    Feb 25, 02:57 AM
    What exactly are you using to generate this "sound"? Mainstage can use any AU plugin so a bit more information is needed to help you out.


    May 3, 12:47 AM
    I have a 250gb Seagate Free Agent Go Flex drive ... I was just wondering when they would launch the thunderbolt adapter and would i then be able to use that drive for time machine? with thunderbolt speeds?

    I have the 1.5TB model and I've also been wondering if/when they would launch the Thunderbolt adapter. Although I already use mine for time machine.

    Dec 4, 09:51 AM
    Mine.. well, for like a few more days:

    snatched it from here (

    omg that's so hot. ...what the hell is it? :confused:

    Nothing special, only amateurish version what is depicted in next links:

    Only difference is that 3d-virtual reality program is my own.

    Dec 25, 06:53 PM
    I still have much more to do... but have to wait until later today. Love lurking threads like these, and figured I'd post my haul so far... :)

    It is good to see you have the most important game there, Golden Eye!!

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